Yeah if I remember correctly I think I calculated that I should have around 800-1000 test levels. I'm at half that 400-600. It was a massive blow because I was certain that trt would help me. Even at those higher levels some guys have a sweet spot well over that and I now believe that achieving supraphysiological levels of testosterone via exogenous administration is actually safe. I believe lots of guys can handle upwards of 1500 ng/dl. Because even at 1000 ng/dl I didn't feel much. Very slow response to training, very little cardio improvement despite really dedicating myself and hiking 10 miles/day for like 6 months and each time I hiked it was like I had never liked before. I was equally exhausted at the top of those final stairs at the end of my hiking trail. I always took the same trail because it was difficult and also I could rate my progress by how winded I was at marks in the trail.
Almost no strength increase. But when I did a cycle of say 500mg tren/500mg test I did see strength and size gains. But my test must have been over 2000 ng/dl.
Maybe I'm destined to buy my gear underground and self dose. Because no endo is gonna prescribe me 1000mg of test/week lol. I also wanted the cardio benefits. I noticed my a-fib is gone when I take heavier doses of test. Weird.
I'll look into that condition you mentioned. Thanks for the input brother.
Not suggesting this is your issue ofc, given your early AAS use. As they say "When you hear galloping, think horse not unicorn.", but you never know. Given how depressing an unresolved rare problem like this could be might be worth checking if this test is something you can arrange to have done,
They know one type of mutation of this gene leads to such low conversion of test to DHT males are misidentified as female at birth, until more development takes place. There are other mutations of the gene with "unknown effects". Perhaps one of those is metabolism of the test into an inactive metabolite. If I got the test, and a mutation was found, I'd search for one of the people doing clinical research on this gene and contact them.
The exogenous testosterone has to be going somewhere if it's not reflected in blood levels.
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