Steroid Profile Anadrol

I take it this is a off season stack. Have you used it for a prep? Do you think it has its place in that regard?

Yeah, definitely more of an off season there... Once Millard makes the Primo spotlight I'll say the same thing about it being included in the end all be all AAS stack. :)

I think it's fine for a prep but that's because I don't get any kind of bloat from it whatsoever... Some guys complain about that and it always surprises me. So, if you're one of those guys... I'd obviously not include it. If you're like me and it just makes you fuller, harder and stronger... Seems like it would be a good addition. However, I usually do var for cutting and this thread has made me kind of wonder why I even do that... I like var too but not as much as abombs.

TLDR: I'm capping abombs this weekend too see what they do with primo.
For me anadrol is the best oral for aesthetics, but for strength anavar is way more practical
Mind explaining the 3 days on anadrol and 3 oxandrolone? I thought I was done with orals until this thread!

It’s been evolved a little for the most part and seems to have settle down to a simplistic way to cycle it , which is fine. But, the methodology behind cycling the two compounds is to mitigate the side effects while capitalizing on the pros.

Doing three on and three off works great, but mixing it up works just as well. Example would be 3 days anadrol 2 days var... then 4 days anadrol 3 days var and so on and so forth. ( this would be determined by side effects as each human experiences different effects at different rates or times) The three days on and three days off came from convenience. Which, is perfectly fine and anecdotally appears to work, for the most part, across the board fairly well. The key to anything we do in life is finding balance.. right? It’s the same with steroids.. find that balance. Anadrol is known for water retention , whether inner Cel or sub q.. regardless it is water weight and can give the appearance of bloat and also increase blood pressure. Switching between the two orals allows a synergistic effect between the two profiles of the steroid all while mitigating the side effects. This combo is not just limited to var... it is an excellent choice when doing winstrol.. although, I must admit I’d prefer winstrol with dbol. If one is having lots of water weight with anadrol I’d switch out var for winstrol..

Anyways, I hope this helped a little. Trying not to make the reply too long winded as that tends to get boring to read[emoji847]
It’s been evolved a little for the most part and seems to have settle down to a simplistic way to cycle it , which is fine. But, the methodology behind cycling the two compounds is to mitigate the side effects while capitalizing on the pros.

Doing three on and three off works great, but mixing it up works just as well. Example would be 3 days anadrol 2 days var... then 4 days anadrol 3 days var and so on and so forth. ( this would be determined by side effects as each human experiences different effects at different rates or times) The three days on and three days off came from convenience. Which, is perfectly fine and anecdotally appears to work, for the most part, across the board fairly well. The key to anything we do in life is finding balance.. right? It’s the same with steroids.. find that balance. Anadrol is known for water retention , whether inner Cel or sub q.. regardless it is water weight and can give the appearance of bloat and also increase blood pressure. Switching between the two orals allows a synergistic effect between the two profiles of the steroid all while mitigating the side effects. This combo is not just limited to var... it is an excellent choice when doing winstrol.. although, I must admit I’d prefer winstrol with dbol. If one is having lots of water weight with anadrol I’d switch out var for winstrol..

Anyways, I hope this helped a little. Trying not to make the reply too long winded as that tends to get boring to read[emoji847]
Definitely not boring to read, appreciate it!
It’s been evolved a little for the most part and seems to have settle down to a simplistic way to cycle it , which is fine. But, the methodology behind cycling the two compounds is to mitigate the side effects while capitalizing on the pros.

Doing three on and three off works great, but mixing it up works just as well. Example would be 3 days anadrol 2 days var... then 4 days anadrol 3 days var and so on and so forth. ( this would be determined by side effects as each human experiences different effects at different rates or times) The three days on and three days off came from convenience. Which, is perfectly fine and anecdotally appears to work, for the most part, across the board fairly well. The key to anything we do in life is finding balance.. right? It’s the same with steroids.. find that balance. Anadrol is known for water retention , whether inner Cel or sub q.. regardless it is water weight and can give the appearance of bloat and also increase blood pressure. Switching between the two orals allows a synergistic effect between the two profiles of the steroid all while mitigating the side effects. This combo is not just limited to var... it is an excellent choice when doing winstrol.. although, I must admit I’d prefer winstrol with dbol. If one is having lots of water weight with anadrol I’d switch out var for winstrol..

Anyways, I hope this helped a little. Trying not to make the reply too long winded as that tends to get boring to read[emoji847]
I have ran the Drol / Winstrol option before, alternating 3 days of one then 3 days of the other, and so forth...with good results.
I know @3ml was also in favour of this protocol.
If you ran anadrol at the end of a cycle by it's self how long would you have to wait to start pct?

Anyone know if you can run it sublingual? If so how and are there any cons?
If you ran anadrol at the end of a cycle by it's self how long would you have to wait to start pct?

Anyone know if you can run it sublingual? If so how and are there any cons?
Anadrol is quick acting with a short half life, as with all orals. When you say run by itself, do you mean without a test base?
To note, I love Drol at end of a cycle to solidify the gains and end cycle on the upswing. It gives a look of fullness and thickness to muscles that other compounds don’t achieve, as long as your macros are in check.
Many run it sublingual to potentially eliminate the liver route. They say it protects the internal organs more than usual ingestion. The jury is out on that still.
Anadrol is quick acting with a short half life, as with all orals. When you say run by itself, do you mean without a test base?
To note, I love Drol at end of a cycle to solidify the gains and end cycle on the upswing. It gives a look of fullness and thickness to muscles that other compounds don’t achieve, as long as your macros are in check.
Many run it sublingual to potentially eliminate the liver route. They say it protects the internal organs more than usual ingestion. The jury is out on that still.
Basically with no test base. I ran it one time before and it shriveled my balls up really fast. So the next time I run it I'm waiting till the end of cycle, if it shrinks me real quick again it won't be as big of a deal if it's at the end and I'm getting ready to start pct. So I'm wondering how long to run it while the test is clearing. If it's test c can I run the anadrol 1 2 or 3 weeks after my last shot, or is it a bad idea period?

As far as the sublingual I was curious if anyone has tried it both ways and if they could tell a difference? Also do you need to dissolve it in alcohol or just crush it and leave it under your tongue?
Basically with no test base. I ran it one time before and it shriveled my balls up really fast. So the next time I run it I'm waiting till the end of cycle, if it shrinks me real quick again it won't be as big of a deal if it's at the end and I'm getting ready to start pct. So I'm wondering how long to run it while the test is clearing. If it's test c can I run the anadrol 1 2 or 3 weeks after my last shot, or is it a bad idea period?

As far as the sublingual I was curious if anyone has tried it both ways and if they could tell a difference? Also do you need to dissolve it in alcohol or just crush it and leave it under your tongue?
I think it’s a bad idea to run Anadrol at the end while being off test or waiting for it to clear. It may make recovery more difficult overall. I am at a point where I don’t PCT anymore - cruise and blast essentially.
Just dissolve under your tongue for sublingual absorption.
Basically with no test base. I ran it one time before and it shriveled my balls up really fast. So the next time I run it I'm waiting till the end of cycle, if it shrinks me real quick again it won't be as big of a deal if it's at the end and I'm getting ready to start pct. So I'm wondering how long to run it while the test is clearing. If it's test c can I run the anadrol 1 2 or 3 weeks after my last shot, or is it a bad idea period?

As far as the sublingual I was curious if anyone has tried it both ways and if they could tell a difference? Also do you need to dissolve it in alcohol or just crush it and leave it under your tongue?

You can run it leading up to PCT. It doesn't really matter that it causes atrophy to the balls, test will do that... For whatever reason, you just noticed it more from the drol.

I would suggest running HCG during the time between your last test shot and the start of PCT. I'd just stop the drol a few days before you start PCT to help make sure it's cleared out. HCG will help with the atrophy and it'll help set you up for an easier recovery.
Never thought of using an oral in between cycle and pct. Interesting. Have you tried it @Eman ?

Probably? I don't really recall for sure and I don't do PCT now. There just wouldn't really be much of an issue with doing it while waiting for injectable hormone levels to drop off. Oral hormone levels would drop off quickly after stopping and then you could go into PCT.

I wouldn't run orals for only the time between last pin and start of PCT though.. I'd start like a week before dropping injections.
I think it’s a bad idea to run Anadrol at the end while being off test or waiting for it to clear. It may make recovery more difficult overall. I am at a point where I don’t PCT anymore - cruise and blast essentially.
Just dissolve under your tongue for sublingual absorption.

Just my opinion and no scientific backing but...

I don’t think you will be absorbing much of anything sublingual. It’s a placebo considering once the powder dissolved you swallow to your gut.

I think if one were to see if it would actually work,you would have to discharge your spit and substances after you felt it was absorbed. Approximately 30 seconds to a minute. I feel one would be highly disappointed in the results of a “sublingual” absorption and see very little positive effects.
Just my opinion and no scientific backing but...

I don’t think you will be absorbing much of anything sublingual. It’s a placebo considering once the powder dissolved you swallow to your gut.

I think if one were to see if it would actually work,you would have to discharge your spit and substances after you felt it was absorbed. Approximately 30 seconds to a minute. I feel one would be highly disappointed in the results of a “sublingual” absorption and see very little positive effects.
Many drugs can be administered sublingually. I know he is disliked on here but Derek from mpmd on YouTube did a show on the dutches cocktail, it was a cycle of steroids that were taken sublingually by Russian Olympians 15 years ago to avoid drug tests. I think it said they were using anadrol but it got more detectable and switched to superdrol. Also it may take way more than a minute and in may need to be dissolved in alcohol first. But thanks for adding nothing to the conversation
Many drugs can be administered sublingually. I know he is disliked on here but Derek from mpmd on YouTube did a show on the dutches cocktail, it was a cycle of steroids that were taken sublingually by Russian Olympians 15 years ago to avoid drug tests. I think it said they were using anadrol but it got more detectable and switched to superdrol. Also it may take way more than a minute and in may need to be dissolved in alcohol first. But thanks for adding nothing to the conversation

Those are valid points. Have never heard of the dutches cocktail, but is something I’ll for sure check out as it seems like a very interesting story.

Based off that story. Does the mg dosage go up with the larger particles not passing as easy? I am sure they used a carrier such as alcohol or something with similar properties... but could be wrong.

Edit- just read about the scandal. No mention of detection time, just a shorter duration. But the article goes on to say “ often the athletes still had to swap urine”

Too bad the article doesn’t speak about dosage or anything to see if a higher dosage is to be used when trying to take orally by swishing in the mouth.. and did they swallow or spit the cocktail? I must have missed that part in the article. I assume they spit it out... like I think I said above. I’m not an expert on that for sure though.
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Those are valid points. Have never heard of the dutches cocktail, but is something I’ll for sure check out as it seems like a very interesting story.

Based off that story. Does the mg dosage go up with the larger particles not passing as easy? I am sure they used a carrier such as alcohol or something with similar properties... but could be wrong.

Edit- just read about the scandal. No mention of detection time, just a shorter duration. But the article goes on to say “ often the athletes still had to swap urine”

Too bad the article doesn’t speak about dosage or anything to see if a higher dosage is to be used when trying to take orally by swishing in the mouth.. and did they swallow or spit the cocktail? I must have missed that part in the article. I assume they spit it out... like I think I said above. I’m not an expert on that for sure though.
I'm no expert either but the way I understand it is it will go into the bloodstream before making a pass through the liver. That should make it stronger per mg and slightly easier on the liver. Also by going straight to the bloodstream instead of being routed through the liver first your levels will peak higher and faster. Since I'm planning on trying it as a pre workout if I use it again a fast high peak seem better but I've found very little proof on any of it. I saw the one video and the article I think he was reading from and not much more.