Accutane permanent cure?

i mean, with cortico steroids. used them for years for severe psoriasis. now im on humira which changed my life tbh.

From the most recent research, even heavy corticosteroid skin atrophy often resolves within 5 years.

If it doesn't, or you don't want to wait that long, it looks like the most effective treatment is a few rounds of subcutaneous saline injection. The problem appears to be caused by steroid crystals lodged in the subcutaneous layer of the skin, and the saline helps dissolve those. Once cleared skin can thicken again.

Hyaluronic acid injections are even more
effective, but it's a higher cost and there's the possibility of complications.

I would contact a few dermatologists and explain you have corticosteroid thinning, and heard saline or hyaluronic acid injections might resolve it, and see what they say,
From the most recent research, even heavy corticosteroid skin atrophy often resolves within 5 years.

If it doesn't, or you don't want to wait that long, it looks like the most effective treatment is a few rounds of subcutaneous saline injection. The problem appears to be caused by steroid crystals lodged in the subcutaneous layer of the skin, and the saline helps dissolve those. Once cleared skin can thicken again.

Hyaluronic acid injections are even more
effective, but it's a higher cost and there's the possibility of complications.

I would contact a few dermatologists and explain you have corticosteroid thinning, and heard saline or hyaluronic acid injections might resolve it, and see what they say,
i will ask mine dr, there is not much better i could go to, but i did not heard about this in my country.

anyway, thanks again mate. if it needs time im good with it. not huge problem for me but i know its there.

bigger problem are fucked up joints, knees and shoulders are cracking like old wood and hurt.
i will ask mine dr, there is not much better i could go to, but i did not heard about this in my country.

anyway, thanks again mate. if it needs time im good with it. not huge problem for me but i know its there.

bigger problem are fucked up joints, knees and shoulders are cracking like old wood and hurt.

Take hyaluronic acid. Direct joint injections are better, but oral will still help your joints and skin. It's an "anti steroid" in that it draws moisture to itself, lubricating joints. HA is how our joints naturally lubricate themselves, but it's lost with age and corticosteroid use.

It's pretty inexpensive and has significant benefits you'll notice almost right away.

PS: HA is made from Rooster comb...
Take hyaluronic acid. Direct joint injections are better, but oral will still help your joints and skin. It's an "anti steroid" in that it draws moisture to itself, lubricating joints. HA is how our joints naturally lubricate themselves, but it's lost with age and corticosteroid use.

It's pretty inexpensive and has significant benefits you'll notice almost right away.

PS: HA is made from Rooster comb...
I had to take steroid eye drops (Maxidex) for about 2 weeks after getting LASIK since one of my eyes was more inflamed than normal.

Would using HA orally or injected prevent dryness in my eyes too?

Right now they are kind of dry, not that bad. I am stopping the steroid eye drops today and just use regular preservative-free medication-free eye drops around 5x per day.
I had to take steroid eye drops (Maxidex) for about 2 weeks after getting LASIK since one of my eyes was more inflamed than normal.

Would using HA orally or injected prevent dryness in my eyes too?

Right now they are kind of dry, not that bad. I am stopping the steroid eye drops today and just use regular preservative-free medication-free eye drops around 5x per day.

Topical, oral, and injected, I think HA probably would qualify as a "miracle drug" if it was considered a pharmaceutical, not a nutrient.
Take hyaluronic acid. Direct joint injections are better, but oral will still help your joints and skin. It's an "anti steroid" in that it draws moisture to itself, lubricating joints. HA is how our joints naturally lubricate themselves, but it's lost with age and corticosteroid use.

It's pretty inexpensive and has significant benefits you'll notice almost right away.

PS: HA is made from Rooster comb...
mate, i will look into this and if it will help, i will be forever in your debt...
mate, i will look into this and if it will help, i will be forever in your debt...

HA definitely helps joints. Injections guided by X-rays have been a gold standard treatment for mild joint pain for years now.

In high quality studies oral HA shows a lessening of joint pain. YOU MUST TAKE IT CONSISTENTLY FOR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS TO SEE SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT.

And it'll help your skin at the same time.

One of many recent studies on oral HA:

Dec 15, 2023

"To conclude, the present study demonstrated that continuous oral intake of SH (111 mg/day) for 12 weeks reduced total VAS scores for pain, stiffness and discomfort in the knees of healthy adults with a KL grade of ≤1, particularly with regard to alleviating discomfort when descending stairs and pain in the knees after walking longer than normal. Furthermore, SH was demonstrated to be safe for use as a functional food with no adverse effects based on blood tests measuring levels of IL-10, AST, ALT, γGTP, LD, CK and CRP. "

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what soap are you talking about?

I just bought a small size as a trial. I'm used to washing and having "squeaky clean." This leaves skin soft, so it's a bit different for me. However, it did leave face looking better.

I don't think it's necessary to wait 20 mins to wait for your foam cleanser to dry, you should be OK with towel drying and then applying whatever you want to after.

If you're using tretinoin cream it's probably not necessary to use a Cerave cream along with it since the tretinoin cream also contains moisturizer in it. It's fine though.

For this reason I personally only use tretinoin gels. Cleanser then gel then moisturizer all without taking a break in between, one after another.

Also if you're applying any topical creams I would always cleanse beforehand.
Gel is actually what I have.
Nice thing is it's prescribed so like $4 Cdn.
I just went by dermatologist but if I can skip the wait time I'm in lol
Well I was supposed to get my cosmic order Friday but the mail van fucking caught on fire. Post office was open this morning so went ahead and confirmed that my missing mail and package was lost. Not sure if cosmic will give me any help on this. Tracking never updated past preparing for delivery. Have an email to pct247 to place another Indian order.

Are there any good domestic sources that aren’t to expensive. Maybe get a month or two worth to get started while I wait for another international order.
Well I was supposed to get my cosmic order Friday but the mail van fucking caught on fire. Post office was open this morning so went ahead and confirmed that my missing mail and package was lost. Not sure if cosmic will give me any help on this. Tracking never updated past preparing for delivery. Have an email to pct247 to place another Indian order.

Are there any good domestic sources that aren’t to expensive. Maybe get a month or two worth to get started while I wait for another international order.

Oh shit that's crazy. All domestic sources are expensive. You want it quick, expect to pay.
Side effects for me at 160mg/day have lessened, or maybe I've just gotten better at managing them. However, I don't really feel like I am applying lip balm as often. My eyes aren't as red or as dry, either. If you have an old hemorrhoid that you think has gone away, if you take Accutane, you may find it still very much exists. In my case, it was bad enough I was getting worried I might have to make an unplanned trip to a proctologist. However, I started applying hydrocortisone ointment and using ice packs and am pleased to say it has nearly vanished. By the way, I highly recommend this simple product ( I was taking one out of the freezer, folding it length-wise, putting it under my ass between underwear and clothing, and sitting down on it for about 20 minutes, with the cold directly hitting the inflamed areas. Huge relief and probably the biggest help in getting the hemorrhoid under control.

My only bad issue at the moment is bruising. I got a OneBlade and gave a run all over my body and found my armpits heavily bruised. And these weren't ordinary bruises. These bruises burned and are raised. The burning was so bad I took the same ice packs as above and just put them under each armpit. So glad I bought those things.

Also glad I picked up a big tube of Elocon/Mometasone cream a while back. It got rid of the rash on the backs of my hands and is helping the bruises as well.

My lipids/cholesterol suck right now, as well as my liver values. I'll be glad when I'm done with this and can move on. It will also be nice to no longer have to add in extra fats (calories) to breakfast and dinner just to accommodate taking the Accutane.
Side effects for me at 160mg/day have lessened, or maybe I've just gotten better at managing them. However, I don't really feel like I am applying lip balm as often. My eyes aren't as red or as dry, either. If you have an old hemorrhoid that you think has gone away, if you take Accutane, you may find it still very much exists. In my case, it was bad enough I was getting worried I might have to make an unplanned trip to a proctologist. However, I started applying hydrocortisone ointment and using ice packs and am pleased to say it has nearly vanished. By the way, I highly recommend this simple product ( I was taking one out of the freezer, folding it length-wise, putting it under my ass between underwear and clothing, and sitting down on it for about 20 minutes, with the cold directly hitting the inflamed areas. Huge relief and probably the biggest help in getting the hemorrhoid under control.

My only bad issue at the moment is bruising. I got a OneBlade and gave a run all over my body and found my armpits heavily bruised. And these weren't ordinary bruises. These bruises burned and are raised. The burning was so bad I took the same ice packs as above and just put them under each armpit. So glad I bought those things.

Also glad I picked up a big tube of Elocon/Mometasone cream a while back. It got rid of the rash on the backs of my hands and is helping the bruises as well.

My lipids/cholesterol suck right now, as well as my liver values. I'll be glad when I'm done with this and can move on. It will also be nice to no longer have to add in extra fats (calories) to breakfast and dinner just to accommodate taking the Accutane.

Yeah remember skin is fragile due to high turnover. Glad the eye/lips sides are improving.

Now that you're making such quick progress to the cumulative dose, not having to repeat it becomes a useful motivator. If you feel like you're going to break though, incrementally lower the dose, don't stop. You'll find even a small reduction makes things more tolerable, but the longer you can maintain 160 the better.
The research seems to show even when there's a relapse, it's not as bad as it had been previously, so your experience lines right up with that, Probably a demodex mite taking a dump in that pore causing that lol.
as far as i understand you just need to suffer a little longer until you have killed it all when trying for a permanent fix.
Two questions for you guys.

Anyone way more bloated when starting? Pulled back on bulk because I constantly look pregnant and feel like slug.

Is running tren a bad idea lol, being that both are liver toxic. Only on 100mg of tren a week, but still.

On a side note. Got on because of shoulder and back acne. Coming off a blast to a cruise last year I got wrecked and it’s really never subsided.

Within a week, a significant amount of my shoulder acne is gone. Chest started breaking out which isn’t typical but I assume it’s part of the purging process.

Thanks guys
Two questions for you guys.

Anyone way more bloated when starting? Pulled back on bulk because I constantly look pregnant and feel like slug.

Is running tren a bad idea lol, being that both are liver toxic. Only on 100mg of tren a week, but still.

On a side note. Got on because of shoulder and back acne. Coming off a blast to a cruise last year I got wrecked and it’s really never subsided.

Within a week, a significant amount of my shoulder acne is gone. Chest started breaking out which isn’t typical but I assume it’s part of the purging process.

Thanks guys
I don't notice any bloat from Accutane.

Tren causes me to bloat though. Messes with my digestion causing stomach bloat specifically. Face also gets puffy with tren.
I don't notice any bloat from Accutane.

Tren causes me to bloat though. Messes with my digestion causing stomach bloat specifically. Face also gets puffy with tren.
I’ve wonder that but I’ve never had bloating with tren. It usually makes me flat, even on bulk. But could be possible.