Steroid Profile Anadrol

If you don't have var on hand to cycle with drol what about taking anadrol 2-3 days out of the week while cruising on heavy days as a pwo and to minimize water retention and negative sides?

Has anybody tried this or just a waste?

I have a pack of anadrol sitting for like 1.5 year now from stanny and this thread is making me want to do something with it lol
Currently doing this on w, f, sat which are my heavy days (SBD). Added this at the tail end of 500 Test E / 550 Deca. I’m up 5 lbs, a little water weight. I’m sure it’s the drol as I’ve been pretty lean the first 16 weeks of this cycle prior to the Drol. Really happy with this though.
Currently doing this on w, f, sat which are my heavy days (SBD). Added this at the tail end of 500 Test E / 550 Deca. I’m up 5 lbs, a little water weight. I’m sure it’s the drol as I’ve been pretty lean the first 16 weeks of this cycle prior to the Drol. Really happy with this though.

Man I had to come back and tell you I added drol 50mg 3x a week like you suggested and WOW. I feel so much fuller and am getting 3-4 more reps on every lift.

I've always struggled with 315 on bench and can only get it for 1-2 reps but today I hit 5 and couldn't believe it. I don't get strength like this from any drug.

Might have a new favorite compound. I can only imagine what adding var would do.
Man I had to come back and tell you I added drol 50mg 3x a week like you suggested and WOW. I feel so much fuller and am getting 3-4 more reps on every lift.

I've always struggled with 315 on bench and can only get it for 1-2 reps but today I hit 5 and couldn't believe it. I don't get strength like this from any drug.

Might have a new favorite compound. I can only imagine what adding var would do.

Abombs made me stronger than Var did. Anadrol is my favorite oral.
Abombs made me stronger than Var did. Anadrol is my favorite oral.

Yeah its been 10 days and I am sold. I noticed my appetite has decreased lattely, I don't feel like eating shit. Thankfully I am in a slight deficit but it's getting harder to force tilapia/chicken down.

I run milk thistle for liver support but I know that it's not a real solution. Any liver support you recommend?
Yeah its been 10 days and I am sold. I noticed my appetite has decreased lattely, I don't feel like eating shit. Thankfully I am in a slight deficit but it's getting harder to force tilapia/chicken down.

I run milk thistle for liver support but I know that it's not a real solution. Any liver support you recommend?

Anything with cystine hydrochloride.
Man I had to come back and tell you I added drol 50mg 3x a week like you suggested and WOW. I feel so much fuller and am getting 3-4 more reps on every lift.

I've always struggled with 315 on bench and can only get it for 1-2 reps but today I hit 5 and couldn't believe it. I don't get strength like this from any drug.

Might have a new favorite compound. I can only imagine what adding var would do.
Yeah bro. It’s amazing how quick it comes on and how quick you fill out.

Owner of my gym asked me yesterday with a side eye ….. “what are you cycling? You look really big.”

I get blood work on Wednesday. We’ll see how only 3x / wk impacts the panel.

I’ve been taking 1800 mg NAC and 500mg TUDCA ED throughout this cycle
Im planning on doing 1000mg test and 350mg a week anadrol to start. May increase either test or drol. Does anyone have any exact information about what it does to your e2, like the mechanics of it not just "yea youll e2 sides". I have a little gyno i try to keep under control so I would like to know the effects so I know how to combat it best. I read somewhere on here that it changes the rate at which you metabolize e2 or something
Im planning on doing 1000mg test and 350mg a week anadrol to start. May increase either test or drol. Does anyone have any exact information about what it does to your e2, like the mechanics of it not just "yea youll e2 sides". I have a little gyno i try to keep under control so I would like to know the effects so I know how to combat it best. I read somewhere on here that it changes the rate at which you metabolize e2 or something
If you are prone to gyno i suggest you wouldnt mess with high dosages of test and probabbly replace half of it with masterone to make it 500/500. That will still be a good bulking cycle since you are adding anadrol to the mix, but a chance of getting gyno will be a lot less. Dont worry about anadrol binding affinity to progesterone receptors its not that bad, better make sure you dont let your E2 levels through the roof so take an AI.
Yeah bro. It’s amazing how quick it comes on and how quick you fill out.

Owner of my gym asked me yesterday with a side eye ….. “what are you cycling? You look really big.”

I get blood work on Wednesday. We’ll see how only 3x / wk impacts the panel.

I’ve been taking 1800 mg NAC and 500mg TUDCA ED throughout this cycle

Interested to see how your bloodwork turns out.

I've always been prone to nosebleeds but they have gotten alot more frequent even off 3 days of drol weekly.

Ordered another BP reader but was just curious if anyone else has this symptom? Is it BP induced or something to do with RBC?
Interested to see how your bloodwork turns out.

I've always been prone to nosebleeds but they have gotten alot more frequent even off 3 days of drol weekly.

Ordered another BP reader but was just curious if anyone else has this symptom? Is it BP induced or something to do with RBC?
I had nosebleeds from high blood pressure on Test Tren Anadrol.

Once i added Telmisartan 80mg ed it fixed everything, but not the backpumps :rolleyes:
If you are prone to gyno i suggest you wouldnt mess with high dosages of test and probabbly replace half of it with masterone to make it 500/500. That will still be a good bulking cycle since you are adding anadrol to the mix, but a chance of getting gyno will be a lot less. Dont worry about anadrol binding affinity to progesterone receptors its not that bad, better make sure you dont let your E2 levels through the roof so take an AI.
So does anadrol do the same thing as deca? I hardly aromatize. I got the gyno from running high test and nandrolone without checking my shit haha. I can run gram of test and my e2 is still low
So does anadrol do the same thing as deca? I hardly aromatize. I got the gyno from running high test and nandrolone without checking my shit haha. I can run gram of test and my e2 is still low
Anadrol in combination with test is a lot less estrogenic cycle then test and nandrolone. You will probably be more than safe by just taking a moderate dose of AI. Just make sure you are not running anadrol for too long :)
Why does anadrol make my gyno flare?
Even tho Anadrol does not go thru aromatization, since its DHT derived, but its still highly estrogenic, why?
Cuz the molecule itself directly stimulates the estrogen receptors, leading to gyno, especially in men who are prone to gyno. So an AI wont do anything here (since no aromatization), keep a SARM handy.
Even tho Anadrol does not go thru aromatization, since its DHT derived, but its still highly estrogenic, why?
Cuz the molecule itself directly stimulates the estrogen receptors, leading to gyno, especially in men who are prone to gyno. So an AI wont do anything here (since no aromatization), keep a SARM handy.
It's not this. Houtman's mammalian reporter gene bioassay shows that oxymetholone's ERα & ERβ activity is very weak (weaker than Var's and Winstrol's) in this regard.
It's not this. Houtman's mammalian reporter gene bioassay shows that oxymetholone's ERα & ERβ activity is very weak (weaker than Var's and Winstrol's) in this regard.
So what can be used to make the gyno stop?
I have letrozol, aromasin, nolva, arimidex.

I was going to make a cocktail of all it. Small dose. And take for 3 days eod then reasses.
Why does anadrol make my gyno flare?
It's likely due to Adrol's:
- tendency to increase 17-OHP, a "weak" progestin [41]. Camerino [126], cites Junkmann and Suchowsky, 1962 that "showed no gestagenic effect" at therapeutic doses. No direct PR binding - moderately to AR, weakly to ER-alpha (weaker than oxandrolone and stanozolol) & ER-beta in mammalian reporter gene bioassay [28]

Progestins are involved in lactation but can enhance the effect of estrogens on breast tissues.

Fluid retention may be due additionally or independently to:
- potential for MR agonism?
- potential activation of RAAS?

The RAAS regulates water and electrolyte balance, connective tissue cell growth, and the metabolism of loose and dense connective tissue or tissue repair, as well as bone metabolism. Pathologically, it increases vascoconstriction, cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis (i.e., chronic activation may cause myocardial infarction, fibrosis of the liver).

Acting as an agonist to the MR increases aldosterone which increases sodium retention in the renal tubules. In this sense, Adrol may act oppositely of tren in this regard (as methyltrienolone has been demonstrated to act as an antagonist at the MR).