another DNP question - body fluids?


New Member
for the guys that have used DNP - i've read about the yellow piss, yellow cum, yellow everyting, but what about sweat? i can imagine if everything else is yellow, then you've got to be pouring yellow sweat everywhere as well, which i can imagine would ruin just about anything you touch? also, do any of you wear contacts...i'm afraid of it staining my contacts yellow...i know this can happen with some antibiotics.
finally, how did you guys deal with sweating so much through your daily etc... i thought about just wearing a sweatshirt to class to soak it up, but then there's the heat situation...
thanks for your help fella's
hailtopitt said:
for the guys that have used DNP - i've read about the yellow piss, yellow cum, yellow everyting, but what about sweat? i can imagine if everything else is yellow, then you've got to be pouring yellow sweat everywhere as well, which i can imagine would ruin just about anything you touch? also, do any of you wear contacts...i'm afraid of it staining my contacts yellow...i know this can happen with some antibiotics.
finally, how did you guys deal with sweating so much through your daily etc... i thought about just wearing a sweatshirt to class to soak it up, but then there's the heat situation...
thanks for your help fella's

Like you said, every body fluid was yellow when I last took DNP. However, my sweat never stained anything or appeared to be yellow. I suggest some dark sheets, though. I didn't sweat too much during the day until around day 5 or 6. By then, it was too much to hide or nonchalantely wipe away. I had several clients ask if I was ok. The last two days, my dress shirts were completely soaked through, even though I wore an undershirt. Just have plenty of water with you, and get fresh air whenever you can!

Hey man -
I am sure you have already checked out the thread H.H. posted about how not to fuck up on DNP. Read it's great info especially if you have never given DNP a try.

As far as the yellowness? Yeah, piss looks like mountain dew (the regular stuff, not the code red mountain dew...if your piss looks like the code red, you got bigger problems that yellow sweat), even your snot will get that familiar yellowness. But is the sweat visibly yellow? I don't think it will be noticeable, especially if you have darker skin. In the wintertime, I let my skin lose all the tan it gets over the warms months, so my skin is really, really white right now. I just did a week long dnp cycle, and if it were going to be noticeable, it would have shown up brightly against my skin. But does sweat have a yellowing effect? Yeah...and here's a word of advice regarding sweat - if your girlfriend or whatever has expensive, light colored sheets (like big thread count stuff) try not to sleep on it. Buying new sheets (especially really, really good ones) can be really eye opening.

And dealing with the sweat? Once you see how effectively this shyte works, you will suck it up for a week and deal with it. My coworkers noticed I was always sweaty. I simply said I was trying out a new thermogenic...a little different than the ephedra based stuff. (They bought into the story since the FDA announced is future actions regarding it).

Good luck and stay hydrated.


hailtopitt said:
for the guys that have used DNP - i've read about the yellow piss, yellow cum, yellow everyting, but what about sweat? i can imagine if everything else is yellow, then you've got to be pouring yellow sweat everywhere as well, which i can imagine would ruin just about anything you touch? also, do any of you wear contacts...i'm afraid of it staining my contacts yellow...i know this can happen with some antibiotics.
finally, how did you guys deal with sweating so much through your daily etc... i thought about just wearing a sweatshirt to class to soak it up, but then there's the heat situation...
thanks for your help fella's
My boss sent me home on my last cycle of dnp... he said I looked terrible :eek:

By the 10th day @ 800mg, I looked like I was dieing, thank the lord it was a Thursday during a week that I had a Friday off.

On Monday all the water was out and about 10pounds of fat. :D
awesome...thanks fella's. i can't wait to get started on my first cycle, i just needed to get some opinions on those few questions...
about the contacts...any advice? not wearing them is not a big deal, and just to be safe i probably won't, i just wanted some input and thought it might be good to mention for everyone else on the board as well.
I never really paid attention to the color of my sweat. Don't think it was yellow. This is my third cycle and it has never messed with my contacts. As far as the daily sweats, you just learn to wipe it off and deal with wet clothes. I also told people that I was on a thermogenic. That was about the best that I could come up with...LOL!!!