Add Proviron in cycle?



First at all, sorry for my english. I´ts not perfect. ;)

I have a question for my cycle.
Thats not my first cycle but not with this combination.

Since 5 week I´m on 500mg Testo E and 400mg Drosta E.
My results I think are quite good, of course not extreme, but for me it´s ok.

I read about Proviron. Of increasing the effect of steroids, fat losing and aromatase inhibitors effect.
Of course I now that Drosta has similar properties.
So does it make sense? Or is it wasted money?

Greetings from Austria
It's wasted money in my book if you're already taking Masteron. Proviron is effectively oral Masteron, very similar effects - and in my personal opnion Proviron being weaker in effects while simultaneously being 3x the cost of Masteron.
I added 50 mg/day to my run of 350 test c & 175 deca. If there was even a halfway attractive girl around my immediate thought was "id fuck her". My test levels were 2355 and my free test was 890. From what i've read people generally take it for libido increase, a general feeling of well being and to increase the amount of free t in your system. In my experience it did all 3.

First at all, sorry for my english. I´ts not perfect. ;)

I have a question for my cycle.
Thats not my first cycle but not with this combination.

Since 5 week I´m on 500mg Testo E and 400mg Drosta E.
My results I think are quite good, of course not extreme, but for me it´s ok.

I read about Proviron. Of increasing the effect of steroids, fat losing and aromatase inhibitors effect.
Of course I now that Drosta has similar properties.
So does it make sense? Or is it wasted money?

Greetings from Austria
You are already using Drostanolone and it for this, you dont need proviron, because is very similar. Why? because they are similar steroids with the same finality: reducing SHBG, increasing free testosterone and better cover the androgenic base,hardness,rockiness and shredded. Both also works like aromatase inhibitors, because they prevent the conversion of testosterone into estradiol to a lesser extent, it could avoid the gynecomastia (but for this, its better tamoxifen)
You are already using Drostanolone and it for this, you dont need proviron, because is very similar. Why? because they are similar steroids with the same finality: reducing SHBG, increasing free testosterone and better cover the androgenic base,hardness,rockiness and shredded. Both also works like aromatase inhibitors, because they prevent the conversion of testosterone into estradiol to a lesser extent, it could avoid the gynecomastia (but for this, its better tamoxifen)
Thank you for your comment
Pointless to add with mast as
Someone else it’s basically oral masteron. Proviron is amazing when added to other stacks though and basically amplifies the other compounds effects. Honesty I know guys who run it year around with no negative effects on blood markers it’s that mild on its own.