Qingdao Sigma Chemical HGH Labmax Test Results ?

Just placed an order for Peptides from them, the price got me (TB and BPC)
Any one here who has some new information regarding the HGH ?
I just tested some of Qingdao Sigma Chemical HGH with the Labmax HGH test kit below link. According to the kit instructions you add 0.1iu a very small amount of HGH to a vial of there test reagent slowly with in 60 mins in should change color darken to a medium goldish yellow color and with in 120 min should darken to almost black brown green.
The instructions go on to say if it changes right away to a dark red or brown this may indicate the presence of Dianabol Turinabol Anavar or Winstrol ?
Well not looking good i got instant color changes turned dark right away to the color in the below link.
On the other side of the coin I just had blood work done my IGF 1 levels more then doubled having my blood drawn just a few hrs after taking 2iu it went up from previous 90s to 252 my clinic said its a pretty good sign that the HGH is legit ?
This tested batch of HGH was shipped from Qingdao Sigma Chemical US warehouse I have a second batch i just got from them that came from China I plan to test also next vial i open
I don't know what to think at this point ?
on a side note my hands and feet seem to be swelling when I'm on the stuff especially my feet ?
What's it cost to have it professionally tested and how do I do it anyone ?

ECT store: Human Growth Hormone Test, Single Presence Tests Oils, human_growth_hormone_test
Man.. it’s lab max:. This is not a way to test anything.. pure trash.. spend the money and send to Jano if you need to test it.. I had my blood work done and my igf was very high. I haven’t had the chance to send off to Jano yet.
Signed up on the french site, msgd the guys but they never replied despite having been online since i msgd them.

Asked “Alisa” for testing. First “she” sent me the 2019 dated result. I said not relevant, so she sent me this instead claiming its for current batch of HGH shipping out.

Im no analytical chemistry expert so i cant interpret, maybe @janoshik wants to rip it apart?

Two things i see though, no date on the testing which in my experience of COAs is unheard of. Additionally the words “labelled amount” have a typo saying “amound” which just looks sloppy and sketchy.
bro ive orderd from these guys their "oils" are complete shit prob like 10mgs or less. there peptides and raws are generally decent.. but thats it. theres a lot of smoke and mirros with this this chinese shit. also i feel like a dude from NA just emailed them when ali baba kicked them all off and probably offered to promote on NA boards.. .and here we are.
bro ive orderd from these guys their "oils" are complete shit prob like 10mgs or less. there peptides and raws are generally decent.. but thats it. theres a lot of smoke and mirros with this this chinese shit. also i feel like a dude from NA just emailed them when ali baba kicked them all off and probably offered to promote on NA boards.. .and here we are.
Stop spamming your nonsense. Show some Janoshik lab tests or keep your mouth shut.
I assume this is you good sir. Do you happen to know the result of the janoshik GH test for this source? I signed up on the french forum to join their testing group but i cannot post or anything, i forget meso rules maybe i gotta wait X days.
Pic doesn't load, can u send again kr smth lol