Anybody run D-drol?

This is a very interesting compound, thank you for bringing it to my attention. It's like a hybrid between Superdrol and Madol (Phera-Plex). I'd expect this one to be particularly hepatotoxic. But it's more anabolic than Superdrol!
Nothing sheds my hair, not primo, not mast. But winny @ 50mg/day will have me noticeably shedding in the shower. Which sucks because it is like anavar on steroids. I get noticeably dryer and noticeably stronger. Considering it’s a fraction of the price of Var I consider it so much more bang for the buck. Everyone says Var is better on blood markers, but I think a lot of that is broscience since Var can wreck lipids in short order for a lot of people.

Oh, and sdrol kicks major ass. I never look better than a few weeks into sdrol @ 20-30mg/day. Despite its rep as a nuke on the liver I’ve had bloodwork a few weeks into 20mg/day and my AST/ALT were elevated one point. That was using TUDCA @1g and NAC @ 1200mg. AST/ALT isn’t the be-all end-all for organ health, but it’s worth noting as a data point. I think people like to blow sdrol toxicity out of proportion. Unless you’re popping them like skittles for months I doubt it’s an issue.
I just took 30mg sdrol this am just to try it. I stacked it w my injectable winny @ 50mg and man the pump was insane. It felt like my chest and arms were going to pop! I cant wait to run Sdrol in my next cycle. I can only imagine how it would do after using it for a couple weeks.

Yeah winny is my go to so far. I am lucky because i dont lose any hair no matter what i take. If anything i grow more hair! Var has been less than impressive to me. I bought some raw var to make my own to see if that makes a difference but haven’t messed with it yet. My liver markers where on point last blood work after using winny & var. I also take tudca @ 1g per day. I just ordered some NAC so i will use it next cycle. My lipids where sorta out of wack but thats kinda par for the course. My HDL was low but I expected that. I usually run 70 hdl / 100 ldl and it bounces right back after i go back to trt and cruise for a few months.
I loved epi, but I believe it's an aas not a prohormone, although it was marketed as a prohormone back in the day. It's expensive and you need a high dose. It's still around.
Lots of ‘real’ stuff was sold as a prohormone back then. Hidden amongst the bullshit was legitimate superdrol. Wild times at the GNC back then.
This is a very interesting compound, thank you for bringing it to my attention. It's like a hybrid between Superdrol and Madol (Phera-Plex). I'd expect this one to be particularly hepatotoxic. But it's more anabolic than Superdrol!
On paper, yes. However I've read a lot of logs back in 2016 and 2017 when this was more popular and they showed it didn't match the hype.
On paper, yes. However I've read a lot of logs back in 2016 and 2017 when this was more popular and they showed it didn't match the hype.
Bullllshiiit! You can grab it from amino asylum right now if you wanted to test it for yourself. The reason people hated on it back in the day was because they fucked up the dosing. They had it dozed around 10-15mg per day when you actually need 45-75mg to see if do it’s real work. It’s like if I told you how amazing anadrol was at building mass and strength but I told you to run it at 15-20mg a day. Of course you would be dissatisfied and think it was trash. However I have run it twice once at 40mg for 5 weeks and once at 75mg for 4 weeks. Both were incredible cycles alongside only TRT doses of test I gained about 3-4 pounds of mass on 40mg and gained nearly 6 pounds of mass but probably closer to 5. It’s the only compound I’ve taken that gives you that dbol feel good anti depressant effect which is incredible it may even top it! Basically your running an ACTUAL dry dbol (looking at you Tbol) with comparable gains at roughly twice the mg per cycle. So 50mg of DDrol is pretty identical to a 25mg cycle of dbol in both total mass gained and boosted mood effects as well with none of the estrogen effects and thus zero added gyno risks. What’s not to love about a real dry dbol my dude!
Bullllshiiit! You can grab it from amino asylum right now if you wanted to test it for yourself. The reason people hated on it back in the day was because they fucked up the dosing. They had it dozed around 10-15mg per day when you actually need 45-75mg to see if do it’s real work. It’s like if I told you how amazing anadrol was at building mass and strength but I told you to run it at 15-20mg a day. Of course you would be dissatisfied and think it was trash. However I have run it twice once at 40mg for 5 weeks and once at 75mg for 4 weeks. Both were incredible cycles alongside only TRT doses of test I gained about 3-4 pounds of mass on 40mg and gained nearly 6 pounds of mass but probably closer to 5. It’s the only compound I’ve taken that gives you that dbol feel good anti depressant effect which is incredible it may even top it! Basically your running an ACTUAL dry dbol (looking at you Tbol) with comparable gains at roughly twice the mg per cycle. So 50mg of DDrol is pretty identical to a 25mg cycle of dbol in both total mass gained and boosted mood effects as well with none of the estrogen effects and thus zero added gyno risks. What’s not to love about a real dry dbol my dude!
You a rep for amino asylum? I've already ran this prohormone at a high enough dose, won't be wasting more money on it.
I'd be willing to try this shit. I suspect it's highly anabolic in man, and consider the "maybe on paper" thing a bit of a weak dismissal. These features, a 2-methyl (planar)-2-ene 17 methylated oral is a recipe for muscle growth in man, not just in the Hershberger Assay. Patrick Arnold liked this one, even commenting early on that while 3-ones > 2-enes in AR activity, 2-enes > saturated A rings (i.e., var, drol, etc.) That's as close to a ringing endorsement from that legend as you could find.
I should have said earlier that this is more of a methylsten (Ultradrol)/Madol (Phera-Plex) hybrid than a Superdrol/Madol hybrid.
You a rep for amino asylum? I've already ran this prohormone at a high enough dose, won't be wasting more money on it.
To each there own and I haven’t ever ran amino asylums shit actually so I wasn’t endorsing the quality cuz I haven’t used it. I used a bottle of the old Mithras and a bottle from Medfit which I do know are both legit but good lucking finding either of those.