Steroid Profile Anadrol

You are getting me wrong, he was giving me a hard time earlier on for trying to help someone out looking to increase their bench on 500mg Test. Another guy tried to be clever with me and Bitcoin cowboy jumped in like a child. Turns out his max bench is 280 despite running various cycles and as he states here - 100mg Adrol ED. He was trying to impress his friends by giving me a hard time which I find laughable given what he lifts. I did a big stint on Adrol last year hitting between 100 to 150mg a day.
I see. Thanks for the info. I have no issues with @Btcowboy. I have always found him to be a good guy.
My apologies if I misinterpreted what you said. I will state very matter of factly that Anadrol is hands down the best oral available. Period.
Got adrol and var on the way. Loved how I felt on var, might try low dose like @Turbo charged keeps saying or split 3 days adrol 3 days var.
Hoping I’m one of the ones adrol treats well
Anadrol works great for me at 100 mg a day. No sides, no water, full muscles an strength. I had used it at the beginning of cycles but now like it in the middle when gains slow down. 50 Anadrol with 10 to 15 mg super D; with really kicks strength up. But too much super d is a shit feeling. Anadrol like dbol for me does cause massive cramps especially lats. So that feedback reminds me to lower dose a bit.
This is an interesting read, however I was told not to run Adrol for more than a couple of weeks as the whole mass/performance gains reverse for some people past a certain point. I really don't understand this, I would imagined you'd want to run Adrol at least 6 to 8 weeks?
This is an interesting read, however I was told not to run Adrol for more than a couple of weeks as the whole mass/performance gains reverse for some people past a certain point. I really don't understand this, I would imagined you'd want to run Adrol at least 6 to 8 weeks?
It kills some peoples appetite after a while
3 weeks of Anadrol and I noticed nothing.
Week 1 25mg ed
Week 2 37mg ed
Week 3 37mg ed
Didn’t gain any weight at all or experience any change in my workouts or side effects so I stopped taking it. Guess I’m getting this ppl anadrol tested.. or I just don’t respond to such a low dose. Will try 50-100mg next blast if it tests good
Such a small dose of course you wouldn't. Next time start from 50 till 150 I bet at 100 will be your sweet spot
Yea I had seen someone say that 25mg was effective for them in this thread I guess I was hoping so too but it didn’t do shit and was a waste of time. At least I got plenty to try again with my next blast. I’m done fucking with small doses there’s no point
I could see a pump and water difference from 25 mg. Weird that you would experience nothing.

FIrst, a major pump in the gym, then water blurring out my lean striations before the end of the workout. It acted that quickly. Over an hour it went from my new favorite steroid ever to, "Crap, I guess I can't use this to fill out before stepping on stage." LOL!
My favorite oral.

The vascularity, the pump, the pure aggression you feel....I love Anadrol.

Test/Tren/Mast/Anadrol....there is no better stack for me.
50mg did jack shit for me. 50mgs dbol was 10x more noticable. even 25mg dbol was more effective. If i didnt watch myself take the anadrol, i wouldnt have known i was on anadrol. i hear it has a potential to abuse the dosing much higher before diminishing returns kick in, but why do that when u can run moderate dose of something else that doesnt suck
50mg did jack shit for me. 50mgs dbol was 10x more noticable. even 25mg dbol was more effective. If i didnt watch myself take the anadrol, i wouldnt have known i was on anadrol. i hear it has a potential to abuse the dosing much higher before diminishing returns kick in, but why do that when u can run moderate dose of something else that doesnt suck
That's pretty crazy man. Certainly DBol will put some noticeable water weight on you, but it's crazy that you didn't see anything from Anadrol. Maybe underdosed stuff? Anadrol makes every vein in my body engorged.
That's pretty crazy man. Certainly DBol will put some noticeable water weight on you, but it's crazy that you didn't see anything from Anadrol. Maybe underdosed stuff? Anadrol makes every vein in my body engorged.
I don’t know how true this is but, I’ve heard before that some people that love drol don’t respond that great to dbol and vise versa. I personally love drol but dbol did nothing for me but increase my bp. So maybe it’s true for me.