Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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So this basically puts to shame….you can only put on so much muscle in a week…because it seems like the more you take the more muscle you will put on?

If diet and routine is solid
Bigger by increasing the cruise dose of 200 mg/wk?

Or bigger by increasing the 900 mg/wk blast?

I think >900 mg blast is pushing the limits of saturation.

I don't necessarily buy into the saturation ideas 100%
I haven't seen any convincing research on the matter, only half baked pseudo/bro science.

There is definitely a diminishing return, and that means there is definitely a point at which adding more will yield no perceivable difference in progress, but I don't think anyone can say with any level of confidence what that mg dose is.

I think JJ was half joking, but he's right. If I cruised year round on 500mg and blasted a gram plus on my blasts, I would certainly be bigger than I am now.

However, I stick to my 200mg + 2 blasts a year @ around a gram and still add about 10lbs a year, which is approaching actually too much, given I'm a classic physique competitor with a weight limit.
If I have one more offseason that's been as productive as this one, or even half decent progress during my cruise period I will have maxed out my weight limit and will have to focus on recomping/redistributing rather than growing.
We literally have a pro here saying he cruises at that dosage unless I read his log wrong lol
Pros nowdays is a title that says nothing about the person. If you live off bb, meaning its you only source of income from competing and endorsements, you ain't cruising on 200mg of test, period.
Yeah there is always THE genetic specimen that can sniff a bottle of test and put 20lbs, but those are few and far between them, more rare than Nessy and bigfoot.

750-1000mg is the norm. In retrospect, anyone can say that are on 10mg/day and compete in the open class. Doesn't mean we need to believe that though :D
Pros nowdays is a title that says nothing about the person. If you live off bb, meaning its you only source of income from competing and endorsements, you ain't cruising on 200mg of test, period.
Yeah there is always THE genetic specimen that can sniff a bottle of test and put 20lbs, but those are few and far between them, more rare than Nessy and bigfoot.

750-1000mg is the norm. In retrospect, anyone can say that are on 10mg/day and compete in the open class. Doesn't mean we need to believe that though :D
Lol this is a discussion nobody will know what's true, everything is just us spouting bullshit, unless you personally inject them then that's different.

Anyway, we all can agree nobody will ever be honest on their doses especially if it will affect their income. It's only natural to defend their livelihood by being secretive I guess.
Lol this is a discussion nobody will know what's true, everything is just us spouting bullshit, unless you personally inject them then that's different.

Anyway, we all can agree nobody will ever be honest on their doses especially if it will affect their income. It's only natural to defend their livelihood by being secretive I guess.
I have zero problems wit someone not coming clean about their usage. Just don't spout laughable lies like the one amp of deca the Aussie blonde superman does.

With Chase, my problem is he started putting the thruth out, getting traction and clout and now he exploits it with the Serostim or bust! rhetoric.

F off mate! You are just getting kickbacks from your sources and that's it.
I have zero problems wit someone not coming clean about their usage. Just don't spout laughable lies like the one amp of deca the Aussie blonde superman does.

With Chase, my problem is he started putting the thruth out, getting traction and clout and now he exploits it with the Serostim or bust! rhetoric.

F off mate! You are just getting kickbacks from your sources and that's it.
He'll, people believed Liver King and think the Rock is natural, the whole supplement industry is a big false advertisement scam; so if you're getting influenced by what you watch then you have a bigger problem.

And to be honest, most except the rich kids, who buy pharma gh or gear are adults with established careers and make enough money to afford it. People think teenagers can afford to buy grams and grams of steroids, it's laughable.

Maybe, I'm old fashioned but I think letting people make mistakes and learn from it is the best lesson money can't buy. I'm not condoning what these guys do but they didn't SHOVE a gun to your face to inject 5g of gear, use their snake oil or buy their overpriced gh, YOU did that; responsibility is on the user
Thus, the presence of forums and the bodybuilding community helps us distinguish the charlatans from the genuine trainers/coaches and informations to follow or adhere to.

And that's my opinion lol.
There was no trolling with Craig Titus, he was open mofo about his usage,, boasted 3 Grams of Test alone along with a barrage of anabolic weaponry. Not as much GH was used back then so AAS were heavily relied on for mass, this coupled with high doses of insulin.

Chase has joined the filt cult of big boys he's pushing a lot more insulin than he let's on, that new fridge door getting more use by the day. No actually quality to his size so I can see why he's made the move he has
There was no trolling with Craig Titus, he was open mofo about his usage,, boasted 3 Grams of Test alone along with a barrage of anabolic weaponry. Not as much GH was used back then so AAS were heavily relied on for mass, this coupled with high doses of insulin.

Chase has joined the filt cult of big boys he's pushing a lot more insulin than he let's on, that new fridge door getting more use by the day. No actually quality to his size so I can see why he's made the move he has
Filt? A gh15er are we
Cool. I'd like to read that study.
This is the podcast I was listening to when I quoted the Dr, skip to about 8:49. Cheers
