5g Test cycle

ok getting into genetics is another conversation. These things we cant control and are hard to predict so we should put genetics aside here. You take massive amounts of gear its more unhealthy than taking less. Its that simple my guy.

Edit: and of course people are going to say not to run a 5g cycle because its insane and reckless. Idk what you want us to do be like "ok yeah man cool sounds good" Of course guys will say dude why so much that is very unsafe.. Weird argument were having here. There is resposible use and then there is reckless insane use and 5grams is reckless and insane.
Taking "gear" is unhealthy.

You can't quantify what is more unhealthy simply based on dosages. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, etc all play into it.

If you smoke a little crack or a lot of crack you're still a crackhead. This argument is just one crackhead pointing at another and saying "my crack use is ok and yours isn't because it's over my idea of acceptable"

It's hilarious because only a crackhead would believe that. Everyone else just knows they're both potentially shortening their lives by doing crack.

Am I advocating that everyone should run out and blast 5g of gear? No. I'm just pointing out the irony drug abusers arguing over who abuses drugs most responsibly.
Taking "gear" is unhealthy.

You can't quantify what is more unhealthy simply based on dosages. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, etc all play into it.

If you smoke a little crack or a lot of crack you're still a crackhead. This argument is just one crackhead pointing at another and saying "my crack use is ok and yours isn't because it's over my idea of acceptable"

It's hilarious because only a crackhead would believe that. Everyone else just knows they're both potentially shortening their lives by doing crack.

Am I advocating that everyone should run out and blast 5g of gear? No. I'm just pointing out the irony drug abusers arguing over who abuses drugs most responsibly.
I immediately swapped smoke with eat and giggled like a teenager lmao
Be honest here you think 5g is normal to many? Ive never talked to one guy who uses even close to that and I cant imagine any coach being ok with his guys running 5 grams. I wouldnt say its normal, are there guys doing it? Yeah but the norm highly doubt it. I mean think of the volume of oil. Youd be shooting insane oil and doing that for a period of time? Shit thats the hardest part for me to believe is guys are injecting that much. I mean were talking like 750mg a day and to do that for a long time?

They dont talk about it, they dont post about it, they are too busy doing it and progressing. They dont have the time or patience to try to explain or defend why and how they are able to do what they do. Not to mention, they do not want to be responsible for others trying to mimick their doses... without also mimicking their approach to medications, supplements, bloodwork checks, diet, and consistency, etc that allows them personally to push that high without ridiculous side effects.

These conversations do happen on different forums, or in private message but certainly not on this forum as it does not fit the mentality of the majority on this forum. It makes no sense to discuss high doses on this forum, that doesn't mean they aren't happening.

Theoretically, if I were to post I use 5g, what would be the response? Pics, stats, years experience. K now bloodwork, support supps, medications... oh your health is good. Oh you get echos and calcium scores. K but still, your going to die, you dont need that much, so and so is your size with 1/4th the doses.

^ who the hell wants to waste their time for that shit lol.
The difference between being ok and being shit on those kind of dosages is the genetic potential to withstand those dosages.

You have Ozzy Osbourne taking more drugs and booze than what might have killed a small city and you have guys that drop dead after a year of abuse.

Genetics people. Either you got them or not.
The difference between being ok and being shit on those kind of dosages is the genetic potential to withstand those dosages.

You have Ozzy Osbourne taking more drugs and booze than what might have killed a small city and you have guys that drop dead after a year of abuse.

Genetics people. Either you got them or not.
Very true and this is by far the biggest factor
Also the ancillaries and constant applicable bloodwork are needed in addition
Guys can’t just take 5 grams and be fine, more is required and this must be worked up to while having the genetics

Also this isn’t the forum for condoning high doses since this is a harm reduction forum so I’m not doing that. Just speaking on Chases decisions and I don’t think he is as reckless as some may think
We got to remember there are subQ insulin needle micro dosers on here that will think these doses are suicidal no matter what lol
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They also talked about how they worked to get to said dosages, they have developed the receptors to utilize the massive androgen load which makes sense considering large individuals carrying more muscle mass every season will need an increase in either food or drugs to continue moving forward.

You don’t go from 1 gram to 5 grams over the course of a year, it takes time and tissue accrual to match.

We will never know the intricacies yet we probably talk more about it than those guys who do it because of curiosity and awe.
They also talked about how they worked to get to said dosages, they have developed the receptors to utilize the massive androgen load which makes sense considering large individuals carrying more muscle mass every season will need an increase in either food or drugs to continue moving forward.

You don’t go from 1 gram to 5 grams over the course of a year, it takes time and tissue accrual to match.

We will never know the intricacies yet we probably talk more about it than those guys who do it because of curiosity and awe.
That's the part I'm not buying. I think he's not being truthful and the reports he briefly flashes in his videos are edited. You're forgetting this guy gets paid to get viewers. Just like all the YouTube E "celebrities".

Chase is an idiot and you'd think with a kid now he would act maturely but instead blasts 5g of gear and enough gh to look like big lenny in 4 years
He's got like a 3 hour video with vigorous Steve going over his blood work last year while he was doing his first almost 5g cycle, and his bloods were excellent. There's another very recent one but I haven't seen it so I don't know if it's pre or mid cycle bloods or what