Anavar and primo short corse 8 weeks


New Member
Was going to start a corse of anavar / primo. var 100mg a day and primo at 2 ml
Eod , I have read up and it's getting very confusing every one is saying use pct some people are saying not to , I was going to run milk thestle anyways and hgc was thinking about 500iu each week does any one else no what else I could chic in and how much I would need

Cheers guys
Only 8 weeks on primo? Might as well flush your money down the toilet. You should also at least be running a trt dose of test during this cycle... Hit clomid and nolvadex at 2 tabs a day for the first 2 weeks and 1 tab a day for the next 2-3 weeks.
But I thought I needed nolvadex of there was a chance it could change to estrogen . But i thought var and primo couldn't , and I done corse of test e had good results done my pct for that and still got little lumps under my nipples , still there a tiny bit was thinking about getting letro to get ten out ! And obviously don't want to start test corse with existing gyno as it will probably end up making things 10 times worce
Week 1-14:Test enanthate: 250mg/week
Week 1-14:primobolan: 600-800/week
Week 9-14: anavar: 50-70 mg/day
Arimidex: .25mg every other day
*bump to .5mg Every other day if you get estro sides

Pct: nolvadex + clomid
You just don't want to use a high dose of test. But I'm sure you want test just for sense of well being and sex drive. Use an aromatase inhibitor to take care of estro sides on cycle. Not nolvadex. The dose I described should def make sure you don't get gyno. You better have a damn good source if you plan on using REAL var and primo. Just sayin
Yeah he's a good source it's good gear aswell , will I defently not irritate my gyno of I use low dose and the Aromatase inhibitors you spoke of before because I hate gyno with a as soon and can some one give me an example of a good Aromatase inhibitors to buy as I want to put the test in there cheers guys
If you are gyno prone a good dose for you would be arimidex @ .25 mg every other day or aromasin @12.5mg every other day. You may need more or less, blood work is a good way to find out. But for a low dose of test this should work well.