Another damn raws supplier thread!!!!

One more thing that's crazy I have not sweat so much from any other gear . Like this cycle . have to change my bed sheets every night . 60f in my house and my girl can even get close to me I feel like I just got out of the shower . Any input
One more thing that's crazy I have not sweat so much from any other gear . Like this cycle . have to change my bed sheets every night . 60f in my house and my girl can even get close to me I feel like I just got out of the shower . Any input
Sounds like your tren is good. If you can't handle lower the dosage.
Sounds good with the Tren A, might try Hugeraw, last Tren A I brewed from another supplier looked good and had a few of the mental sides but very little gain wise. Was a massive let down and paid $450 for 50g massive waste really :(
Sounds good with the Tren A, might try Hugeraw, last Tren A I brewed from another supplier looked good and had a few of the mental sides but very little gain wise. Was a massive let down and paid $450 for 50g massive waste really :(
Yeah way cheaper then that a hugeraw
So I was messing around and made this 150 tren ace ? and 250 test cyp? in one batch 1ml would equal ? both test cyp and tren it didn't crash but my leg is sore from pin nothing I can't handle

15 grams tren
25 grams test
23+ bb
4 ba
62 gso

Made a little over 100ml

Not sure if I did it right just messing around any thoughts.
what's the consensus on best raws atm... i'm considering pulling hte trigger on 1 of these 4: redlion, ironlion, pure raws, or quality raws ... any recommendations?
Anybody that been here for a minute know of anywhere to get test c, test e, or sust. Since I'm buying raws, I will def get blood work to roast the fuck out of them if it's bunk...if that helps my case.

I'm thinking of going with quality raws-I ussualy wait for 50% off promos at the place I get my oils, but it looks like tren is going to win this week. bastards love yalls tren.
I tried QR so many times. Very happy, i am not gonna change my source for the moment. With them you will not be wrong
I tried QR so many times. Very happy, i am not gonna change my source for the moment. With them you will not be wrong

I get the gist you kind of work for them, though.

"Very happy"
"With them you will not be wrong."

Its broken english, my man, try something like:

"Those chinese niggas at qr always hook a me up. Sometimes they fuck up, but its cheaper than paying for oils. Im happy enough"

Sell-that-shit. I want to believe.
