Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

dd340 and bbbguy. Appreciate the replies. Certainly logical at some level.

For me, when faced with a conspiracy theory, I ask how many people would have to keep a secret. A small number of people assassinating someone? Sure. Hitting Jeffrey Epstein in the slammer? Sure. All universities, hospitals, local and national governments? Not for me. No
We're still getting a lot of cases, despite social distancing for a month or whatever. You freaking can't stop 100% or even guarantee to slow when you got people having to go get essential stuff, oh yeah and work. A lot more people wearing masks everywhere

I'm not worried about it at all. I know everyone is different on this but I've been more to Walmart and stores getting supplies for people who can't get out. I even went and visited my brother and ex girlfriend and her family this past weekend. I really needed the hunan connection since I've limited it since the quarantine.
I’m at the stores also. I know I’m going to get it at some point. I’d just like it a little warmer. But not too hot.

if someone credible told me that I should take a low viral dose to ease into it, I would.

my point only ever was we can’t flood the healthcare system to where it’s overwhelmed.
dd340 and bbbguy. Appreciate the replies. Certainly logical at some level.

For me, when faced with a conspiracy theory, I ask how many people would have to keep a secret. A small number of people assassinating someone? Sure. Hitting Jeffrey Epstein in the slammer? Sure. All universities, hospitals, local and national governments? Not for me. No

[emoji1787] Yet somehow THEY convinced us to stay inside our houses! [emoji2369]

They have restaurants closed down

They cancelled baseball! [emoji1787]

They don’t have to directly talk to anyone specifically. Do things like making policy. Employ lobbyists. There doesn’t have to be people keeping secrets. There could be a lot of moving parts that only need to know what they need to know. The little parts are assembled into the conspiracy.

During depressions and recessions, the money goes somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear or self-destruct. Someone gets it.
[emoji1787] Yet somehow THEY convinced us to stay inside our houses! [emoji2369]

They have restaurants closed down

They cancelled baseball! [emoji1787]

They don’t have to directly talk to anyone specifically. Do things like making policy. Employ lobbyists. There doesn’t have to be people keeping secrets. There could be a lot of moving parts that only need to know what they need to know. The little parts are assembled into the conspiracy.

During depressions and recessions, the money goes somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear or self-destruct. Someone gets it.
Apparently this fool thinks the UN isn’t about globalization and power :rolleyes:
To be fair, the government isn’t actually borrowing money from anybody. It’s being printed by the federal reserve and purchasing the government bond issues. Of course you can make the case that the federal reserve is the global elite. They are a private corporation after all.

Oh I know that’s the “official story” but who’s buying those bonds? Do you own a couple? Maybe what your grandmom bought you. Does that add up to trillions? And that’s just our country. All countries carry debt.

These are all questions that no one ever thinks about. Because they never get answered and it’s maddening. I know it gives me a headache.
Oh I know that’s the “official story” but who’s buying those bonds? Do you own a couple? Maybe what your grandmom bought you. Does that add up to trillions? And that’s just our country. All countries carry debt.

These are all questions that no one ever thinks about. Because they never get answered and it’s maddening. I know it gives me a headache.
He actually believes the WHO is a benevolent organization. Never mind that Bill Gates is very vocal about depopulation and supports them financially and quite heavily. There couldn’t POSSIBLY be something GLOBAL because NorthBitch would know about it from CNN :eek::eek:
Oh I know that’s the “official story” but who’s buying those bonds? Do you own a couple? Maybe what your grandmom bought you. Does that add up to trillions? And that’s just our country. All countries carry debt.

These are all questions that no one ever thinks about. Because they never get answered and it’s maddening. I know it gives me a headache.
The federal reserve is buying the bonds. It’s on their balance sheet. The fed reserve purchases bonds that the US treasury issues. Nobody actually buys anything, the fed prints the money, gives it to the government and holds the bond on their balance sheet. Individuals don’t actually own any of these bonds anymore, 100% of the annual deficit is financed by the fed reserve. The fed reserve gets paid interest on the bonds they own, which they bought with electronically printed money. It’s the all time greatest scam.
I haven't vetted much of this, though a lot of it I already knew. If someone wants to offer up conflicting information, cool. I'm always willing to revise my opinions given real data and valid arguments. So here are some selected quotes...

The Truth (and Lies) about Coronavirus
Primary Author: David Williams, MD
Revised April 23 with updates to section regarding COVID-19 deaths and the addendum.

LIE: COVID-19 is more infectious than influenza. This is one of two lies most often quoted by the millions who call national radio programs or post on social media. It is amazing how many people with absolutely no medical training somehow feel qualified to comment on this disease. Now, we want to be more fair than the national media so we are obligated to report there will never be a study where 1,000 people eat after people with the flu and 1,000 others eat after people with COVID-19 to see which one is more infectious. But the evidence is overwhelming. COVID-19 was first identified late December/early January. A little over three and a half months in, we have slightly over 2 million confirmed cases globally. By comparison, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Google Influenza Update- NCBI), influenza is responsible for up to a billion infections annually. Flu season is basically from the start of October until April. At the flu’s three and a half month mark, that works out to 583 million cases globally. Even accounting for the fact COVID-19 is underreported that is a HUGE difference.
LIE: COVID-19 is more dangerous than influenza. The second lie of the medically uninformed. Even among those who do contract COVID-19, most under 60, including virtually everyone under 21, will never know they had it. On the USS Theodore Roosevelt, 60% were asymptomatic. Of the 2 million people who have tested positive for COVID-19 globally, most have had mild to no symptoms. By the three and half month mark of flu season, the flu had resulted in over 2 million severe cases requiring hospitalization. Influenza results in 290,000 to 670,000 deaths annually. COVID-19 deaths will be discussed below.
LIE: The fact one doesn’t know he or she has COVID-19 makes it more dangerous. All viruses shed and are primarily spread while the infected host is asymptomatic. Repeat, all viruses do this.
TRUTH: It is now almost impossible for anyone in the general public or general medical community to know the actual number of deaths from COVID-19. That is because sometime in March US hospitals started testing all ER patients and every patient who died, regardless of cause of death, for COVID-19. Those patients are being included by the media in COVID-19 death tolls. Yes, a victim of a car accident brought to a US ER who passes away will be tested for COVID-19.
TRUTH: The current policies instituted by our local, state, and national governments are causing greater health problems than the virus ever will. According to the Wall Street Journal, 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in just four weeks. When you consider spouses and children, it seems reasonable that up to 70 million Americans would be affected by that number. Staying at home is not without consequence. Those individuals are at significantly higher risk of depression, suicide, domestic abuse, and other mental health issues. The stress is making them more likely to become ill from all manner of disease. Many have lost their insurance. Some will become divorced. Hundreds of thousands of medical procedures have been cancelled or delayed.

There is another threat to our health. Rural hospitals have closed in large numbers is recent years. The situation with COVID-19 has placed many more community hospitals of all sizes at risk. Most are relatively empty and are bleeding cash.

Full article
The federal reserve is buying the bonds. It’s on their balance sheet. The fed reserve purchases bonds that the US treasury issues. Nobody actually buys anything, the fed prints the money, gives it to the government and holds the bond on their balance sheet. Individuals don’t actually own any of these bonds anymore, 100% of the annual deficit is financed by the fed reserve. The fed reserve gets paid interest on the bonds they own, which they bought with electronically printed money. It’s the all time greatest scam.

Sounds like it’s pretty sweet to be the Federal Reserve!
I haven't vetted much of this, though a lot of it I already knew. If someone wants to offer up conflicting information, cool. I'm always willing to revise my opinions given real data and valid arguments. So here are some selected quotes...

The Truth (and Lies) about Coronavirus
Primary Author: David Williams, MD
Revised April 23 with updates to section regarding COVID-19 deaths and the addendum.

LIE: COVID-19 is more infectious than influenza. This is one of two lies most often quoted by the millions who call national radio programs or post on social media. It is amazing how many people with absolutely no medical training somehow feel qualified to comment on this disease. Now, we want to be more fair than the national media so we are obligated to report there will never be a study where 1,000 people eat after people with the flu and 1,000 others eat after people with COVID-19 to see which one is more infectious. But the evidence is overwhelming. COVID-19 was first identified late December/early January. A little over three and a half months in, we have slightly over 2 million confirmed cases globally. By comparison, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (Google Influenza Update- NCBI), influenza is responsible for up to a billion infections annually. Flu season is basically from the start of October until April. At the flu’s three and a half month mark, that works out to 583 million cases globally. Even accounting for the fact COVID-19 is underreported that is a HUGE difference.
LIE: COVID-19 is more dangerous than influenza. The second lie of the medically uninformed. Even among those who do contract COVID-19, most under 60, including virtually everyone under 21, will never know they had it. On the USS Theodore Roosevelt, 60% were asymptomatic. Of the 2 million people who have tested positive for COVID-19 globally, most have had mild to no symptoms. By the three and half month mark of flu season, the flu had resulted in over 2 million severe cases requiring hospitalization. Influenza results in 290,000 to 670,000 deaths annually. COVID-19 deaths will be discussed below.
LIE: The fact one doesn’t know he or she has COVID-19 makes it more dangerous. All viruses shed and are primarily spread while the infected host is asymptomatic. Repeat, all viruses do this.
TRUTH: It is now almost impossible for anyone in the general public or general medical community to know the actual number of deaths from COVID-19. That is because sometime in March US hospitals started testing all ER patients and every patient who died, regardless of cause of death, for COVID-19. Those patients are being included by the media in COVID-19 death tolls. Yes, a victim of a car accident brought to a US ER who passes away will be tested for COVID-19.
TRUTH: The current policies instituted by our local, state, and national governments are causing greater health problems than the virus ever will. According to the Wall Street Journal, 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in just four weeks. When you consider spouses and children, it seems reasonable that up to 70 million Americans would be affected by that number. Staying at home is not without consequence. Those individuals are at significantly higher risk of depression, suicide, domestic abuse, and other mental health issues. The stress is making them more likely to become ill from all manner of disease. Many have lost their insurance. Some will become divorced. Hundreds of thousands of medical procedures have been cancelled or delayed.

There is another threat to our health. Rural hospitals have closed in large numbers is recent years. The situation with COVID-19 has placed many more community hospitals of all sizes at risk. Most are relatively empty and are bleeding cash.

Full article
Oh I can just see it now: “This doesn’t prove anything because it’s just ONE doctor’s word against the entire medical community and I would know because my wife works in healthcare and CNN told me this is a pandemic of epic proportions!”
The federal reserve is buying the bonds. It’s on their balance sheet. The fed reserve purchases bonds that the US treasury issues. Nobody actually buys anything, the fed prints the money, gives it to the government and holds the bond on their balance sheet. Individuals don’t actually own any of these bonds anymore, 100% of the annual deficit is financed by the fed reserve. The fed reserve gets paid interest on the bonds they own, which they bought with electronically printed money. It’s the all time greatest scam.

This is why you have to be extremely careful when deciding what to do with your wealth. I think we are nearing a point where the shit is really gonna hit the fan if you look at the generation that will be taking over.

It's kind of like someone hiding a secret for decades and then when the old guard dies off(baby boomers) you're left looking at the shit pile thumbing through hidden documents. Make no mistake we have so much debt, so much stuff that can't be paid off even if we tried, we have a younger generation that is frustrated by the amount of debt they must take on just to have the basics that I think we are gonna see a "Fuck It" generation that says to hell with it and just lets everything tank.

I've made a few financial mistakes myself with investments that I'm kicking myself over now because lets face it the stock market is gonna collapse, that money is gonna disappear as its been spent by con artists that are gonna run for their lives when people start asking questions at the end of a loaded barrel.

Ron Paul used to talk a lot about gold, about having something real jingling in your pocket, we don't have an economy built on this, I think those of us 50 and younger are in for some shitty times in the future. So I suggest live your life and have a good time and go out young.

We've been warned about the fed for a long long time, but everyone is addicted to that easy money, now so easy that a trillion dollars can be created in less than the time it takes to mash the zero button on a keyboard.......we're all fucked if you aren't planning to die in the next 20 years.
The CV19 in many ways might become the 2007/8 wealth grab hedge fund managers love, mostly Jewish hedge fund managers that seem to run our entire financial system.

I'm not sure how we separate ourselves from these parasites, kick them out of the country. I mean day after day we've got Trump sucking up to these people and his buddy Steve Mnuchin a man that made hundreds of millions off the carnage from the credit default system that led to the 08 disaster and he's our treasury secretary.

Another masterful con job if you ask me. They pump until it all explodes and vultures swoop in.
The federal reserve is buying the bonds. It’s on their balance sheet. The fed reserve purchases bonds that the US treasury issues. Nobody actually buys anything, the fed prints the money, gives it to the government and holds the bond on their balance sheet. Individuals don’t actually own any of these bonds anymore, 100% of the annual deficit is financed by the fed reserve. The fed reserve gets paid interest on the bonds they own, which they bought with electronically printed money. It’s the all time greatest scam.
So then we aren't really borrowing from Bank of China anymore even though China owns like $2T of our debt?

