Taking "gear" is unhealthy.ok getting into genetics is another conversation. These things we cant control and are hard to predict so we should put genetics aside here. You take massive amounts of gear its more unhealthy than taking less. Its that simple my guy.
Edit: and of course people are going to say not to run a 5g cycle because its insane and reckless. Idk what you want us to do be like "ok yeah man cool sounds good" Of course guys will say dude why so much that is very unsafe.. Weird argument were having here. There is resposible use and then there is reckless insane use and 5grams is reckless and insane.
You can't quantify what is more unhealthy simply based on dosages. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, etc all play into it.
If you smoke a little crack or a lot of crack you're still a crackhead. This argument is just one crackhead pointing at another and saying "my crack use is ok and yours isn't because it's over my idea of acceptable"
It's hilarious because only a crackhead would believe that. Everyone else just knows they're both potentially shortening their lives by doing crack.
Am I advocating that everyone should run out and blast 5g of gear? No. I'm just pointing out the irony drug abusers arguing over who abuses drugs most responsibly.