Anybody run D-drol?


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I have some D-drol I just got. I've never used this compound. I'd like to hear from anyone that has experience with it. Is it comparable to superdrol or dbol or anadrol? Which oral is it most similar to? I haven't seen any logs or posts about it so I figured I'd make this thread. A Google search brings back some info on it but for me sometimes you can learn more from someone's personal experience than you can from some article that reads like something out of an encyclopedia.
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.
I’ve actually never given dbol a serious go. I kinda did it opposite. Started on superdrol, then anavar/winstrol, then anadrol, and now am finally considering giving dbol a shot. With light ralox and AI. Actually now that I think of it I have more experience with mtren than dbol.

I’m mostly intrigued by the prospect of running a low mg/day of dbol for 8+ weeks as a low-end support anabolic. Dunno if the idea has much merit but it seems like one of the better attempts at making actual muscle accrual from orals instead of just using them for temporary aesthetics or as plateau busters.
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.
Dbol is my favorite oral. I've run it really high and really low. The thing is I didn't like it either when I ran it higher. I found my sweet spot is only 10mg a day for like 6 to 8 weeks. I would try running it lower and for longer and you may find that you like it better. It's weird but the pumps were better for me at a smaller dose in that they felt good. At high doses the pumps are painful and the blood pressure goes up and you just don't feel good. Another thing I found out is not all dbol is the same. You might not like it from one source or one brand but another one may work better for you. But if you've already found out what you like then at this point stay with what works for you.
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.
Might want to skip the tbol, especially if you tried it once. I got a pack of TGIs tbol months ago in a trade, ran 50 to 75mg and noticed hardly nothing. I know he was on top of testing, so hopefully it was legit. Read others say tbol was disappointing as well.

Running pharma winny at 50mg now, not impressed but I'll give it a little more time. I did find the pharma Anapolan good stuff, and absolutely worth it.
Might want to skip the tbol, especially if you tried it once. I got a pack of TGIs tbol months ago in a trade, ran 50 to 75mg and noticed hardly nothing. I know he was on top of testing, so hopefully it was legit. Read others say tbol was disappointing as well.

Running pharma winny at 50mg now, not impressed but I'll give it a little more time. I did find the pharma Anapolan good stuff, and absolutely worth it.
Winny is a love or hate oral from what ive seen. I happen to love it. I get no negative sides and the strength and git up in the gym is great. I am using oral & injectable winny. I am going to give Sdrol & Tbol a shot next cycle.
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.
I’ve never gotten much from anavar. And before someone says it, yes, it was real anavar. Just never really blew my socks off. Mild aesthetic improvement and mild strength gains. Which is nice I guess but given the price the juice isn’t worth the squeeze much for me.
Winny is a love or hate oral from what ive seen. I happen to love it. I get no negative sides and the strength and git up in the gym is great. I am using oral & injectable winny. I am going to give Sdrol & Tbol a shot next cycle.
Nothing sheds my hair, not primo, not mast. But winny @ 50mg/day will have me noticeably shedding in the shower. Which sucks because it is like anavar on steroids. I get noticeably dryer and noticeably stronger. Considering it’s a fraction of the price of Var I consider it so much more bang for the buck. Everyone says Var is better on blood markers, but I think a lot of that is broscience since Var can wreck lipids in short order for a lot of people.

Oh, and sdrol kicks major ass. I never look better than a few weeks into sdrol @ 20-30mg/day. Despite its rep as a nuke on the liver I’ve had bloodwork a few weeks into 20mg/day and my AST/ALT were elevated one point. That was using TUDCA @1g and NAC @ 1200mg. AST/ALT isn’t the be-all end-all for organ health, but it’s worth noting as a data point. I think people like to blow sdrol toxicity out of proportion. Unless you’re popping them like skittles for months I doubt it’s an issue.
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.

Take two anadrol and call me in the morning.

A long time ago I read a theory that individuals who don't get along with dbol tend to do great with anadrol, and same visa versa. I've always found that to ring pretty true, although I do pretty well with dbol... anadrol is just better all around for me. I do sometimes get a nice feeling of wellbeing from dbol though.
Take two anadrol and call me in the morning.

A long time ago I read a theory that individuals who don't get along with dbol tend to do great with anadrol, and same visa versa. I've always found that to ring pretty true, although I do pretty well with dbol... anadrol is just better all around for me. I do sometimes get a nice feeling of wellbeing from dbol though.

i kind of wrote off Adrol (and EQ) because they have a more profound effect on HCT (or so it seems) and donating blood is a royal pain in the ass in my area. Though i have contemplated using the former at a lower dosage, like 25 mg per day to see what everyone is talking about.
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All these replies and no ones said a word about D-drol Lol. The thread is D-drol experiences. It's sold a lot now as a research chemical so I would think some of you sarms people might have some input???
I think many of us assumed it was a nickname for dbol.

Just looked it up, this was in a product called Mithras I ran years ago. Was also sold under a few other brands as well like Olympus Labs. My experience comparing to real AAS, don't waste your money. This was a big disappointment, only prohormone from that time frame worth it is DMZ. Why get prohormones when you can get the real thing.
What the fuck is D-drol? Do you have the actual chemical name or just some brand name called D-drol? Because when i hear that name it makes me think its dbol + anadrol combo pill.
I too assumed OP was referring to combining dianabol and anadrol. Whatever this is, nah, just use real stuff quit playing games with these dumbass research chemicals
Google says its Dimethandrostenol, some prohormone shit ive never heard of. Pretty sparse information about it, not much feedback anywhere.
All these replies and no ones said a word about D-drol Lol. The thread is D-drol experiences. It's sold a lot now as a research chemical so I would think some of you sarms people might have some input???

i'll be damned. i read it as Dbol.
Never heard of it. Not a SARMS or research chem guy. Sorry.
Speaking of a DBol/Adrol combination, what do you guys think about alternating those two orals on top of a base of injectables during a cycle?
Speaking of a DBol/Adrol combination, what do you guys think about alternating those two orals on top of a base of injectables during a cycle?

Sure why not?

Ive also known guys who have taken both simultaneously and spoke highly of it (albeit lower dosages of both) for example 25mg of each.

Now all the anti-oral crew is gonna say your liver will die 5x but thats BS. I dont see a combined total of 50mg of 17aa’s any worse than a single 17aa total of 50mg, but i suppose this also depends on what orals.

Personally ive never used anadrol though.

If you subscribe to Bill Roberts classification of AAS (class 1 and class 2 steroids), Oxandrolone (class 1) has synergistic pairing with other orals (class 2) such as dianabol. Which is to say the combination at a lower dosage produces a greater result then either alone at a higher dosage. It sounds weird because ones dry and ones wet, but ive always been curious to try this combination and may very well do so in the future but at reduced dosages of each (i.e 15mg dbol + 40mg var).
i hate Dbol. It's an estrogen raising shit oral, at least for me anyway. 40 mg per day and it didn't take long for nip itch to start up. Probably won't ever use it again.

Not a huge oral user. Tried Tbol with no noticeable effect and Anavar which to me was underwhelming. Going to give Tbol one more go soon, then maybe try Winstrol and see what that does for me.
I'm about like you I don't get much out of orals either. Get a little strength off Anadrol but that's about it. Like we talked about before I had better luck with the prohormones back in the day.