Steroid Profile Anadrol

Will anadrol give me an advantage if I take it before a fight or sex? Like an extra boost in power and explosiveness?
Will anadrol give me an advantage if I take it before a fight or sex? Like an extra boost in power and explosiveness?
Any androgen will increase aggression to a certain extent. That translates to increased performance and recovery.
@Bill Roberts profiles oxymetholone (Anadrol). He discusses dosages, side effects, side effect management, and even Anadrol use by women. Tell us what you think of this profile. Anadrol is not just a bodybuilding drug but really popular among powerlifters too and I know many of you have experience to share. For which situations and goals is it best suited? What are your favorite stacks with it? Please discuss.

Anadrol best oral hands down, it makes you full but not of subq water but of intracellular water, the best look I ever had was on abomb.

I promised myself to not run orals anymore except a bit of Var here and there for nitrogen retention but shit.... You are really waking up the monkey on my shoulder.... I'll dream of Abomb tonight.
I am looking forward to a bulk stack. I'm planning on 50mg pre workout. I might try the 3 days of swapping with var as others have suggested in the thread to help with minimizing sides. Looking to reach a 500lb bench pr by the end of the year. This might be the ticket for getting me there.
Yeah, definitely more of an off season there... Once Millard makes the Primo spotlight I'll say the same thing about it being included in the end all be all AAS stack. :)

I think it's fine for a prep but that's because I don't get any kind of bloat from it whatsoever... Some guys complain about that and it always surprises me. So, if you're one of those guys... I'd obviously not include it. If you're like me and it just makes you fuller, harder and stronger... Seems like it would be a good addition. However, I usually do var for cutting and this thread has made me kind of wonder why I even do that... I like var too but not as much as abombs.

TLDR: I'm capping abombs this weekend too see what they do with primo.
Update on Anadrol with Primo?
i am currently trying it, I started tuesday 50mg anadrol.
Very interested to hear how it works for you. Specifically if the primo will mitigate some or all the sides from the anadrol. How much primo are you running and is it just those 2 or are you stacking anything else?
Very interested to hear how it works for you. Specifically if the primo will mitigate some or all the sides from the anadrol. How much primo are you running and is it just those 2 or are you stacking anything else?
I am on 500 susta, 300 primo, and also 30mg oxandrolone. But my susta is expired since september 2020. And I have the feeling that it is less effective, so I dont know my true testosterone level. I will give you some news in a week.
I am on 500 susta, 300 primo, and also 30mg oxandrolone. But my susta is expired since september 2020. And I have the feeling that it is less effective, so I dont know my true testosterone level. I will give you some news in a week.
That’s the exact gear I have now, and pretty close to what I was thinking. I wasn’t planning on the var and adrol at same time and I’m running hgh too, but basically in line with your cycle. I’m excited to here your results!
I am on 500 susta, 300 primo, and also 30mg oxandrolone. But my susta is expired since september 2020. And I have the feeling that it is less effective, so I dont know my true testosterone level. I will give you some news in a week.
I used a sust that was 4 years expired and my blood work came back right where I was expecting.
ok so I think my susta is underdosed, but pharmacom refunded me already so its ok.
Thank you
The older I got the less feelz I got. The reason my cyp( sorry it wasn't sust) was so expired is I got no feelz off of it and it sat in my drawer that long. I got on this forum about a year ago and found out I could do my own blood work and since then I have figured out I just don't get feelz like I did back in my 20s off test. There's a reason people on here preach trusting blood work not feelz.

So you are doing 50mg pwo? What do you think so far? And I do see the irony of telling someone to not trust their feelz and in the next paragraph asking how their feelz are
The older I got the less feelz I got. The reason my cyp( sorry it wasn't sust) was so expired is I got no feelz off of it and it sat in my drawer that long. I got on this forum about a year ago and found out I could do my own blood work and since then I have figured out I just don't get feelz like I did back in my 20s off test. There's a reason people on here preach trusting blood work not feelz.

So you are doing 50mg pwo? What do you think so far? And I do see the irony of telling someone to not trust their feelz and in the next paragraph asking how their feelz are
Yes I am taking 50mg pwo, at the moment I dont feel something new, except a little vascularity but nothing amazing, I expect more in the long term. Also I noticed that my muscles warm up faster, even if I am not in the gym (like when I am playing piano or carry bags..)
I will keep you posted in the next few days.
sorry guys I just stopped taking oxy, It made me very tired and above all I had a kind of pain in my heart ( I already experienced this kind of pain when I was very stressed). So I conclude that oxy is not for me.
That is sad because in a few days I noticed some gains..
sorry guys I just stopped taking oxy, It made me very tired and above all I had a kind of pain in my heart ( I already experienced this kind of pain when I was very stressed). So I conclude that oxy is not for me.
That is sad because in a few days I noticed some gains..
Perhaps try using it as a pwo or maybe choose one or two sessions a week for the extra boost. At least that way you’re not getting that continuous build up of it constantly stressing the liver. I could be wrong so maybe someone else here can chime in on this
Damn, reading through this thread got me excited to take adrol again haha

By far one of the best orals right above sdrol. I remember gaining an insane amount of strength and size on 100mg per day split am and pm for 4 weeks.

I think I put on 40 lbs on that cycle and just felt like a fucking animal.

Mmmm adrol lol