Steroid Profile Anadrol

So for the first 3 days I've taken 50, 75, and 100mg pre-workout. I will stay at 100mg moving forward. My plan is to run something similar to what was mentioned at the beginning of this thread doing 4 days anadrol and 3 days anavar. For reference, my anavar dosage is 50mg pre-workout. I will do this for around 4-6 weeks barring any crazy issues.

As far as results thus far, I've noticed I can add a couple more reps but I've not seen any crazy strength increase. I do feel more focused and I'm definitely looking full and more veiny, but besides these things I don't have any crazy results to add here at least early on. I'm currently bulking on 500mg test and 500mg primo using a reverse diet so my food intake is pretty in tact and I just reached about a 500 calorie surplus. With all these factors it makes it hard to pinpoint exactly which is responsible for what.

I haven't had any negative side effects such as higher blood pressure or extreme water retention, but I'm also on 5mg nebivolol daily to manage my heart rate which had increased due to 10iu HGH and my diet is pretty clean, along with decent cardio. All in all, I'm going to see this through and won't make a rash decision about anadrol based on this limited experience.
I've only used oxandrolone during a cut so far. For anyone that used oxymetholone in a cut, did you use it along with stanozolol or drostanolone or anything to minimize water retention or bloat? Or do you find it's not really an issue in a large calorie deficit? Also why use oxy over oxa in a cut? That might be the better question