Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I bought the seasoning in bulk from Amazon, and it goes on practically everything I cook. With chicken priced at a dollar per pound in my area, my freezer is currently stocked to the brim with it.

Anyway, getting back to the main topic—how much HGH are you all using, and do you believe it was a worthwhile investment? Personally, I've ordered ten kits, so soon I'll be able to conduct my own experiments.

Also another good video going over dosages, a large majority of people cruise on a gram of test…


That's intense. I've never even cycled a gram of test let alone cruise it lol
That's intense. I've never even cycled a gram of test let alone cruise it lol
It seems we tend to rationalise our choices when it comes to our addictions or hobbies. I feel like I can empathise with those who prefer taking the minimal amount necessary to achieve results after watching that video and reading the comments.
It seems we tend to rationalise our choices when it comes to our addictions or hobbies. I feel like I can empathise with those who prefer taking the minimal amount necessary to achieve results after watching that video and reading the comments.
Yeah I'm a casual. It wouldn't really make sense for me to crank grams of shit at any point in my life. I just like a little bit of roids now and then for fun.
How's your bloodwork on 750 cruise. That's perma blast to be honest, even pros go down to 250mg a week just to get health markers back on track. Your cruise is almost double some pros test dosage on their if you believe what they say.

I don't know if that's a good practice too, it's not that better than guys blasting 2g+ gear for 16 weeks.
idk havent pulled bloods on a cruise. I only cruise about 2 months a year so yeah i pretty much permablast. and every high level prep coach ive talked to told me most guys cruise on 750mg.
I bought the seasoning in bulk from Amazon, and it goes on practically everything I cook. With chicken priced at a dollar per pound in my area, my freezer is currently stocked to the brim with it.

Anyway, getting back to the main topic—how much HGH are you all using, and do you believe it was a worthwhile investment? Personally, I've ordered ten kits, so soon I'll be able to conduct my own experiments.

Also another good video going over dosages, a large majority of people cruise on a gram of test…


i use 5iu. ive pushed to 10iu but started getting sleepy and would fall asleep driving daily so it was a bitch.
idk havent pulled bloods on a cruise. I only cruise about 2 months a year so yeah i pretty much permablast. and every high level prep coach ive talked to told me most guys cruise on 750mg.
Then how can you justify what you're doing is fine while telling folks not to take high doses while permablasting yourself?

Kinda hypocritical isn't it. I don't know your goals and you're an adult you can decide for your own good but just be more honest on what you share on the board so we can actually adhere to our harm reduction approach.

Just my objective opinion, no hate or prejudice.
I'll attempt to locate some videos, but honestly, when it comes to calorie consumption, nothing beats chicken for me. I'm particularly hooked on air fryer chicken with a touch of lemon pepper seasoning.

Oh, it won’t accept my video because of the file extension…
It's all about that crock pot for me. Fuck chewing 3lbs of grilled chicken a day.
Shredded chicken from the crockpot with some g Hughes sauce? Easy peezy
I personally know a bunch of pros (not Olympia level pros mind you, but two of which are top 2-3 in their last few pro shows, so not exactly entry level pros)
Most of them come down to normal cruise levels.

Granted almost all of these guys are classic guys, the one moderate level open pro I know personally cruises on 250, but I know his blasts are pretty intense as well.
I personally would be very interested in your permablasting bloods throughout the year. Steroids have a bad name and it's not from moderate users. I just think you don't care about ten years down the road and want the gratification right now, it comes at a cost.

If you're willing to eat that cost, thats a personal decision. It's like me when younger and I lived by.... live fast, die young
Dallas Mccarver's autopsy blood work was 55k total test, that's 11 grams per week
yeah and he is dead bro lsd he died at 26 years old!! And its safe to say the dude exercised and ate pretty clean most of his adult life and the dude died at 26 years old with massivly enlarged heart it was fucking 900grams almost i mean think about that for a minute to drop dead at 26 years old from a massive heart attack with 90% blockage in his widow maker valve. and the dude also had thyroid cancer undiagnosed.. so lsd dont do what dallas did if youre trying to make a point to justify your high doses talk about that dude from the golden era who openly talks about blasting tons of gear and at least that fucking guy is still alive. I honeslty think blasting high amounts of sauce isnt what caused dallas to die but high amounts of gh, insulin, igf-1 and overall just growing too fast and being so heavy. but i know you blast insane amounts of gh and gear. but have you ever had your igf-1 tested when your blasting on a lot of gh?
Then how can you justify what you're doing is fine while telling folks not to take high doses while permablasting yourself?

Kinda hypocritical isn't it. I don't know your goals and you're an adult you can decide for your own good but just be more honest on what you share on the board so we can actually adhere to our harm reduction approach.

Just my objective opinion, no hate or prejudice.
listen i think im being misunderstood here. idc if guys take grams of gear but if you have a following(idk how big chase irons following is) I just dont agree with sharing all that with your following. Its just another infuencer making young guys thinking that is normal or what is reguired to be a bodybuilder when its not. Yeah I permablast but who the hell follows me? no one. and im not saying its smart or what is needed to achieve a great phsyique but I love taking gear so I like to permablast. but i wouldnt push that on someone. not saying chase is pushing it on people but some people might think those doses are normal or whats needed to be 280lbs. And im honest about everything i share on here.
yeah and he is dead bro lsd he died at 26 years old!! And its safe to say the dude exercised and ate pretty clean most of his adult life and the dude died at 26 years old with massivly enlarged heart it was fucking 900grams almost i mean think about that for a minute to drop dead at 26 years old from a massive heart attack with 90% blockage in his widow maker valve. and the dude also had thyroid cancer undiagnosed.. so lsd dont do what dallas did if youre trying to make a point to justify your high doses talk about that dude from the golden era who openly talks about blasting tons of gear and at least that fucking guy is still alive. I honeslty think blasting high amounts of sauce isnt what caused dallas to die but high amounts of gh, insulin, igf-1 and overall just growing too fast and being so heavy. but i know you blast insane amounts of gh and gear. but have you ever had your igf-1 tested when your blasting on a lot of gh?
there is also the possibility of the type of testosterone test. ECLIA vs LCMS, cross reactivity(false high), could have grabbed the labs at a peak too.
I personally would be very interested in your permablasting bloods throughout the year. Steroids have a bad name and it's not from moderate users. I just think you don't care about ten years down the road and want the gratification right now, it comes at a cost.

If you're willing to eat that cost, thats a personal decision. It's like me when younger and I lived by.... live fast, die young
I did have some issues with my heart when i was maxing out as much as i could handle with gear, food, training. But I saw a cardiologist had all the test done. stress test, ekg, ultrasound of my heart. And you know what the doc said? He said your heart is healthy but slightly enlarged but he said youre also a very big guy so thats not too alarmaing. But you know what he did say? He said I would stop taking steroids if you want to avoid having future problems becasue it will eventually catch up with you. long story short i took about a year off. Had bloods pulled when i was on no gear after i restored my levels with hcg and shit. fucking perfect blood work. kidneys, liver, heart. all were very good. So im back to blasting, just started a blast actually.
there is also the possibility of the type of testosterone test. ECLIA vs LCMS, cross reactivity(false high), could have grabbed the labs at a peak too.
yeah i think the test was in ng/ml instead of the standard ng/dl. Its probably what his levels were when you consider the way he died at his age. I think he was like peak off season when he died.
I did have some issues with my heart when i was maxing out as much as i could handle with gear, food, training. But I saw a cardiologist had all the test done. stress test, ekg, ultrasound of my heart. And you know what the doc said? He said your heart is healthy but slightly enlarged but he said youre also a very big guy so thats not too alarmaing. But you know what he did say? He said I would stop taking steroids if you want to avoid having future problems becasue it will eventually catch up with you. long story short i took about a year off. Had bloods pulled when i was on no gear after i restored my levels with hcg and shit. fucking perfect blood work. kidneys, liver, heart. all were very good. So im back to blasting, just started a blast actually.
I respect it man. The enlarged heart is common and I'm glad you gave it thought. It wasn't meant as anything negative. You assessed the problems caused from taking large dosages and now are taking action after the fact, no longer ignorant... I think that's the main thing.

Ignorance is bliss.
I respect it man. The enlarged heart is common and I'm glad you gave it thought. It wasn't meant as anything negative. You assessed the problems caused from taking large dosages and now are taking action after the fact, no longer ignorant... I think that's the main thing.

Ignorance is bliss.
The problem is when dudes ignore issues and push through. If you were wondering what happened to me my heard got out of rythem and my heart rate was almost 170 i walked into the er and told them i think im having a heart attack because i could feel it fluttering and the doctor diagnosed me with acute afib. very rare for a guy in his 20s with no family history. I left the cardio with no inention on changing anything but the more i thought about it i thought fuck it ill back off. So took some good needed time off from bodybuilding. I love bodybuilding and i love taking gear but i love life more.

Edit; The time of the cardiac event idk what i was even all taking it was a lot of shit and taking exotic compounds like injectable yk 11 in massive doses and other shit that hasent really been researched.
im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
Yes but if you took more youd me bigger…