Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I remember Todd and big Paul talking about how there's no difference from way back, and them clowning on whoever is willing to pay 30k on serostim unless you know anyone with aids who is willing to part with their supply.

I didn't watch the video but is Chase selling serostim now or shilling his source on his discord group?
I'm 99% sure that he gets a cut of his source's serostim and genotropin sales. I mentioned in a comment below one of his Vids a while back that he's selling the stuff and he replied back with no refute to that statement.
18iu of Serostim before bed is the standard prescribed amount

Wasting HIV patients (4-6 mg GH daily) versus Mr 3000 mg of testosterone weekly on same GH dose. The former is probably producing endogenous testosterone <70 mg weekly.

Mixed findings on cancer outcomes with GH deficient adults treated with <1 mg/d GH. Source:

40x testosterone exposure + 12x GH exposure, with no end in sight.

Reckless in the eyes of harm reduction MESO, but he has other priorities higher than personal harm reduction.

Wasting HIV patients (4-6 mg GH daily) versus Mr 3000 mg of testosterone weekly on same GH dose. The former is probably producing endogenous testosterone <70 mg weekly.

Mixed findings on cancer outcomes with GH deficient adults treated with <1 mg/d GH. Source:

40x testosterone exposure + 12x GH exposure, with no end in sight.

Reckless in the eyes of harm reduction MESO, but he has other priorities higher than personal harm reduction.

What is he risking? It would be worse to not take any gear and hit a fast food drive-thru on the daily.
not trying to be a dick but name one pro bodybuilder who has used 3 grams of test. name one guy.
I'd need to locate the exact YouTube video, but I recall it was one of Boston Lloyd's features on RX Muscle. The discussion centered around Nasir, and they mentioned him taking 300mg of Test E daily along with various other compounds.

What bothers me most is that this information is available, yet instances of dose shaming, like what you're doing, are precisely why individuals hesitate to disclose their actual dosages.
Im not saying that this dude doesnt know how to bodybuild. All im saying is its fucking reckless what hes doing and young guys who dont understand how to train and eat properly chances are they dont look good and they think that using stupid amounts of gear will help and all they need is a reason and this chase dude will be that reason to start pushing drugs hard when they have no idea how to train or eat. Its reckelss and dangerous to do what chase irons is doing and that guy needs to really evaluate his life and what hes doing. Is he even a pro? I mean fuck is the dude wants to run tons of gear then i dont give a fuck but when you put it out there online when you have people who follow you that is reckless. That isnt bodybuilding.. Bodybuilding is hard training and hard dieting for long peroids of time. Gear is just the icing on the cake it is not what bodybuilding is supposed to be about. Why did we all get into this? Because we love to train. At its core bodybuildling is about training.
Are you kidding? Haven't you noticed the countless youngsters on TikTok and Instagram discussing the "tren challenge," or have you not tuned in to the TrenTwins? Chase is currently delivering the most precise and safe information on the internet. Perhaps consider finding a new hobby because you're clearly pointing fingers at the wrong individual. Personally, I'd be more influenced to use additional gear due to the TrenTwins than because of Chase.
bro you know hes being reckless with his gear
I came across a revelation, possibly from Boston, sharing one of Nick's texts mentioning his use of 30IU of HGH daily. Considering the additional substances he's likely on, Chase doesn't seem as extreme. Let's be frank and ponder why this concerns you so deeply. You come across as someone who wants to rescue downtown strippers for a better life, advocating for people's drug choices seems equally wild.
not trying to be a dick but name one pro bodybuilder who has used 3 grams of test. name one guy.

Fouad Abiad slipped in an interview and says for TRT he doesn't feel anything on 500 mg. That's for an off-cycle cruise TRT dose.

So his TRT dose is higher than 500 mg. How much do people blast relative to TRT dose? 4-6x?

3000 mg/wk is not an unreasonable guess in this context.

300mg of Test E

Also gotta factor in that many guys now talk about grams of gear per week. So maybe only 300 mg Testosterone, but loads of other gear. Masteron, deca, EQ, etc.

Are we talking about total grams of gear per week or only grams of testosterone specifically (regardless of other gear use).
Fouad Abiad slipped in an interview and says for TRT he doesn't feel anything on 500 mg. That's for an off-cycle cruise TRT dose.

So his TRT dose is higher than 500 mg. How much do people blast relative to TRT dose? 4-6x?

3000 mg/wk is not an unreasonable guess in this context.

During an interview, a doctor mentioned a study conducted in the EU, where participants used 800mg for TRT, and all their labs returned excellent results. I'll locate the specific podcast or, at the very least, begin documenting and time-stamping valuable information in the podcasts I come across. This will be a practice moving forward.
Also gotta factor in that many guys now talk about grams of gear per week. So maybe only 300 mg Testosterone, but loads of other gear. Masteron, deca, EQ, etc.

Are we talking about total grams of gear per week or only grams of testosterone specifically (regardless of other gear use).
I'd rather not repeat the exact words and risk someone jumping to conclusions. Taking 300mg of Test E daily seemed modest in comparison to the other compounds discussed, like the mention of 200mg of Anadrol daily. There must be someone else in this discussion who recalls that interview, or I can take the time to track it down if needed.
I'm guessing some of you guys are too young to remember gh 15, but chase and most of the older influencers say 40-50s have survived following the cycle protocols from those days. And yep, high dose tren was advocated during those years.

So, whatever their doing is probably tame or on par of what they were experimenting with back then.
I'm guessing some of you guys are too young to remember gh 15, but chase and most of the older influencers say 40-50s have survived following the cycle protocols from those days. And yep, high dose tren was advocated during those years.

So, whatever their doing is probably tame or on par of what they were experimenting with back then.
Yeah, I recall someone pushing it to 5 grams a week, quite extreme. Check out Vigorous Steve's tren videos for more insight on this, the bald guy who discusses similar topics.

Oh, and there's this podcast by Monster (Dave Crosland) in the UK on YouTube; he mentions he likes running tren at 2 grams a week.

I came across a revelation, possibly from Boston, sharing one of Nick's texts mentioning his use of 30IU of HGH daily. Considering the additional substances he's likely on, Chase doesn't seem as extreme. Let's be frank and ponder why this concerns you so deeply. You come across as someone who wants to rescue downtown strippers for a better life, advocating for people's drug choices seems equally wild.
haha i dont give a fuck what anyone does for a cycle but when hes posting it online and beginners probably see it thinking thats what you do that shit bothers me. Its like if you want to run 5grams of gear thats cool but dont share it with the public. especially if you have a big following. just my opinion.

also I love strippers