AAS Penile Girth Increase


New Member
Im curious if anyone can recall taking whatever AAS they were on and noticed a major and or noticeable increase in penile girth. Im asking because I have been on and tried numerous AAS, however some have done more in that department than others, and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same experience? Thus being said, injectable trest and injectable superdrol have done the most in regards to that. However, oral SD i do not recall such drastic effects. Which i found to be odd.
I was still younger on my 1st cycle 22. I grew at least an 1" and got thicker. While I was off for 15-16 year and was all natural there was no difference. It was permanent. Still enjoy it today. But it's gotta be a full hard on. Haha
I was still younger on my 1st cycle 22. I grew at least an 1" and got thicker. While I was off for 15-16 year and was all natural there was no difference. It was permanent. Still enjoy it today. But it's gotta be a full hard on. Haha
Haha, youre cappin bro. What were you on. ?
Ive heard this before also. interesting as to how/why HCG will do more in this department than HGH will. Maybe I just dont fully understand/comprehend how the two differ/work.
dude my protocol for girth is this. proviron, hgh, hcg, pumping 3x week and jelquing or hanging 3 x a week. This protocol works better than anything you can find anywhere. Drugs dont do that much, its pumping and jelquing or hanging that is going to give you actual big gains. Anyone who tells you pumping doesnt work isnt pumping hard enough.
I approach this to the same way i approach building muslce. Pump to the max and create microtears which will heal and come back larger. A stimulus has to be there for it to actually have a reason to grow. Just taking drugs isnt going to do that very much unless you are giving your body a reason to add more tissue. Im one of those guys who likes to have all my bases covered when it comes to women. Take it from me my protocol will get you more pussy than you can handle.
Get one of those light weight balls with a strap to wrap around your dick then let the ball just hang.
There’s this risky technique to increase your size and girth using DHTs. Ryan Russo posted a video about it on his YouTube channel if you wanna check it out.
There’s this risky technique to increase your size and girth using DHTs. Ryan Russo posted a video about it on his YouTube channel if you wanna check it out.
I just watched it. I hope he doesnt mean he stuck a needle in his dick. Haha, for all that probably better off to see a doc and get a dermal filler.
the few people I've seen talk about this got ~0.5-inch length and a bit of girth on average.

I've said it before but that thread seems to have been deleted thanks gold

most guys would get something from the increased erection quality if nothing else.

but each half inch of dick seems to need exponentially more DHT.

(and that amount seems to count your starting size, so it goes up even more the lager the starting size)

so, the cost and side effect quickly become not worth it.