
My acne on my chest is starting to get real bad even though I'm showering twice a day and using African black soap. Anyone know any tricks that might work for me before having to use something horrible like accutane..
Nope, it's a fact for me! Had a box (cousin got from the Dr.) and it work. Cleared mine up within 2 weeks. Can't say it will work for you.. but at this point, I think you're willing to try anything, right? IMO,Accutane is the last resort!
Nope, it's a fact for me! Had a box (cousin got from the Dr.) and it work. Cleared mine up within 2 weeks. Can't say it will work for you.. but at this point, I think you're willing to try anything, right? IMO,Accutane is the last resort!
ya its a perception drug any idea where I can find a source for this cream? Pm if want.
Use some retinoid topycal cream, like differin(adapalene)...get some vit B5 and Zync Picolynate cycle during your cycle...and some use topical retinoid only before bad time because it increases your skin photosensitivity...its not an assurance all this stuff will solve your acne issue...if it becomes serious you should start taking some systemic antibiotics.. Before trying accutane...acne is complicated issue to fight against...I did only one cycle in my life and acne fucked my last 8 I know what I im trying to study another cycle for staying acne-free, but its hard to do...
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Use some retinoid topycal cream, like differin(adapalene)...get some vit B5 and Zync Picolynate cycle during your cycle...and some use topical retinoid only before bad time because it increases your skin photosensitivity...its not an assurance all this stuff will solve your acne issue...if it becomes serious you should start taking some systemic antibiotics.. Before trying accutane...acne is complicated issue to fight against...I did only one cycle in my life and acne fucked my last 8 I know what I im trying to study another cycle for staying acne-free, but its hard to do...
Thanks you guys have helped point me in the right direction, I have read the thread pharmacist but I did not know he carried that cream good to know!
I broke out after i finished clomid PCT which next time I will do Nolvadex maybe that would be better dunno.
I ordered Accutane from my online source and then i was scared to take it so I tried natural stuff and it really just went to mild acne on its own but now its holding at mild acne so yesterday I started taking my accutane but i dont have enough for 5-6 months so I am taking only 20mg per day for 2 months i hope that works because my acne is not natural but its a side effect from PCT so i hope i only need a few months at 20mg if not i will order more . I went tanning yesterday and that seemed to help i had to go for the max time so i had a light burn and that helped also using antibacterial soap , rubbing alcohol after shower then oxy-10 seems to be helping but time will tell.
What is a good anti bacterial soap? I have a rash forming on my face has anyone else gotten rashes on face from aas? How do you get rid of them?
What is a good anti bacterial soap? I have a rash forming on my face has anyone else gotten rashes on face from aas? How do you get rid of them?
Edit: I have also been using retin-a from the pharmacist and it has had no effect on acne just peeling my skin a bit. Is this stuff worthless?
Hello, I was referred to this site by a friend who recommended that I ask a general men’s health question here. I am 27 years old and not using any type of supplements or doing any kind of intense exercise program. However one side of my family has a history of acne and my whole life I have had moderate to severe acne on my upper body. When I was in my teens I went through two 6 month cycles of Accutane which seemed to lessen the acne but not resolve it. Since then studies have shown it not to be safe and I would prefer not to resort to it. I have also tried the topical cream treatments and I am currently on a 6 month oral antibiotic cycle. The antibiotics seem to hold the outbreak in check but not reverse or help the situation. I had a consultation with a dermatologist a couple months ago as well and they informed me they could try laser therapy or skin peels but nothing was guaranteed to work and those are costly treatments. Does anybody have any other suggestions or is anybody familiar with other remedies that I could try other than the typical perscriptions on here of topical creams, antibiotics, accutane? Thanks in advance for any help or advise.

I read this study done by a German university about how excessive animal proteins (form meat and dairy) are linked to acne. You could experiment with a vegan diet. You can do a google search on people who have tried this and it helped their acne. But a link doesn't necessarily mean causation. I'm considering trying it myself after I stop taking accutane so my acne doesn't come back. I still have acne even after accutane. Now its just normal person acne, not nasty cystic acne.

link to the study:
I broke out after i finished clomid PCT which next time I will do Nolvadex maybe that would be better dunno.
I ordered Accutane from my online source and then i was scared to take it so I tried natural stuff and it really just went to mild acne on its own but now its holding at mild acne so yesterday I started taking my accutane but i dont have enough for 5-6 months so I am taking only 20mg per day for 2 months i hope that works because my acne is not natural but its a side effect from PCT so i hope i only need a few months at 20mg if not i will order more . I went tanning yesterday and that seemed to help i had to go for the max time so i had a light burn and that helped also using antibacterial soap , rubbing alcohol after shower then oxy-10 seems to be helping but time will tell.

20mg/day should be plenty to control your acne. I did 20mg EOD and it worked fine.
Six weeks and it usually clears up nearly completely. If it's super severe maybe up to ten weeks. Can you get prescribed antibiotics? Most will help lessen the acne while waiting for the Accutane to fully work.
Yes i can get most anything.
I have just enough Accutane for 6 weeks at 20mg per day. 6 weeks is 42days i have 50 days worth maybe i might order more just incase. Its only mild acne so I will just use Accutane.
I Cannot wait when i get back to my home in SE asia cuz that is my next big cycle ,,, i wanted to do a small cycle here but i only have test-e on hand and i should have mailed home prop for a short Aug.- cycle but oh well.
I didnt get Acne on my 500mg per week test only cycle using Testoviron only after finishing clomid PCT . I hope next cycle it will be the same with not acne and i will do PCT with Nolva instead.
If you can get an antibiotic called Rifampin. It seems to be the most effective against severe acne. Most doctors don't even consider it for acne, but it seriously works. Google - "rifampin acne."

Clomid can really make you break out, especially if you are prone to folliculitis.
I'm in same boat. But I am reaching my 30's now so my acne is very little. But I am still prone to blackheads on my face. This is main reason I haven't started cycling yet. Just scared to go on a full break out mode. Honestly if I had no history of acne I would of started on a cycle 4 years ago. :)