Ansomone 4iu HGH Test Report


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10+ Year Member
I have attached a test report for Ansomone HGH direct through Nancy from Ankebio. I have always had red welts from using this HGH so wanted to finally see what was in it. I first got some of this stuff 20 years ago direct from china ice packed in polystyrene containers and got red welts then s well. Recently got the new version and again after a few days got the red welts switched to IM and no swelling etc.

The good part is it had 1.4mg of 191aa HGH in it however there was also a significant amount of unknown low molecular weight compounds that couldn't be identified I suspect these are what causes the red welts as I have run Jintropin (pre 2007) and never got any.

Welcome resident experts to help try and interpret the results.


The good part is it had 1.4mg of 191aa HGH in it

No, you've misinterpreted the results.

There's written that Total protein was 1.4mg.

The amount of HGH specifically was never measured by this assay.

There are some other things as well, but they might not be worth mentioning.
No, you've misinterpreted the results.

There's written that Total protein was 1.4mg.

The amount of HGH specifically was never measured by this assay.

There are some other things as well, but they might not be worth mentioning.
It said amount 35.5 mg. That is a lot. But must be wrong.

Can you interpret this for me? I only see whats written. Those graphs don't mean anything to me.

It doesnt look good. lol
It said amount 35.5 mg. That is a lot. But must be wrong.

Can you interpret this for me? I only see whats written. Those graphs don't mean anything to me.

It doesnt look good. lol
The amount is meant for the whole "cake".

When you have a vial of HGH and you can see the white lyophilized cake inside it's not only HGH. You always have stuff like sodium phosphate buffers, mannose and other excipients to keep the hormone stable. Only a small part out of that whole 'cake' is HGH.

Those 35.5mgs are the whole cake.

I'm not sure how exactly Analyzer measures that, so it might be better to ask him.

In my opinion that info holds little real usefulness.
It said amount 35.5 mg. That is a lot. But must be wrong.

Can you interpret this for me? I only see whats written. Those graphs don't mean anything to me.

It doesnt look good. lol
Other than that, the total protein assay is the following:upload_2017-9-15_20-24-34.png

So anything (even the impurities or completely unrelated stuff) that absorbs at 280 nm would affect the reading.

Ie - if there was testosterone enanthate in there as well it would cause the "total protein amount" to increase.
Ok so I have asked for clarity on some points 're protein etc. Last time I checked test doesn't dissolve in water. Not even suspension. So let's not muddy the water. It contains 191 beyond that I admit I don't have the technical knowledge once I have response from analyzer I'll post it. If test enath was there it would show up in the graph. I wanted to do this as the debate around Ansomone has been going on for 20+ years and I get red welts from subq injects. What we know is it's not 192 and doesn't have all the impurities filtered out.
Ok so I have asked for clarity on some points 're protein etc. Last time I checked test doesn't dissolve in water. Not even suspension. So let's not muddy the water. It contains 191 beyond that I admit I don't have the technical knowledge once I have response from analyzer I'll post it. If test enath was there it would show up in the graph. I wanted to do this as the debate around Ansomone has been going on for 20+ years and I get red welts from subq injects. What we know is it's not 192 and doesn't have all the impurities filtered out.
It was an example - the testosterone. To provide an idea how random can the impurity be.

Also, there is some, very limited, solubility indeed.
Ok so what other protein is visible?
You might want to hire a fortune-teller to tell you that over the internet.
SEC shows a huge peak past HGH, doesn't have to be a protein.

There could be helluva lot stuff like desamidosomatropin and this test wouldn't show it.
Jano why do you invest so much time disecting these results when all I have seen from you is a pishy word doc that my kid could knock up.
Jano why do you invest so much time disecting these results when all I have seen from you is a pishy word doc that my kid could knock up.
Try less idioms, I'm not a native speaker.

Also, because you asked these results to be dissected, lol.
Like, don't get me wrong, the test is good, I was just trying to explain its limitations and correct your misunderstanding.

I'm obviously biased, but I don't think I've written anything that was untrue.

I apologize if I ought to have refrained from commenting.
But that's just it you haven't said anything positive but poured scorn on it. I'm bored my team lost tonight so i'm off to bed. The community can take what it likes from what I have posted but maybe you should think about what you can add rather than detract so is there anything positive from what i have posted?
But that's just it you haven't said anything positive but poured scorn on it. I'm bored my team lost tonight so i'm off to bed. The community can take what it likes from what I have posted but maybe you should think about what you can add rather than detract so is there anything positive from what i have posted?
No, I said you misunderstood the test results and I quite thoroughly explained why.

There is nothing wrong with the test in regard that the results are exactly what is stated in the raw data and have been conducted, as far as I can tell, in accordance with USP.

Do you want a pat on the back for not understanding it? Then I'm not a person for the job.

The problem is not the test. The problem is your lack of understanding.

Next time, please, instead of asking people to help try and interpret the results ask for a pat on the back and a link to for some positivity. Will help with mourning your teams loss as well, probably.
Mate my team will win again I hope!:)

So elaborate on what is good of the test I admit I am not a qualified. So help the community get to what Ansomone actually is? And actually what is Reddit maybe I''m to old for that.....
jano was correct in most points.
The vial contains 35.5 mg of solid material. Major part of this are inorganic salts which are used to keep constant pH and ionic strength of reconstituted solution. Also maybe some bacteriostatic additives and other compounds suppressing aggregation and degradation of hGH. This number is not important but someone might find it useful. It makes no extra work for me to measure it.

1.4 mg is total amount of proteins in the sample. It is measured according to USP, however this value includes all proteins present in the sample and also other compounds absorbing light at wavelength 280nm. In order to distinguish them the SEC chromatographic analysis was done. You can see that 12% contribution (page 7) to total absorbance at 280nm is caused by the low molecular weight stuff (peak at 18.7 min; page 6) and 3% is caused by hGH dimer. So if you lower the 1,4 mg by 15% you will get real weight of hGH. It still can contain few % of hGH degradation products, but it can not be quantified by techniques I used.

Hopefully this helps understand what results are saying. I am sorry I didn't have time to explain this earlier.