Steroid Profile Anadrol

I'm gonna echo what others said, my favorite oral as well. I started at 50 and do 75 Preworkout sometimes. Aggression, focus, pumps, and strength boost are very noticeable. I remember the very first few times I got heartburn and dry mouth but those subsided.
What about it do you love?
Well I like to take Anadrol for the strength and aggression. But I also get similar strength and aggression from masteron. Adding masteron allows me to run a lower dose of Anadrol with a better experience and less sides.
I like 400 mast and 50 Anadrol
Awesome. I'm doing 450 Test, 450 Mast, and will be doing 50 anadrol at week 6, then switching after 4 weeks to 50 var for three weeks.
Well I like to take Anadrol for the strength and aggression. But I also get similar strength and aggression from masteron. Adding masteron allows me to run a lower dose of Anadrol with a better experience and less sides.
I like 400 mast and 50 Anadrol

The aggression I get at the gym from Anadrol is something that I haven't experienced with other aas. Love it. Mast seems to amplify the aggression too. All these fools are on their phones and I am sweating and pushing like a crazy man.
Well I like to take Anadrol for the strength and aggression. But I also get similar strength and aggression from masteron. Adding masteron allows me to run a lower dose of Anadrol with a better experience and less sides.
I like 400 mast and 50 Anadrol
Mast is a good addition to any stack. It is not the main driver behind the cycle but has synergistic effects that make all other compounds work better.
That's pretty crazy man. Certainly DBol will put some noticeable water weight on you, but it's crazy that you didn't see anything from Anadrol. Maybe underdosed stuff? Anadrol makes every vein in my body engorged.
i dont think so. it was from stan. coming off i didnt lose any strength either, so no strength was coming from it. 50mgs is a pretty low dose for it but still think id rather run dbol instead. drug just didnt work for me
i dont think so. it was from stan. coming off i didnt lose any strength either, so no strength was coming from it. 50mgs is a pretty low dose for it but still think id rather run dbol instead. drug just didnt work for me
I never get any weight gain from anadrol. If anything I get a recomp effect and good strength
If you don't have var on hand to cycle with drol what about taking anadrol 2-3 days out of the week while cruising on heavy days as a pwo and to minimize water retention and negative sides?

Has anybody tried this or just a waste?

I have a pack of anadrol sitting for like 1.5 year now from stanny and this thread is making me want to do something with it lol
If you don't have var on hand to cycle with drol what about taking anadrol 2-3 days out of the week while cruising on heavy days as a pwo and to minimize water retention and negative sides?

Has anybody tried this or just a waste?

I have a pack of anadrol sitting for like 1.5 year now from stanny and this thread is making me want to do something with it lol
I have used the PWO approach 3-4 days per week with Anadrol with decent results. It’s actually my fav PWO supplement. Better than all that stim crap. The pumps are amazing at 75mg PWO.