Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I attempted to share Andreas Munzer's cycle, but the platform restricted me. You can easily find the details through a quick Google search. In a related video, Boston mentions discussions about guys running 4 grams of test and 3 grams of deca.


It’s about 34 minutes into it that start to talk about it

yeah theyre all dead bro........ Isnt it obvious that is fucking stupid to do what they did? Munzer died in his 30s, dallas 26, bostin 29... theres many more who were just a local gym rat. Bottom line is its fucking stupid and reckelss and misleads people about bodybuilding.
Fouad Abiad slipped in an interview and says for TRT he doesn't feel anything on 500 mg. That's for an off-cycle cruise TRT dose.

So his TRT dose is higher than 500 mg. How much do people blast relative to TRT dose? 4-6x?

3000 mg/wk is not an unreasonable guess in this context.

my cruise or "trt" is 750 test... my blast would be 1 gram test and 800mg of eq or primo and i use and oral either anavar, tbol, or dbol just rotate them. 5-10iu gh, 10iu slin post training. So just becasue a dude cruises on 500 or 750 (you need that much to maintain your size if you are 250+) doesnt mean theyre on 3 grams when they blast... very few guys could handle 3 grams of test for any period of time. my opionon but talk to any dude who has tried it they will tell you.
haha i dont give a fuck what anyone does for a cycle but when hes posting it online and beginners probably see it thinking thats what you do that shit bothers me. Its like if you want to run 5grams of gear thats cool but dont share it with the public. especially if you have a big following. just my opinion.

also I love strippers
Chase holds less sway compared to the Tren Twins and various influencers across YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Notably, he stands out by discussing labs, diet, and supplements to mitigate side effects. Recognizing that people will engage in drug use regardless, he provides a guide for safe practices instead of leaving individuals in the dark. It's worth appreciating his focus on safety, and one should hope that others prioritize his advice over those who disregard safety concerns.
yeah theyre all dead bro........ Isnt it obvious that is fucking stupid to do what they did? Munzer died in his 30s, dallas 26, bostin 29... theres many more who were just a local gym rat. Bottom line is it’s fucking stupid and reckelss and misleads people about bodybuilding.
Their approach was far from safe, demonstrating a reckless use of protocols likely influenced by their gurus. Maybe they needed someone like Chase back then…Do you truly believe Nick Walker, "The Mutant," is solely on TRT as he claims?
Their approach was far from safe, demonstrating a reckless use of protocols likely influenced by their gurus. Maybe they needed someone like Chase back then…Do you truly believe Nick Walker, "The Mutant," is solely on TRT as he claims?
No I dont, but then again hes probably saying that because he doesnt want to influence anyone who is looking for the "answer" to why they dont look like nick. And its not gear related at all but if nick laid out his protocol youd have dudes doing that. Im sure nick loves gh idk how he couldnt i fucking love growth and think its a game changer for sure so hes lying about growth being overrated. Nicks cycle is probably very advanced being hes a top pro. but to lay that out there would be dumb. Claiming trt is the smartest move. just my opinion on it.
my cruise or "trt" is 750 test... my blast would be 1 gram test and 800mg of eq or primo and i use and oral either anavar, tbol, or dbol just rotate them. 5-10iu gh, 10iu slin post training. So just becasue a dude cruises on 500 or 750 (you need that much to maintain your size if you are 250+) doesnt mean theyre on 3 grams when they blast... very few guys could handle 3 grams of test for any period of time. my opionon but talk to any dude who has tried it they will tell you.
I comprehend your perspective, but in terms of impact, Chase has a relatively smaller reach compared to the Tren Twins. The Twins seem to be influencing a larger number of teenagers to explore performance enhancers. Their rapid and substantial growth, if they were taller, could potentially match or even surpass Chase's size.
No I dont, but then again hes probably saying that because he doesnt want to influence anyone who is looking for the "answer" to why they dont look like nick. And it’s not gear related at all but if nick laid out his protocol youd have dudes doing that. Im sure nick loves gh idk how he couldnt i fucking love growth and think its a game changer for sure so hes lying about growth being overrated. Nicks cycle is probably very advanced being hes a top pro. but to lay that out there would be dumb. Claiming trt is the smartest move. just my opinion on it.
I wholeheartedly agree. Maintaining a PG tone not only respects sponsors but also prevents awkward conversations with family members. The last thing I'd want is my mom calling because her friends heard I'm on grams haha
I'd rather not engage in arguments, and truthfully, I find Chase's videos somewhat dull. However, I appreciate the valuable information he shares and am glad he's found a means to support his lifestyle and family.
I'd rather not engage in arguments, and truthfully, I find Chase's videos somewhat dull. However, I appreciate the valuable information he shares and am glad he's found a means to support his lifestyle and family.
Yeah its interesting to see what happens when someone takes that much gear for sure. But no hate hes not that impressive to me. And yeah tren twins or whoever it is bro bodybuilding has become about drugs when its supposed to be about fucking hardcore training, eating clean, living healthy, feeling good. Just my opinion.
I attempted to share Andreas Munzer's cycle, but the platform restricted me.
Munzer was the shredder. When the coroner performed his autopsy they said his liver was full of tumors and it crumbled apart like styrofoam. I guess that's what happens when you run 3 grams of 17aa? It's really too bad. Only 31 years old.

Munzer was the shredder. When the coroner performed his autopsy they said his liver was full of tumors and it crumbled apart like styrofoam. I guess that's what happens when you run 3 grams of 17aa? It's really too bad. Only 31 years old.

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It's disheartening, to be honest. Interestingly, I misplaced all my orals during my last move, and I'm hesitant to purchase any more in the future.
Do you truly believe Nick Walker, "The Mutant," is solely on TRT as he claims?
The fact that anyone could believe MATT JANSEN has someone (especially a top 3 in the world) on anything under 2-3g is laughable. The guy sends his amateurs into organ failure in just a year or two
my cruise or "trt" is 750 test... my blast would be 1 gram test and 800mg of eq or primo and i use and oral either anavar, tbol, or dbol just rotate them. 5-10iu gh, 10iu slin post training. So just becasue a dude cruises on 500 or 750 (you need that much to maintain your size if you are 250+) doesnt mean theyre on 3 grams when they blast... very few guys could handle 3 grams of test for any period of time. my opionon but talk to any dude who has tried it they will tell you.
im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
im 250 and i cruise on 200mg for about 46 months between blasts.
blasts are usually under a gram, this blast in particular im on is 550 test 350 npp with 4 iu gh split and iu slin pre and post workout meals.

people grossly overestimate in general the amount of drugs they need
yeah you could probabaly maintain 250 in that but when i cruise my diet goes to shit and i dont train that much. I kind of give myself a mental break from dieting and training as well so i need 750 to hold my weight cuz Im not doing what i need to be to hold my weight so i make up for it with gear haha. Also age and how long you have held that weight plays a big part.
Yeah, I recall someone pushing it to 5 grams a week, quite extreme. Check out Vigorous Steve's tren videos for more insight on this, the bald guy who discusses similar topics.

Oh, and there's this podcast by Monster (Dave Crosland) in the UK on YouTube; he mentions he likes running tren at 2 grams a week.
Yeah, they were crazy back then. It's great they did the experimentation and lived to tell the harm so young guys don't have to.

I'm all for harm reduction and being sensible but I despise the holier than thou, low dose down your throat hypocrites who forgot how they got their physique in the first place.

Its unwise to be flaunting excessive dosages but in the same breath anyone with a brain cell will figure out in the end that more drugs does not equate better physique.

However, let's be realistic here, we knew drugs we're bad since the beginning of its advent yet we still do it. What can you really do to help young kids not abuse aas or use it at all?
This thread reminded me of that tool "zyzz" with that dumbass 2008 emo haircut. Takin a fuck ton of roids and then hard drug use and drinking on top of that. Died of heart failure late 20s.

The main issue imo (and im one of them) is the real education and emphasis on blood work. Could be a cost barrier, or lack of what you "really" should be looking for. Out of sight, out of mind as they say.

I think for 3 years of abuse your body is seemingly fine but at year 4 and 5 you should hsve some red flags that need attention asap...

Perhaps a lot of people get blood done a few times getting into PEDs and markers are fine so they just follow suit and never really dish out the 200$ to get it done again.

Also people dont respond to "get blood work done dumbass" it's definitely true, but people just wont do something about their health woth negative reinforcement. Also the mythos mentality of invincible essentially all your 20s... unsure if there's a way around early 30s wake-up-call wisdom/ your "come to Jesus" moment about years of unadressed health issues from constant PED use.

EDIT: Somebody died who was 30 recently, an influencer but I cant recall his name, but he looked stage ready basically 24/7 ... got 4 covid vaccines, wondering if that impacted his heart health since phizer now got outed for fraud and their vaccine is off the FDA approved list. Just a thought.
EDIT: Somebody died who was 30 recently, an influencer but I cant recall his name, but he looked stage ready basically 24/7 ... got 4 covid vaccines, wondering if that impacted his heart health since phizer now got outed for fraud and their vaccine is off the FDA approved list. Just a thought.
Joe lindner. I do think he was on orals year round idk if he was getting bloodwork or enough imaging
yeah you could probabaly maintain 250 in that but when i cruise my diet goes to shit and i dont train that much. I kind of give myself a mental break from dieting and training as well so i need 750 to hold my weight cuz Im not doing what i need to be to hold my weight so i make up for it with gear haha. Also age and how long you have held that weight plays a big part.
Fair enough.

I live the lifestyle year round and don't cheat much on my diet, even in a full off-season.

When I am in the offseason I need to EAT to grow and usually I have zero appetite after the meals for the day are in. I have an easier time in a cut than a bulk, I'm always too stuffed to want any junk