Anavar + test 12 weeks / cycle 2 tren/mast/Test


New Member
Hello everyone, I would like your opinion on this topic regarding 1 cycle, for example I did a cycle of Anavar 30mg for 10 weeks plus Test Cypionate 375mg for 12 weeks.
Can one jump straight to a different compound mix after doing that cycle? Let’s say Masteron 100mg, test Enanthate 100 mg and Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg?

If anyone did a different combination or started on a 2nd cycle right away, I would like to know your thoughts.

For the sake of being braindead and heartbroken for this Valentine’s Day, I just thought about this.

Thank you!
Of course you can jump straight from one cycle to another. Ive done it before. But now I give myself at least 8 wks off at trt levels before I start my next cycle. I don't really lose any muscle just some glycogen and water.
Blood work would be recommended before doing an extended cycle. Better to know if there's any problems before you blast for another 12 weeks.
And monitor you blood pressure. I check about daily.
Of course you can jump straight from one cycle to another. Ive done it before. But now I give myself at least 8 wks off at trt levels before I start my next cycle. I don't really lose any muscle just some glycogen and water.
Blood work would be recommended before doing an extended cycle. Better to know if there's any problems before you blast for another 12 weeks.
And monitor you blood pressure. I check about daily.
Thanks bro, you’re a real one!