Steroid Profile Anadrol

Damn, reading through this thread got me excited to take adrol again haha

By far one of the best orals right above sdrol. I remember gaining an insane amount of strength and size on 100mg per day split am and pm for 4 weeks.

I think I put on 40 lbs on that cycle and just felt like a fucking animal.

Mmmm adrol lol
What I love about Anadrol is it gives me the endurance, makes me want to lift heavier and longer than any other steroid, I know I'm not but anadrol just makes me feel healthier.

Me on test + anadrol the feelz are so happy


just 3 months off cycle but wanna blast with anadrol again ughh
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Any androgen will increase aggression to a certain extent. That translates to increased performance and recovery.
Oh... just gave away all my anadrol. Had to stop using after 2 weeks when cycling for PL as I was sleeping all day (from memory), do people use anadrol before fights ?? One bloats a lot with Adrol, so pretty sure it´s bad to cycle with it for a fighter, but wonder what it might do ocasionally, just before a fight or a tough sparring/rolling session
I´ve read several times of cheque drops or Halo being used for that purpose, but not much or at all of Anadrol.
Tried Test base a couple of times (on top of the 200mg test a week I´m on year round) before open mats but noticed no benefit from it. Still have a couple of vials lying around though.
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Oh... just gave away all my anadrol. Had to stop using after 2 weeks when cycling for PL as I was sleeping all day (from memory), do people use anadrol before fights ?? One bloats a lot with Adrol, so pretty sure it´s bad to cycle with it for a fighter, but wonder what it might do ocasionally, just before a fight or a tough sparring/rolling session
I´ve read several times of cheque drops or Halo being used for that purpose, but not much or at all of Anadrol.
Tried Test base a couple of times (on top of the 200mg test a week I´m on year round) before open mats but noticed no benefit from it. Still have a couple of vials lying around though.
Check your diet. I don’t bloat on Anadrol and I like to use preworkout. The pump is amazing.
Check your diet. I don’t bloat on Anadrol and I like to use preworkout. The pump is amazing.

The pump is amazing, I love it, but even at 25 mg when shredded I could see a film of water covering my lines within two hours of taking it. Blurred out my definition. There was a narrow window in the beginning of the workout where I looked all swollen and pumped but with all of my lean definition, and then the second half of the workout I just looked swollen and smoother.
Check your diet. I don’t bloat on Anadrol and I like to use preworkout. The pump is amazing.
Took Adrol PWO for a couple of weeks and liked those work outs, still have videos of the squats. Got nose bleeds at least twice when squatting during that period
I don´t do any weight training anymore though, and doubt fighters want any kind of pump. Nose bleeds aren´t welcome either when you´re struggling to breath during a grappling or striking fight. Dunno how likely those side effects would be if taking Adrol once in a long while before a specific session/fight.
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Underdosed is not commonly read of PCom products, even with their mixes, hplc tests come pretty spot on.
what is hplc tests? Anyway I did a bloodwork and I will share the results on the threads "underfilled pharmacom"
what is hplc tests? Anyway I did a bloodwork and I will share the results on the threads "underfilled pharmacom
HPLC tests are those testing the contents of a vial, Janoshik is often used by forum members to conduct those (not that there isn´t controversy regarding those tests sometimes). HPLC prolly means :

high performance liquid chromatography

With continued advances in performance during this time [smaller particles, even higher pressure], the acronym HPLC remained the same, but the name was changed to high performance liquid chromatography. High performance liquid chromatography is now one of the most powerful tools in analytical chemistry.

HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography Explained

@PeterBond or any science-minded guys that can explain Adrol's apparent water retention? Duchaine says it's less estrogenic than test but more than Dbol. Then, I look at its chemistry a bit more, and realize it's apparently not a good substrate for aromatase. Is it a mineralocorticoid receptor agonist, does it activate the RAS, or is its tendency to produce 17OHP (a "weak" progestin) the cause?
Have run it a couple times at 2 different doses. 100mg split and 50mg split. Got to say for me the sides are dose dependent but it is currently my favorite oral...
You've run Adrol at 100mg a day too? Either you are joking or the gear was bunk.
@Bill Roberts profiles oxymetholone (Anadrol). He discusses dosages, side effects, side effect management, and even Anadrol use by women. Tell us what you think of this profile. Anadrol is not just a bodybuilding drug but really popular among powerlifters too and I know many of you have experience to share. For which situations and goals is it best suited? What are your favorite stacks with it? Please discuss.

Anadrol is a great steroid, but mainly for strength gains. You often see guides stating that it can add mass and water like no other can, but I've never found that to be true as yet and I've run all the main Labs that offer it. Muscle gains tend to be that - pure muscle with little to no water. The main problem with it is after a while you can really feel it begin to diminish appetite and you can feel constantly rough on it, but generally you just tend to climatize to this feeling after time. If you compare it to the same mg of Dianabol you will find the size gains way superior on DBol and I dare say the strength gains too as you benefit from huge Glycogen and water storage within the muscle adding to leverages greatly.

A brilliant strength stack with other compounds is Test, NPP, Dbol and Adrol. You will feel great on this combination and can train hard without feeling rough. I've had my best Deadlift PR's on this combo. If you can tolerate it (which many cannot) then Trenbolone with Anadrol is the ultimate strength and power builder. Obviously Liver protection is an absolute must as both the Tren and Adrol WILL wreck havoc with liver AST and ALT levels.

Trenbolone and Adrol work best with each other to increase exercises like Bench, shoulder presses, arms where the exercise is not physically hugely demanding. Trying to run them whilst peaking Deads and Squats, rows is just too tough I find and makes me not want to do them.

Another hurdle is making sure you find Legit, good anadrol because for some reason even though it is a cheap RAW many labs put out poor quality stuff that often does nothing for the user but give stomach ache and bad guts. Generally the Labs that you know put out the best orals in the game also do great Adrol.
Sure boss oh as I said you are boring me now.... so since you dont know how to shut up you are now on ignore... have a great day
I got up to 150 mg

I ran 50 mg 2 weeks, 100 mg 2 weeks, 150 mg 2 weeks. By the end i was throwing uo in my sleep from acid reflex gasping for air 2-3 times a night lol. So i stopped.
If you are taking anadrol and it's real u get great muscle gains and strength if u start losing ur appetite your taking to much lower the dose is what I have found. 25mg of real anadrol is plenty. You can stay on for eight weeks and feel great.
You've run Adrol at 100mg a day too? Either you are joking or the gear was bunk.
It is not uncommon for guys to run Anadrol at 100mg daily, Pharma or UGL. I don’t think a blanket statement applies that you can say if someone used 100mg then it must be bunk. I have been around for many years using AAS for about 30 of my birthdays so far. I have seen guys use 150mg regularly on cycle with no real immediate issues or sides. Often it was Pharma grade, but UGL were always in the mix too, as well as outright counterfeits. You ran what you could get back in the day.

Today’s domestic UGL production is very good overall. If a lab produces crappy product they won’t be around long. The market is way too competitive for pretenders. Especially in Canada.

Anadrol is great for strength but I find it also imparts a certain real full look to the muscles. It is especially nice at the back end of a lean mass cycle when you have already put on quality muscle. Add in Drol the last 4-6 weeks to really fill up the muscles. Keep your diet in check.

Personally I run 75mg regularly on cycle as that is a nice amount for me.,I would also say that the toxicity of Anadrol is often way overstated. It is generally safer than many other orals, but again, that is subjective.
I got up to 150 mg

I ran 50 mg 2 weeks, 100 mg 2 weeks, 150 mg 2 weeks. By the end i was throwing uo in my sleep from acid reflex gasping for air 2-3 times a night lol. So i stopped.

It is not uncommon for guys to run Anadrol at 100mg daily, Pharma or UGL. I don’t think a blanket statement applies that you can say if someone used 100mg then it must be bunk. I have been around for many years using AAS for about 30 of my birthdays so far. I have seen guys use 150mg regularly on cycle with no real immediate issues or sides. Often it was Pharma grade, but UGL were always in the mix too, as well as outright counterfeits. You ran what you could get back in the day.

Today’s domestic UGL production is very good overall. If a lab produces crappy product they won’t be around long. The market is way too competitive for pretenders. Especially in Canada.

Anadrol is great for strength but I find it also imparts a certain real full look to the muscles. It is especially nice at the back end of a lean mass cycle when you have already put on quality muscle. Add in Drol the last 4-6 weeks to really fill up the muscles. Keep your diet in check.

Personally I run 75mg regularly on cycle as that is a nice amount for me.,I would also say that the toxicity of Anadrol is often way overstated. It is generally safer than many other orals, but again, that is subjective.
You are getting me wrong, he was giving me a hard time earlier on for trying to help someone out looking to increase their bench on 500mg Test. Another guy tried to be clever with me and Bitcoin cowboy jumped in like a child. Turns out his max bench is 280 despite running various cycles and as he states here - 100mg Adrol ED. He was trying to impress his friends by giving me a hard time which I find laughable given what he lifts. I did a big stint on Adrol last year hitting between 100 to 150mg a day.
It is not uncommon for guys to run Anadrol at 100mg daily, Pharma or UGL. I don’t think a blanket statement applies that you can say if someone used 100mg then it must be bunk. I have been around for many years using AAS for about 30 of my birthdays so far. I have seen guys use 150mg regularly on cycle with no real immediate issues or sides. Often it was Pharma grade, but UGL were always in the mix too, as well as outright counterfeits. You ran what you could get back in the day.

Today’s domestic UGL production is very good overall. If a lab produces crappy product they won’t be around long. The market is way too competitive for pretenders. Especially in Canada.

Anadrol is great for strength but I find it also imparts a certain real full look to the muscles. It is especially nice at the back end of a lean mass cycle when you have already put on quality muscle. Add in Drol the last 4-6 weeks to really fill up the muscles. Keep your diet in check.

Personally I run 75mg regularly on cycle as that is a nice amount for me.,I would also say that the toxicity of Anadrol is often way overstated. It is generally safer than many other orals, but again, that is subjective.
Great statement and very true there are many that can handle more than others. I personally use 50 with no issues but found 25 works well enough for me. 100 I had stomach issues.
for me anadrol treat me better than all other orals. Its the least toxic at least in my body. Gives great stregnh amazing fullness 24/7 hardness and fullness if I stack it with the right compounds. Best oral overall 90% of the time pharma grade there are some good ugls too. But with real drol no real problems with bloating etc only side effect if you overdo it is lethargy and loss of appetite.
Other orals fuck my stomach up dbol var and winstrol gives me reflux heartburn all kind of side effects.
I wouldn't use any orals if I haven't found drol