Steroid Profile Anadrol

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@Bill Roberts profiles oxymetholone (Anadrol). He discusses dosages, side effects, side effect management, and even Anadrol use by women. Tell us what you think of this profile. Anadrol is not just a bodybuilding drug but really popular among powerlifters too and I know many of you have experience to share. For which situations and goals is it best suited? What are your favorite stacks with it? Please discuss.

@Bill Roberts profiles oxymetholone (Anadrol). He discusses dosages, side effects, side effect management, and even Anadrol use by women. Tell us what you think of this profile. Anadrol is not just a bodybuilding drug but really popular among powerlifters too and I know many of you have experience to share. For which situations and goals is it best suited? What are your favorite stacks with it? Please discuss.

Oh boy
That article has me wanting to run a Tren/Abomb stack

Down the rabbit hole I go
Anadrol is my favorite oral steroid, bar none.

For me, anadrol, NPP and test is everything you could ever want in an AAS stack.

I've not found that it slabs on tons of weight, like dbol is better known for. However, it's the epitome of a performance enhancer. Thus, you'll make the other drugs in the stack go further and can expect more quality muscle tissue to form.

I agree with Bill Roberts that it's harshness is often overblown, or at least it used to be.. Maybe less so recently. However, I've noticed a trend that some guys don't tolerate it as well... In which case, they tend to tolerate dbol better. The opposite seems to often match up too where when dbol isn't well tolerated, anadrol will be.

I've also found it kind of intriguing that Larry Wheels has stated that his "cruise" compounds are 500mg of test and 150mg of anadrol. Kind of a testament to it's use in powerlifter, IMO.
It can be obtained from trt clinics and I have ran it but could only last 2 weeks, the headaches and fatigue were unbearable.. my bp rose to 160/90 and it also dropped my hdl from 46 to 20 in only 2 weeks as well.
Anadrol is the best oral. Period. You can utilize it for bulking, cutting, etc. Great for strength and quality tissue gains. If you’re lean already and you add it to the back end of a cycle, it imparts a nice full look to the muscles that other compounds don’t achieve - provided your nutritional aspects are managed properly. I like 75mg daily as a sweet spot. I think that bad sides are overblown and somewhat folk lore. That being said, Anadrol is no joke - keep an eye on your health markers. Keep a SERM on hand in case of gyno flare up as an AI will not help with this compound. My favourite stack is any that include Anadrol. If you can’t grow on Anadrol and test then nothing will work!
Favorite oral so far I've done Anavar 40mg/day and dbol 20mg/day sometimes up to 60mg/day. and ABomb just 50mg/day shits on both. If anyone know any other orals that gives me strength than ABombs let me know.
Will taking anadrol just as a PWO boost prevent the subq water retention associated with it? Say 4x a week rather than everyday dosing

@Roger rabbit Has a methodology of dosing Adrol 3xdays followed by Var3xdays.
Seems to work in avoiding a fuck tonne of sides, including digestion issues/severe bloat.

a lot of us on Meso swear by this protocol like its scripture at this point.
Favorite oral so far I've done Anavar 40mg/day and dbol 20mg/day sometimes up to 60mg/day. and ABomb just 50mg/day shits on both. If anyone know any other orals that gives me strength than ABombs let me know.

Superdrol is apparently no joke either.
I've never tried it specifically (Took a 4 week run back in the day when it was still sold in supplements.. but only found out 2 years later, so I wasnt tracking) but some good friends have seen some crazy results

For me personally, no thanks... I dont want to feel that toxic and I can't even use Var for more than 4 weeks anymore.
I'd prefer Abombs to Sdrol
Superdrol is apparently no joke either.
I've never tried it specifically (Took a 4 week run back in the day when it was still sold in supplements.. but only found out 2 years later, so I wasnt tracking) but some good friends have seen some crazy results

For me personally, no thanks... I dont want to feel that toxic and I can't even use Var for more than 4 weeks anymore.
I'd prefer Abombs to Sdrol
Yeah totally agree with you. Definitely Abombs over Sdrol. Such a harsh compound that you can only handle 3 weeks max when running it. Need lots of water and carbs when on. Amazing but harsh.
Anadrol best oral hands down, it makes you full but not of subq water but of intracellular water, the best look I ever had was on abomb.

I promised myself to not run orals anymore except a bit of Var here and there for nitrogen retention but shit.... You are really waking up the monkey on my shoulder.... I'll dream of Abomb tonight.