First, don't ever listen to a fucking drug dealer bro. They don't give a shit about you. They want your money. and by him telling you that cycle he obviously knows nothing. So don't listen to anything he has to say. Learn and resea ch on here.
Second, what works for him may not work for you. As a matter of fact, 9/10 times a compound will have a different effect person to person, although it may vary slightly it could be quite drastic in difference.
We're all about harm reduction and helping each other on here. No one is profiting off anyone, or at least mostly not, and we only want the best for each other. So quit listening to that dickhead and look up first cycle threads on this site. Then look up what each of th compounds and drugs you'll be taking and the benefits and side effects each can possibly have. Then weigh the risk to rewards and come back with s cycle plan and I'm sure you'll get a lot of feed back
Also what are some stats so we can better help you out. Weight height bf? Exact cycle history