Anti-parasitics appear impossible to acquire thru normal medical channels...


10+ Year Member
I am just noting recently that its amazing how over-priced antiparasitic meds like albendezole and mebendezole are, and I also found out that insurance companies simply do not want you to have them. I am wondering WHY...

Consider these meds which are designed to treat everything from hookworm to tapeworm to simple pinworm, and for some reason they are highly priced and insurance REFUSES to allow them.

Consider these are meds that have been in production since the late 70's and they are currently manufactured by probably hundreds of companies and cost pennies.

I recall back about a decade ago when a doc went mainstream with information that ivermectin can be used successfully to treat cancer. Seems like he was silenced or no one cared. I also note that Albendezole and Mebendezole help treat both lung cancer and melanoma in certain instances..

I also note the refusal to admit that Ivermectin is effective with Covid. Although the FDA is now beginning a new trial to finally pursue this some more. And this first trial I seem to recall was quasi-fucked in ways unfair. But I knew folks that took ivermectin with Covid and had immediate positive results.

So what gives? Are they just trying to prevent over-use of these meds and any potential social tolerances that could develop?

But to give an example (28) 400mg tabs of Albendezole has a retail price of 4K at a WinnDixie Pharmacy (can you say tax evasion :oops: :rolleyes: :eek: )... The Good RX price for that script is still 700 bux(strange). The United Health Care Negotiated Rate is 60 bux. The actual cost is probably 30 cents... So why on God's GREEN EARTH would these meds be so overpriced??!?

The oddest part is that United Health Care Continues to deny this prescription by any means they can possibly drum up and insist on using the OTC Pyrantel Pamoate. Which is not nearly as effective as the other two and does not have near the broad spectrum anti parasitic effectiveness of the prescription ones mentioned above..

I wonder what gives...?? Other than the obvious insight that apparently pharmacies in the US do not pay taxes... Healthcare in the US is obviously on the verge of a total meltdown... Is it possible that these meds might just nip all kinds of cancer long before they can even multiply to a couple hundred cell counts?? You really have to wonder... What all do they keep secret and closely held...!?!
I have a million thoughts on this topic and I will add to this thread. I just have to assemble it all. There is a conspiracy to keep you full of parasites. Yeah, it's true. And because one thing so closely relates to another, they don't want you to understand why for example, an anti-parasitic drug like fenbendazole can cure cancers. Everything bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, etc are all more closely related than what we've been told...........

I've actually been researching this topic since early 2020. There is a lot to say.

Everyone needs to acquire, consume, and stockpile these medications. They are important now but will be far more important over time.

Here are links with good parasite information. Most of these are must reads.

>The Parasite Pill

>basic gestalt on anti-parasitic treatments both herbal and synthetic

>Additional informational PDF

>The Hidden Epidemic In North American Parasites

>Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission

>Candida Diet
The Candida Diet
The Candida Diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet that eliminates added sugars, gluten, alcohol, and foods that can damage gut health.

You must download and read COSMIC DEATH FUNGUS
I'll also add the great example of Joe Tippens. Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He started taking fenbendazole. He is cured and alive today. His website is kind of hard to read, try different user agents if on phone or PC and it isn't working. It's worth reading.

He's not the only one........
I have a million thoughts on this topic and I will add to this thread. I just have to assemble it all. There is a conspiracy to keep you full of parasites. Yeah, it's true. And because one thing so closely relates to another, they don't want you to understand why for example, an anti-parasitic drug like fenbendazole can cure cancers. Everything bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, etc are all more closely related than what we've been told...........

I've actually been researching this topic since early 2020. There is a lot to say.

Everyone needs to acquire, consume, and stockpile these medications. They are important now but will be far more important over time.

Here are links with good parasite information. Most of these are must reads.

>The Parasite Pill

>basic gestalt on anti-parasitic treatments both herbal and synthetic

>Additional informational PDF

>The Hidden Epidemic In North American Parasites

>Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission

>Candida Diet
The Candida Diet
The Candida Diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet that eliminates added sugars, gluten, alcohol, and foods that can damage gut health.

You must download and read COSMIC DEATH FUNGUS
Ty for sharing this. I’m not informed at all on this or anything else even semi related. But ever since Covid happened and I noticed that the drugs that were actually working were being hidden or not even acknowledged. Then I started thinking I should probably stock up because I’m a firm believer that Covid was the first of more to come.

I don’t believe I’ve had Covid yet but I want to be ready for it and whatever else they unleash on us next. So now, every time I shop on these Turkish pharmacy sites I will add a box of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to my cart lol

Im going to look into the ones you mentioned. Please don’t hate me if I message you for a source for one of them.
Ty for sharing this. I’m not informed at all on this or anything else even semi related. But ever since Covid happened and I noticed that the drugs that were actually working were being hidden or not even acknowledged. Then I started thinking I should probably stock up because I’m a firm believer that Covid was the first of more to come.

I don’t believe I’ve had Covid yet but I want to be ready for it and whatever else they unleash on us next. So now, every time I shop on these Turkish pharmacy sites I will add a box of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to my cart lol

Im going to look into the ones you mentioned. Please don’t hate me if I message you for a source for one of them.
Message me any time. I'd love to help.

These medications work and not only against covid-19......
Ty for sharing this. I’m not informed at all on this or anything else even semi related. But ever since Covid happened and I noticed that the drugs that were actually working were being hidden or not even acknowledged. Then I started thinking I should probably stock up because I’m a firm believer that Covid was the first of more to come.

I don’t believe I’ve had Covid yet but I want to be ready for it and whatever else they unleash on us next. So now, every time I shop on these Turkish pharmacy sites I will add a box of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to my cart lol

Im going to look into the ones you mentioned. Please don’t hate me if I message you for a source for one of them.
Keep in mind you mentioned ivermectin on your shopping list but did not mention Albendazole or Mebendazole and the Fenbendazole as just mentioned by @Inspired . As I reverberated somewhere that there was a doc a decade ago talking about Ivermectin "curing cancer" who was obviously quashed out. Importantly, It is actually stated in the white papers on the 2 antiparasitics which I just mentioned that these medications treat and possibly cure both lung cancer as well as melanoma/ and either in conjunction with chemo or outright I am not sure. Perhaps even specific to certain particular gene expressions of said cancers. I do not know if they are the more virulent or the more docile forms of these cancers I just don't have the time to give it that much work. But we know what the potential of these medications obviously is. And who knows what else they are effective for..

Also as mentioned "parasites" and the likes are rampant in the US and pretty much just dismissed as readily remedied often by 'a healthy immune system" and without even the use of medications. But doesn't this just begg the POINT that then what the hell are these meds actually doing and how are they working in terms of off label benefit. CLEARLY their complete actions are POORLY UNDERSTOOD by laymen and physicians alike. And we all know docs are given a script of what they are allowed to KNOW and they dont have the time or luxury of challenging the practice legal and insurance to operate outside these given guidelines..

I will say again I recently got a simple pinworm infection from some fukingwhere. There is simply no denying the sensation of tiny friends tickling one's asshole upon wakening. This is a minor offender and so common that 20% of the population has them at any given time. Do I know definitively that I had them? No. But I can tell you when my kids brought them home years back it was no joke. Fuking eggs get airborne even its a fukking plague.. SO I WAS SIMPLY NOT TAKING CHANCES as I did not want to have to set up the soap bucket in the bathroom again and threaten everyone with a gun if they did not put their underwear in said bucket when getting in the shower..

A.D.D. KICKING IN. My POINT was that I went to the doc and advised him that the over the counter REESES or Pyrantel Pamoate was not cutting it like last time and that I had to supersede the recommended dosage on the bottle last time and wound up taking it 3 days in a row to finally get the little cunts. SO I was like "well I am concerned of parasites anywayz so lets kick it up. He agreed and wrote some 5 day runs of the albendozole. THEN DENIED BY INSURANCE.. :oops: So I went back and he thought maybe they were more friendly with mebendozole. Guess what DENIED again. both times stating they wanted pre-auth by the doc and looking to know why the OTC Pyrantel was not working. The best part was that my insurance denial was signed off on by an OBG thus superseding my interal who I saw in person. WHAT A WORLD.. These insurance clits simply will not allow these meds for reasons unclear. And they are dirt cheap. And that is where the plot thickens as drugstores mark these penny medications up to $4000,00 for a simple 28 count of Albendozole as RETAIL. And they even mark that script at $700.00 at an average insurance rate. You can get the shit on a vet level for 15bux for that script. SO WHAT FUKKING GIVES AND WHY DONT THEY WANT US TO HAVE ACCESS TO IT..!

And make no mistake you can do a LOT with Pyrantel Pamoate over the counter. They dont want you to know this which is why they dictate only one dose and then another 2 weeks apart. But I have already found literature stating that you can take that stuff 3 days in a row for nastier infections including hookworm if I recall.

It should not go without pointing out that simple chronic repeated tissue aggravation OF ANY TYPE is a cancer culprit. I do not forget when my dentist advised me when I was a youngster that simply biting your cheek over and over can lead to mouth cancer. So its the aggravation is a major factor. But we really already know this are active are repeated physical INSULT to body tissue causes INFLAMMATION. And inflammation is the root of cell death inclusive of cancer due to diminished circulation indirectly resulting from the trauma.. WITH THAT SAID, this is about what having parasites in your body equates to...
Ty for sharing this. I’m not informed at all on this or anything else even semi related. But ever since Covid happened and I noticed that the drugs that were actually working were being hidden or not even acknowledged. Then I started thinking I should probably stock up because I’m a firm believer that Covid was the first of more to come.

I don’t believe I’ve had Covid yet but I want to be ready for it and whatever else they unleash on us next. So now, every time I shop on these Turkish pharmacy sites I will add a box of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to my cart lol

Im going to look into the ones you mentioned. Please don’t hate me if I message you for a source for one of them.
I am getting ready to dig into some of this nice work as usual...
Ty for sharing this. I’m not informed at all on this or anything else even semi related. But ever since Covid happened and I noticed that the drugs that were actually working were being hidden or not even acknowledged. Then I started thinking I should probably stock up because I’m a firm believer that Covid was the first of more to come.

I don’t believe I’ve had Covid yet but I want to be ready for it and whatever else they unleash on us next. So now, every time I shop on these Turkish pharmacy sites I will add a box of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to my cart lol

Im going to look into the ones you mentioned. Please don’t hate me if I message you for a source for one of them.
I have a million thoughts on this topic and I will add to this thread. I just have to assemble it all. There is a conspiracy to keep you full of parasites. Yeah, it's true. And because one thing so closely relates to another, they don't want you to understand why for example, an anti-parasitic drug like fenbendazole can cure cancers. Everything bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, etc are all more closely related than what we've been told...........

I've actually been researching this topic since early 2020. There is a lot to say.

Everyone needs to acquire, consume, and stockpile these medications. They are important now but will be far more important over time.

Here are links with good parasite information. Most of these are must reads.

>The Parasite Pill

>basic gestalt on anti-parasitic treatments both herbal and synthetic

>Additional informational PDF

>The Hidden Epidemic In North American Parasites

>Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission

>Candida Diet
The Candida Diet
The Candida Diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet that eliminates added sugars, gluten, alcohol, and foods that can damage gut health.

You must download and read COSMIC DEATH FUNGUS
Man that is some powerful reference material. Mercy on those who trifle you know not what they mess with.. LOL

That is just mountains of info.

I could not figure out what the third link was the

>The Hidden Epidemic In North American Parasites


I stumbled on this looking out on Googler.. But I dont think this was what you intended??

Man yer too much with all the info its a blast.. I could research tangents on this stuff for the rest of my life if I ever got thru it.:)
Keep in mind you mentioned ivermectin on your shopping list but did not mention Albendazole or Mebendazole and the Fenbendazole as just mentioned by @Inspired . As I reverberated somewhere that there was a doc a decade ago talking about Ivermectin "curing cancer" who was obviously quashed out. Importantly, It is actually stated in the white papers on the 2 antiparasitics which I just mentioned that these medications treat and possibly cure both lung cancer as well as melanoma/ and either in conjunction with chemo or outright I am not sure. Perhaps even specific to certain particular gene expressions of said cancers. I do not know if they are the more virulent or the more docile forms of these cancers I just don't have the time to give it that much work. But we know what the potential of these medications obviously is. And who knows what else they are effective for..

Also as mentioned "parasites" and the likes are rampant in the US and pretty much just dismissed as readily remedied often by 'a healthy immune system" and without even the use of medications. But doesn't this just begg the POINT that then what the hell are these meds actually doing and how are they working in terms of off label benefit. CLEARLY their complete actions are POORLY UNDERSTOOD by laymen and physicians alike. And we all know docs are given a script of what they are allowed to KNOW and they dont have the time or luxury of challenging the practice legal and insurance to operate outside these given guidelines..

I will say again I recently got a simple pinworm infection from some fukingwhere. There is simply no denying the sensation of tiny friends tickling one's asshole upon wakening. This is a minor offender and so common that 20% of the population has them at any given time. Do I know definitively that I had them? No. But I can tell you when my kids brought them home years back it was no joke. Fuking eggs get airborne even its a fukking plague.. SO I WAS SIMPLY NOT TAKING CHANCES as I did not want to have to set up the soap bucket in the bathroom again and threaten everyone with a gun if they did not put their underwear in said bucket when getting in the shower..

A.D.D. KICKING IN. My POINT was that I went to the doc and advised him that the over the counter REESES or Pyrantel Pamoate was not cutting it like last time and that I had to supersede the recommended dosage on the bottle last time and wound up taking it 3 days in a row to finally get the little cunts. SO I was like "well I am concerned of parasites anywayz so lets kick it up. He agreed and wrote some 5 day runs of the albendozole. THEN DENIED BY INSURANCE.. :oops: So I went back and he thought maybe they were more friendly with mebendozole. Guess what DENIED again. both times stating they wanted pre-auth by the doc and looking to know why the OTC Pyrantel was not working. The best part was that my insurance denial was signed off on by an OBG thus superseding my interal who I saw in person. WHAT A WORLD.. These insurance clits simply will not allow these meds for reasons unclear. And they are dirt cheap. And that is where the plot thickens as drugstores mark these penny medications up to $4000,00 for a simple 28 count of Albendozole as RETAIL. And they even mark that script at $700.00 at an average insurance rate. You can get the shit on a vet level for 15bux for that script. SO WHAT FUKKING GIVES AND WHY DONT THEY WANT US TO HAVE ACCESS TO IT..!

And make no mistake you can do a LOT with Pyrantel Pamoate over the counter. They dont want you to know this which is why they dictate only one dose and then another 2 weeks apart. But I have already found literature stating that you can take that stuff 3 days in a row for nastier infections including hookworm if I recall.

It should not go without pointing out that simple chronic repeated tissue aggravation OF ANY TYPE is a cancer culprit. I do not forget when my dentist advised me when I was a youngster that simply biting your cheek over and over can lead to mouth cancer. So its the aggravation is a major factor. But we really already know this are active are repeated physical INSULT to body tissue causes INFLAMMATION. And inflammation is the root of cell death inclusive of cancer due to diminished circulation indirectly resulting from the trauma.. WITH THAT SAID, this is about what having parasites in your body equates to...
Yes, there is a conspiracy to keep you wormed. They have man-made parasites..........that are all susceptible to these medications.......think about it.
Yes, there is a conspiracy to keep you wormed. They have man-made parasites..........that are all susceptible to these medications.......think about it.
You are preaching to the choir on this in terms of how difficult it is to acquire these antiparasitics thru current health care pathways... And I am only replying to this thread again at this time to MAKE SURE PEOPLE KNOW IT AND HEAR THIS. They REALLY DO NOT WANT you to get your hands on IVM and Albendozole type meds. Its ABSOLUELY CRAZY THE LENGTHS THAT THE SYSTEM IN PLACE WILL GO TO IN ORDER TO STOP YOU FROM GETTING THEM.. I raised all kinds of hell and I am about to write a letter to the dept of insurance at this point as they have fucked up now and failed to deny the latest script in writing like they are required to. So they are so hell bent on you not getting this stuff that they can't even keep their house in order if that tells you anything..
I did it again and logged on and got lost forgetting my intent. Anyways I found it funny that when I googled Fenbendazole this is what came up first...

"People also ask

What does fenbendazole do to humans?

Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways."

But I guess that's about as good as Wiki right....

And I almost forgot THIS came up next...

"Search for: Is fenbendazole a cure for cancer?

How do you take fenbendazole for cancer?

Panacur C one packet of powder (contains 222 mg of fenbendazole) each day for three days, and then four days off. You take the fenbendazole with or without meals."

NOTE I only typed the med. I did not ask the question...
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I swear I may have even had Ascaris at one point not too long ago. That's a worm that sets up shop in the upper GI right close to the stomach. I was talking shit to my wife cursing up a storm about not being able to get these scripts and I SWEAR I felt something pop up in my throat and bump the roof of my pallet when I was ranting. It was a bad night I was coughing till I barfed nightly back then too. IT'S really freaky to think you might be coughing because many of these parasites procreate going intestine-to-blood and then larva hatch up thru lungs and swallowed back down to repeat.. I mean....!

I really have to wonder if this guy in the vid attached is on target??

He may just be another rev'd up chiropractor at best, but he has some interesting concepts...

I swear I may have even had Ascaris at one point not too long ago. That's a worm that sets up shop in the upper GI right close to the stomach. I was talking shit to my wife cursing up a storm about not being able to get these scripts and I SWEAR I felt something pop up in my throat and bump the roof of my pallet when I was ranting. It was a bad night I was coughing till I barfed nightly back then too. IT'S really freaky to think you might be coughing because many of these parasites procreate going intestine-to-blood and then larva hatch up thru lungs and swallowed back down to repeat.. I mean....!

I really have to wonder if this guy in the vid attached is on target??

He may just be another rev'd up chiropractor at best, but he has some interesting concepts...


He's generally correct. He's wrong a about a couple of things. If you starve yourself and use no sugars, you will drive the parasites deeper into your body because they want to eat, and they will go searching for something to eat.

You have to have a strategy and he is correct about initiating parasites programs according to the moon cycle. Full moon and new moon is the best time to really blast them.

Ivermectin is what you need to kill off almost all parasites. Not all, but almost all. Ivermectin with fat. And yes, you probably do have parasites. Buy horse paste. Use regularly. Ivermectin will also clear out and fix other things you have going on.
He's generally correct. He's wrong a about a couple of things. If you starve yourself and use no sugars, you will drive the parasites deeper into your body because they want to eat, and they will go searching for something to eat.

You have to have a strategy and he is correct about initiating parasites programs according to the moon cycle. Full moon and new moon is the best time to really blast them.

Ivermectin is what you need to kill off almost all parasites. Not all, but almost all. Ivermectin with fat. And yes, you probably do have parasites. Buy horse paste. Use regularly. Ivermectin will also clear out and fix other things you have going on.
I’m hitting up rural king today for my equine needs. You and someone else on here has been posting about parasites and it sent me looking on other forums and I went down too many rabbit holes but I definitely saw and read enough to get some Ivermectin and start using it.

So I got sick for the first time in almost 4 years about a month ago. Pretty sure it was Covid. My mom gave me some ivermectin. Think it was only 12mg for 7 days. That was my only time ever using it. How often do you use it and what dosage?
I’m hitting up rural king today for my equine needs. You and someone else on here has been posting about parasites and it sent me looking on other forums and I went down too many rabbit holes but I definitely saw and read enough to get some Ivermectin and start using it.

So I got sick for the first time in almost 4 years about a month ago. Pretty sure it was Covid. My mom gave me some ivermectin. Think it was only 12mg for 7 days. That was my only time ever using it. How often do you use it and what dosage?
It depends what you're trying to accomplish but what I do is this:

The paste is usually 18.7mg Ivermectin per gram, so I use 1 gram of paste at a time. TAKE WITH FAT because it absorbs best this way. I use this once per week or two times per week, as an ongoing prophylaxis against everything, also covid-19. Ivermectin has like a 4 day half life but it still has a longer duration of effect. Some people take it once every two weeks, and that's been effective for them.

I started using Ivermectin as covid-19 prophylaxis and I just stuck with it. If I were to have an active covid-19 infection, I would change the dosing, and probably do the 18.7mg every day or twice per day, depending on how I felt.

There are various bodyweight calculators but they are usually too conservative in their dosing recommendations. With Ivermectin, higher doses work better than smaller doses.

For parasites the high initial dosing is especially important. For parasites, I would do the 18.7mg on day one, and then on day three, I would do another 18.7mg. Then I would wait a few days and do it again. And this this a couple times per year, or more often if you wish. In Africa, even a single treatment reduces parasite burden by huge percentages for a whole year. I don't have the exact numbers here, but it's powerful.

Ivermectin is something everyone should have in their toolbox. Not only for regular parasite destruction, but to combat nearly everything else that can make you sick. You can even make a cream out of it and cure any topical skin condition. It can heal dandruff in a permanent way. In many countries, they use it to treat and cure every STD you can think. It's amazing.

If I were you, I would get the powdered ivermectin at some point. I've stopped using the paste because I want to remove all fillers from everything I use. But the paste works. It's great. I had absolutely no side effects and only good results. Start with that.

If you had covid-19 or the effects of whatever else they're spraying onto us, there are other things you should do. But it depends how much you want to do.
Some say put diamatatous earth in your coffee. Shreds up the parasites.Feed stores sell it for cattle. Vitamin stores have it. Not sure if it works but it kills ants on the window seal. Shreds them up.