Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
I can't edit but to clarify it's 4-6 months not 46 months lol
Fair enough.

I live the lifestyle year round and don't cheat much on my diet, even in a full off-season.

When I am in the offseason I need to EAT to grow and usually I have zero appetite after the meals for the day are in. I have an easier time in a cut than a bulk, I'm always too stuffed to want any junk
Yeah when ive been pushing food for a couple months straight like force feeding pretty much all my meals that shit gets tough. mk677 has been amazing for me allowing me to eat more. same with eq, i base eveyrhting around my appetite when im trying to grow and need to push food. I will start that soon here, right now im very hungry becasue i took a long break from everything. Im excited bro to be honest i might try to push my body even farther than I have in the past. im 30 so i figure a couple more years of hardcore bodybudilng just for fun and call it.
Yeah when ive been pushing food for a couple months straight like force feeding pretty much all my meals that shit gets tough. mk677 has been amazing for me allowing me to eat more. same with eq, i base eveyrhting around my appetite when im trying to grow and need to push food. I will start that soon here, right now im very hungry becasue i took a long break from everything. Im excited bro to be honest i might try to push my body even farther than I have in the past. im 30 so i figure a couple more years of hardcore bodybudilng just for fun and call it.
I'm 30 as well. We gotta do what we gotta do, I got no time to waste so I can't afford to slip with the diet or training at any point.

As long as I adhere to my schedule I can get my meals in fine, but just no real appetite. Just eating because I have to, not because I'm hungry or want to.

I used mk677 in the past and it did make me ravenously hungry, but only for about a week and a half to 2 weeks before that benefit tapered off entirely. So no reason to use it again.

That being said, my diet has a high emphasis on digestion prioritizing foods that me and my coach have found that I digest well and quickly.
Unfortunately that means lots of boring egg whites, cream of rice, jasmine rice, and chicken.
how can you not feel anything on 2.5 grams of test? I dont think that would be even possible.
Genetics bud, just like some guys can walk around normally on 100mg tren ace ed, while I'm already a zombie if I go above 100mg a week.

However, even if you are functioning normally today, in the long run using excessive amounts will often lead to cumulative damages that will materialize in the future.
im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
You have to understand that people have different reactions to different dosages though. For some of us we'll think your dosages are a bit overboard, while others who tried it and not grow will say your lying.

Like how we have been saying all along here, it's genetics, different doses for different responders or we just follow a template set by forum gurus like the early 2000's?

This is why everyone needs a mentor, training partner or coach who is knowledgeable on this stuff to personally direct gymbros who want to do aas, advices in the internet cannot apply to all individuals equally.
That being said, my diet has a high emphasis on digestion prioritizing foods that me and my coach have found that I digest well and quickly.
Unfortunately that means lots of boring egg whites, cream of rice, jasmine rice, and chicken.
meat and rice is all I can do once it gets to a certain point in a push. I’ll do some whey protein with some cream of rice but even that doesn’t sit as well with me as chicken/turkey and jasmine rice
Fair enough.

I live the lifestyle year round and don't cheat much on my diet, even in a full off-season.

When I am in the offseason I need to EAT to grow and usually I have zero appetite after the meals for the day are in. I have an easier time in a cut than a bulk, I'm always too stuffed to want any junk
Im the same!
Did the force feeding bulking for 5 months and realized bodybuilding is not for me .
Cutting is fine i can handle that. Did you find a way around it or do you just power through ?
You have to understand that people have different reactions to different dosages though. For some of us we'll think your dosages are a bit overboard, while others who tried it and not grow will say your lying.

Like how we have been saying all along here, it's genetics, different doses for different responders or we just follow a template set by forum gurus like the early 2000's?

This is why everyone needs a mentor, training partner or coach who is knowledgeable on this stuff to personally direct gymbros who want to do aas, advices in the internet cannot apply to all individuals equally.
This is absolutely true, as with everything, there is a genetic component.


Every single instance of a "low responder" that I've seen, meaning someone who gets little to no progress from moderate to aggressive dosages, or individuals who "require" aggressive dosages to progress have had serious lacking in their nutrition, training, or recovery metrics.

Even to take @Juicedhead as an example, openly admitted he cruises on higher doses because he relaxes on his training and diet during cruise periods and need those extra drugs to pick up the slack.

Individual response is absolutely variable person to person, but I do not believe it's anywhere near the level as some people make it seem.
meat and rice is all I can do once it gets to a certain point in a push. I’ll do some whey protein with some cream of rice but even that doesn’t sit as well with me as chicken/turkey and jasmine rice
Yeah that's the same with me, you'd think whey is a nice, fast digesting option to get protein in, but for me I digest it so poorly I'm better off shoveling another 8oz of chicken and I'll digest 8t better with no bloating.

I basically never use whey anymore since we put such an emphasis on digestive health last 2 years or so
Im the same!
Did the force feeding bulking for 5 months and realized bodybuilding is not for me .
Cutting is fine i can handle that. Did you find a way around it or do you just power through ?
I never get to the point where it's "force feeding" I eat 6 meals a day, and if I stay on schedule I'll never be hungry, but I'll be digested enough to get the next meal down when it's time. Even when pushing 1000g+ of carbs.

If I slip on the meal timing it's game over and then my day is ruined playing catch up.

I was a skinny kid growing up (high level track and field) and graduated HS at like 165lbs, never had a big appetite, but I always burnt whatever I ate quickly and could eat very frequently of smaller/moderate portions.

So I've basically always been more wired appetite wise to the body building lifestyle of frequent feeding
This is absolutely true, as with everything, there is a genetic component.


Every single instance of a "low responder" that I've seen, meaning someone who gets little to no progress from moderate to aggressive dosages, or individuals who "require" aggressive dosages to progress have had serious lacking in their nutrition, training, or recovery metrics.

Even to take @Juicedhead as an example, openly admitted he cruises on higher doses because he relaxes on his training and diet during cruise periods and need those extra drugs to pick up the slack.

Individual response is absolutely variable person to person, but I do not believe it's anywhere near the level as some people make it seem.
I believe this. What is your cruise, not directed toward quote..? If you're cruising on 300 test 200 primo for example, low responder isn't the problem. You're just on too much gear year round that imo you don't need. .5 g of gear vs a cycle of 2g vs a person that cruises on 200mg and cycles at 1g.

It's all goals but I know chase has consistent bloodwork and he's paid to advertise this. You are not. You will not get the same medical supervision he does. Run huge numbers and your longevity may suffer.

I've asked @LSDPowerlifting for bloods after his huge cycles. He has not provided but if running these numbers I'm curious on the average persons bloodwork.
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I believe this. What is your cruise, not directed toward quote..? If you're cruising on 300 test 200 primo for example, low responder isn't the problem. You're just on too much gear year round that imo you don't need. .5 g of gear vs a cycle of 2g vs a person that cruises on 200mg and cycles at 1g.

It's all goals but I know chase has consistent bloodwork and he's paid to advertise this. You are not. You will not get the same medical supervision he does. Run huge numbers and your longevity may suffer.
Fully agree
I would even argue, WILL not may.

We all know the risks of what we are doing to ourselves here, it's no mystery the higher the dose the higher the risks.

Harm reduction starts with recognizing that it's exactly that, harm reduction, not elimination. There's no free rides
Fully agree
I would even argue, WILL not may.

We all know the risks of what we are doing to ourselves here, it's no mystery the higher the dose the higher the risks.

Harm reduction starts with recognizing that it's exactly that, harm reduction, not elimination. There's no free rides
It's risk vs reward. When I was young blast that shit.... now I actually get bloods and have matured... yeah it fucks up your health and I still love to play and have the body to show for it but I know know it's the long run not short term.
im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
You just don’t want us to catch up to you lol jk
Im the same!
Did the force feeding bulking for 5 months and realized bodybuilding is not for me .
Cutting is fine i can handle that. Did you find a way around it or do you just power through ?
I might dig up my old videos showcasing my cooking and eating habits. I used to devour five pounds of chicken in one go, seasoned simply with lemon pepper. My fridge is stocked with beef, chicken, fish, and meal preps. I can easily consume 8000 calories when not tracking, though cutting would pose a challenge for me, so we seem to be on opposite ends in that regard.
You just don’t want us to catch up to you lol jk
Unfortunately I'm painfully average for the amount of time and energy that I devote to this sport.

I have two kids I train (23 and 25) that have been training half as long as me and well far surpass me in 2-3 years.

Some people just seem to grow just looking at a weight of they have a half structured plan.
I might dig up my old videos showcasing my cooking and eating habits. I used to devour five pounds of chicken in one go, seasoned simply with lemon pepper. My fridge is stocked with beef, chicken, fish, and meal preps. I can easily consume 8000 calories when not tracking, though cutting would pose a challenge for me, so we seem to be on opposite ends in that regard.
Same here, I'm a short guy and lightweight but I can pound food like crazy. I could probably walk around with a chubby 200lbs+ frame if I don't keep myself in check lol.

Appetite control is the biggest challenge for me so far making cutting bf the hardest thing in this sport for me.