Advice needed. Suffering from multiple symptoms 12 months post cycle


New Member
I ran a course that lasted around 4 months in 2021/2022. I had been on for around 5 years altogether with some courses ending without proper pct (foolish I know!)

Most recent course consisted of:

Test E (200mg)
Tren E (150mg)

I ran pct of tamoxifen for 6 weeks afterwards. It's been 14 months since my last jab and I'm experiencing a multitude of issues; gyno, low libido, ED, low mood, weight gain, painful joints, fatigue and hair diffuse. Issues first started popping up around July of last year. I've had multiple bloods done (1 privately and 2 NHS). On private test, prolactin came back 436 MU but well within range on both NHS tests so I'm a little dubious on the private one.

Would anyone have advice on where to go from here? Would a power pct be beneficial at this stage 14 months down the line?

Thanks in advance!


You need to continue to stay off, are you 30 yrs or older?

You say "experiencing a multitude of issues; gyno, low libido, ED, low mood, weight gain, painful joints, fatigue and hair diffuse."

You say experiencing , so still getting worse (progressively?)

Gyno, growth stalled? painful still? Next experiment is raloxifene if the tamoxifine (novaldex) isnt making any noticeable effect.

Low libidio, try abstinence (no porn/jerking off/sex) and clean your diet completely, eliminate dopamine rushing activities. could help with sensitivity as time heals.

ED, try the above for the low libido, hold off on sildinafil / tadalafil until your libido is better.

Low mood, try the abstinence (no alcohol, drugs, porn, etcetc) and improve your diet.

Weight gain, could be caused by these symptoms combined, so try abstinence , improve your diet and maybe even Fast.

Painful joints, you could have caused damage from heavy lifting, not sure if you were injured during?

fatigue, focus on improving diet, lifestyle and do cardio, slow steps, small goals, continue from there.

Hair diffuse. If you are losing hair (you can see from pictures), you can research some medications that could help stall hairloss if you have androgenic alopecia. but hairloss can be a number things, shitty health, shitty lifestyle, stress.

Small steps because it seems like you are having several symptoms which are unwanted.
Thats if you are trying to stay natty^

If things continue, you could drop the nolvadex and see if your total test falls below ref. range and an actual doctor will guide you. Possibly clomid therapy, hcg therapy, even trt. Maybe remove the gyno surgically and even a hair transplant. So there are steps and measures to take, and hopefully a solution will be available as soon as possible and affordable.
Hey mate,

I am 30 years old. I haven't taken anything for over a year including tamoxifen. I've got some ralox already but wanted to clear up the other issues first before doing anything else. I've read that clomid would aid with that so I think I may give that a try.
I shouldn't need a hair transplant as it's diffuse thinning not alopecia in any form thankfully.
The gyno seems to have subsided by occasionally it is tender but if push comes to shove I will go down surgery route, my main worry is my test levels so I will take everything you've said and act upon it.

Thankyou for the advice!