A Good Bulking Cycle for a 54 Year Old


New Member
Hello, I'm new to the forum.
I am 54 years old and have done my share of cycles over the years. This past summer I did 8 weeks on test and deca but my results were not what they used to be.
I train 1.5 to 2 hours 6 days a week.
I then ran into stomach issues with severe heartburn and sometimes nausea.
I just had an endoscopy done with negative results for anything detrimental thankfully.
Has anyone experienced this and what was the remedy for you?
At 54 years old I am looking to bulk up during the winter months.
I have normally used Test E and Deca. Each at 500mg a week for 8 weeks slowly increasing in the middle and decreasing towards the end of the cycle.
After reading through the forum and educating myself a bit I am wondering what's a favorite bulking cycle out there, Including peptides?
Does my age matter?
Hello, I'm new to the forum.
I am 54 years old and have done my share of cycles over the years. This past summer I did 8 weeks on test and deca but my results were not what they used to be.
I train 1.5 to 2 hours 6 days a week.
I then ran into stomach issues with severe heartburn and sometimes nausea.
I just had an endoscopy done with negative results for anything detrimental thankfully.
Has anyone experienced this and what was the remedy for you?
That’s a short cycle for those compounds to see any significant changes or positive results.
At 54 years old I am looking to bulk up during the winter months.
I have normally used Test E and Deca. Each at 500mg a week for 8 weeks slowly increasing in the middle and decreasing towards the end of the cycle.
After reading through the forum and educating myself a bit I am wondering what's a favorite bulking cycle out there, Including peptides?
Does my age matter?
If you get along well with Test and Deca I'd say just go with that again but run the cycle for longer. Maybe increase test to 750 and/or add in 400mg primo. Run it for 12-16 weeks.
Someone else can offer advice on peptides. I don't have much experience with them.
I'd start at 400 test. 4 weeks of that then add NPP (instead of Deca, for faster manipulation of dosage) at 200. Two weeks of that then assess. Run at least 16 weeks then either cruise or do a PCT.

People use too much gear nowadays. A gram of test is silly unless you're a pro.
I'd start at 400 test. 4 weeks of that then add NPP (instead of Deca, for faster manipulation of dosage) at 200. Two weeks of that then assess. Run at least 16 weeks then either cruise or do a PCT.

People use too much gear nowadays. A gram of test is silly unless you're a pro.
Surely not a 19-nors if he want to PCT right after the cycle. Probably replace the Nandrolone with Primo is a better idea.
Hello, I'm new to the forum.
I am 54 years old and have done my share of cycles over the years. This past summer I did 8 weeks on test and deca but my results were not what they used to be.
I train 1.5 to 2 hours 6 days a week.
I then ran into stomach issues with severe heartburn and sometimes nausea.
I just had an endoscopy done with negative results for anything detrimental thankfully.
Has anyone experienced this and what was the remedy for you?
If you're going to do such a short cycle you should consider npp over deca. It takes over a month just for deca to reach full saturation in your system. It's at about 95% by 4 weeks. In comparison npp would be at full saturation in just over a week.

Depending on the ester of the test you were taking you could have the same issue. Both test c & e take about 3 weeks to hit full saturation. Where test p would be fully saturated within a week. You need to take these things into account when deciding on the length you plan to run things. Test c/e & deca should probably be run for a minimum of 12 weeks. Giving you 2 full months of full saturation to use. Compared to the 1 month you got in 8 weeks.
You workouts are too long for 6 days of training which means you're not lifting with enough intensity, not progressively overloading, and/or over-training.

Test and NPP is my go to at 40 years old. I am on TRT so i just ramp up from 180mg/week to 300mg/week and run 50mg/EOD for 8-10 weeks with NPP.

Spring time I switch to test and primo to lean out.
At 54 years old I am looking to bulk up during the winter months.
I have normally used Test E and Deca. Each at 500mg a week for 8 weeks slowly increasing in the middle and decreasing towards the end of the cycle.
After reading through the forum and educating myself a bit I am wondering what's a favorite bulking cycle out there, Including peptides?
Does my age matter?
You could run high Deca, say 900mg, and Test P when you feel a little sluggish. Maybe 50-100mg a week. This will give you gains and also be suprisingly lean. Dont listen to gym bros, The high Deca will aromatize enough to keep estrogen levels high enough. Low to 0 Test will keep you lean. Just eat alot Bro. New member myself.
You could run high Deca, say 900mg, and Test P when you feel a little sluggish. Maybe 50-100mg a week. This will give you gains and also be suprisingly lean. Dont listen to gym bros, The high Deca will aromatize enough to keep estrogen levels high enough. Low to 0 Test will keep you lean. Just eat alot Bro. New member myself.
100mg test
900mg deca
What's that like?
It honestly doesn't have that crazy amped up feeling like a gram of Test does, but my libido is ridiculous, visible abs, Way less water bloat than high test. I wanted to try it out myself and probably might run 900 Deca with Anavar late Spring.