Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

If you got it from or someone sent it to you from Facebook, then i would wager it's bullshit. Typical content from that cesspool of a website.
I looked at it closely and IF it’s really from the state of CA, they did a lousy job writing it and didn’t proof it.
Regardless it seems a little fucked up. Didn't they try something similar with mandatory drug testing? Is it a violation of the 4th amendment?

As unpopular as it may sound, i'm all for drug testing those on welfare.

Can't pay their bills, but they can afford to get high? It's all bullshit though. If they're actually testing, it's few and far between.

Welfare is a Pandora's box that they'll never be able to shut, regardless of how many stipulations they try to put on it.

Christ, i'm starting to sound like that jackass that keeps changing his handle every 2 weeks. i feel so filthy now.
I’m no alarmist not do I own a tinfoil hat, however the dots are being connected right in front of our very eyes...

We have been lied to from the very beginning on a scale that I’ve never seen in my lifetime.

The economic ripples will be felt for years to come.
You said a mouthful there.

No need to qualify your remarks; the term tinfoil hat, like conspiracy theorist, is intended to ridicule anyone who can see through the bullshit.

None of this surprised me a bit. I fully expected a pre-election attack on the economy after the attempted coup on President Trump failed miserably.
As unpopular as it may sound, i'm all for drug testing those on welfare.

Can't pay their bills, but they can afford to get high? It's all bullshit though. If they're actually testing, it's few and far between.

Welfare is a Pandora's box that they'll never be able to shut, regardless of how many stipulations they try to put on it.

Christ, i'm starting to sound like that jackass that keeps changing his handle every 2 weeks. i feel so filthy now.
I’m 100% for welfare recipients being drug tested and I think they need to put limits on it as well. From what I understand, if you’ve been on welfare, you pretty much have a free ticket to better yourself. I’m sick of paying for these people to get free money while I work.
I’m 100% for welfare recipients being drug tested and I think they need to put limits on it as well. From what I understand, if you’ve been on welfare, you pretty much have a free ticket to better yourself. I’m sick of paying for these people to get free money while I work.
San Francisco recently began putting up homeless people in motels, as well as giving them free methadone, alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes!
I’m 100% for welfare recipients being drug tested and I think they need to put limits on it as well. From what I understand, if you’ve been on welfare, you pretty much have a free ticket to better yourself. I’m sick of paying for these people to get free money while I work.
I'm 100% for them being taken down a conveyor belt and having a bolt gun taken to the head if they cannot get their shit together in a given time frame.
No need to qualify your remarks; the term tinfoil hat, like conspiracy theorist, is intended to ridicule anyone who can see through the bullshit.

So what do you call a flat earther? Someone who sees through the bullshit? Or a tinfoil hat wearer?
San Francisco recently began putting up homeless people in motels, as well as giving them free methadone, alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes!

I took my wife to a fancy ass boutique hotel here in Ontario. Beautiful spot off the lake. It ran me $300 for the night. Now it's full of homeless! In Canada welfare and EI are taxable income. So now on top of that they are getting $2000 a month in Wuhan benefits too. The drug dealers are making a killing and in town it's a meth and crack fueled free for all! Break ins and crime.
So what do you call a flat earther? Someone who sees through the bullshit? Or a tinfoil hat wearer?

In this case there is a growing body of evidence that government is seizing more power and stripping rights away.

Text - H.R.6666 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

I think giving hired help the right to enter your home and SEIZE YOUR family members based off of flawed unconstitutional! It is against everything that Western culture stands for! It is corrupt to its core to strip the rights of everyone to save a few.

If this was all coming from Reddit.... I would agree with you. Unfortunately it is not and it may be useful for you to adopt the mindset that government does not have your best interests at heart. The only thing the want is more power for themselves. Power corrupts. If they gain absolute power it will corrupt absolutely.
I just read your link. It says we want to test everyone. I’m not seeing where it says it will seize family members.
I just read your link. It says we want to test everyone. I’m not seeing where it says it will seize family members.

First spot it is being rolled out.

I guess you are fine with non law enforcement without a warrant going into your home. Also if you read it again you will see that can force quarantine....this means if your kids test negative..... Do you think they will let them stay lol?
(a) In General.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts,

Quarantine means stay home. It doesn’t say detention centers.

the WHO dude is rendering an opinion

So is a flat earther able to see through the bullshit also? How about the new Earther? How about religious people in general and a god in the sky?

are these all insightful people able to see the truth that the rest of us don’t?
Quarantine means stay home. It doesn’t say detention centers.

So is a flat earther able to see through the bullshit also? How about the new Earther? How about religious people in general and a god in the sky?

are these all insightful people able to see the truth that the rest of us don’t?

C'mon. Make the connection. If one person in a home tests positive and the rest test negative and they specifically mention stopping the spread of the within family.... What do you think is going to happen?

Where do I mentioned detention centers? If I did it was a slip up but I truly don't recall that.

Not at all. A flat earther is retarded ect... there is a HUGE difference between arguing against fact and science, and arguing that politicians of ALL parties are morally bankrupt! I am not trying to start some partisan bullshit. Trust me, I dislike all parties in the current political climate. My point is that rights and are being eroded by scum bag political actors with agendas of their own.

Please name a single occasion where laws have been repealed that "temporarily" took away freedoms?

I suppose the "Patriot act " and it's infringement on the 4th is ok with you?.... A "temporary" act that has yet to be repealed.

I suppose the patriot act has always been used correctly? i suppose the rancher charged with terrorism after a beneficial burn on public land were the intended "terrorists " we are targeting.

Yet again I ask. Are you ok with non law enforcement entering you home without a warrant to forcibly swab you?

This is not a attack on you! Nor do I give a flying fuck if you are red or blue ect... I am talking basic rights afforded to us from birth being slowly stripped away. I am taking about the abuse of power for political gains and creating instruments that can be readily abused by ALL future administrations.
@NorthMich I am talking about a way of life that has historically been the best and most successful in the entire world.

It is our responsibility as citizens to hold government in check and to not let them steal that from us for their own gain. Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you are on, you have a responsibility to uphold a way of life and a set of values to be passed on to future generations.

I can unequivocally say I refuse to trade my son's freedom for a few people's temporary feel good "safety "

Tyrany (one of the definitions) Websters

a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force
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