Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Our money system is a simple process.

Government needs money they don't have......they ask the treasury by issuing a bond from an IOU from the government....the IOU is then sent though the banks to the Fed that sends money back to the banks and the money is sent back to the government to pay bills.

The question is where does the Fed get this money to write this check, they get it from nowhere, it doesn't exist. It has been created. This would normally get someone prison for fraud. 97% of all currency is digital, so it's not even paper, it just bytes on computers.

All of this leads to endless inflation, something were about to experience again after this CV19 business dies down.
How’s this for math:
US population: 328 million
5.5 million tests
953k positive tests = 17%
17% of 328 million = 55.76M
53k deaths
0.095% death rate

guess you were right @NorthMich - simple math
Today: Debt = Money, more debt more money, no debt no money.

Up until 1933 Money was Gold, Gold was Money.

1971 Money was just Money or Debt.

The entire US exists off Debt, from the time a kid becomes 18 he/she is encourage to take on as much debt as possible, the more debt the more success, you are your credit score, you exist to accumulate as much debt as possible.
Today: Debt = Money, more debt more money, no debt no money.

Up until 1933 Money was Gold, Gold was Money.

1971 Money was just Money or Debt.

The entire US exists off Debt, from the time a kid becomes 18 he/she is encourage to take on as much debt as possible, the more debt the more success, you are your credit score, you exist to accumulate as much debt as possible.
Figure out why NO ONE is responding to your BS comments? Yeah, me neither.
How’s this for math:
US population: 328 million
5.5 million tests
953k positive tests = 17%
17% of 328 million = 55.76M
53k deaths
0.095% death rate

guess you were right @NorthMich - simple math

I don't like politicians from either party, but it seems obvious this was a political cabal to tank the so called Trump economy. The democrats are obsessed with keeping people safe to a level I've never seen in the past.

I can't stand Trump, but he probably should have said fuck it and just let the country keep rolling except NY.

People that didn't want to work could just walk off the job, we're all free to do as we please, no one can force you to work or do anything else unless you're locked up.
I don't like politicians from either party, but it seems obvious this was a political cabal to tank the so called Trump economy. The democrats are obsessed with keeping people safe to a level I've never seen in the past.

I can't stand Trump, but he probably should have said fuck it and just let the country keep rolling except NY.

People that didn't want to work could just walk off the job, we're all free to do as we please, no one can force you to work or do anything else unless you're locked up.
SEEMS obvious, yet some moron from MI is too oblivious to even consider this. I’m sure said dumb fuck thinks his governor is doing a fine job during this “crisis of epic proportions.”
Figure out why NO ONE is responding to your BS comments? Yeah, me neither.
You may not like what he said but he is exactly right on this one. The US federal debt load is over 100% of the annual GDP and unfunded liabilities like Medicare and social security are said to be over $200 trillion over the coming decades. That doesn’t even take into account state debts or consumer debt. This won’t end well.
So then we aren't really borrowing from Bank of China anymore even though China owns like $2T of our debt?
China still owns a huge amount of US debt but they are no longer funding the annual deficit, that is done by the federal reserve. I will add one more point, all bonds come due over time because the are issued based on the number of months, similar to a mortgage. As outstanding US treasury bonds come due from previous years, the Fed is buying these as well. So they are actually purchasing more than the total US deficits each year. They have completely destroyed any semblance of a free market, and since the US has the worlds reserve currency it prevents a free market from happening anywhere on earth. Think about that one for a moment.
The whole planet is Covid affected. Not just the US. Global united conspiracy isn’t what’s happening. I’m sure every nation has some political bend on this, but that doesn’t constitute a conspiracy.
The whole planet is Covid affected. Not just the US. Global united conspiracy isn’t what’s happening. I’m sure every nation has some political bend on this, but that doesn’t constitute a conspiracy.
It does when world markets are collapsing and freedoms are being given up so easily in the name of an invisible enemy. Honestly NorthMich, you have a brain dude - you’re intelligent. Consider the UN and their attempt at power grabs. They think they have a say in every nation, including how the US handles things. They talk of a one world government often. Then consider the WHO. Really look into organizations like that and follow the trails. Bill “Depopulation” Gates funds them heavily and his first or highest initiative is a vaccine for the world. Look into who owns almost all the media and who those tie into. Yeah, definitely sounds far out there, but if you actually open your mind and stop believing the lies that governments give a damn about people and they’re all about control, it’s pretty easy to piece together.
The models developed by the "experts" to predict infections and death rates have not been remotely close.
I love the argument that gets thrown at that statement "well that's because of social distancing!" as we see an infection rate into the 30s. Not that bad of an issue.

Simple math my simple dude
math is a fun subject, I love math actually. I have yet to see any stats, numbers or facts that point to this as being a sliver as bad as thought. In Massachusetts, one of the harder hit areas, we have countless tiktok videos coming out of the hospitals (mgh, Beth Israel, layhey). How do they find time to do that when it's so bad on the front lines?

The fear of the unknown, the fear of lack of supplies, the fear that we would end up in the same position as other countries... This fear is the problem. Don't be afraid, it's not going to kill you. It's not going to give you a stroke, heart attack, diminished lung capacity for the balance of your life, nothing. And if for some reason you're one of the few people that aren't old as fuck or sick by nature and you get seriously ill because of covid: welcome to the exclusive group of like 1000 people out of 330+ million.

You're not worth shuttering the economy for. Sorry, I'm not either. Tough pill to swallow but it's true. I know we're all beautiful snowflakes, each one of us different and awesome, and should have happy long lives but not all snowflakes land in a pile of other snowflakes. Sometimes they land in a puddle or on a windshield. They die. It happens.

Moving right the fuck along...
Oh, and people can’t keep secrets. Large scale conspiracies would have people leaking it. Small scale events where there are limited people-plausible. Large scale events - not plausible.

this was never about being able to hide from the virus until it’s miraculously gone ( to quote our not-great president). It was about not flooding the emergency health care system.
Oh, and people can’t keep secrets. Large scale conspiracies would have people leaking it. Small scale events where there are limited people-plausible. Large scale events - not plausible.
There are very few secrets being kept hush hush anymore. They broadcast their ideas in movies before they carry out their plans. Their symbols are everywhere. What was it, something like 2003 Bill Gates TED talk he specifically said he wants to depopulate the earth. It’s no secret. George Soros has made it very well known that he hates the US and wants to take it down. Follow the trails dude.
It’s also easy to assign and layer more old disproven conspiracies on top of new ones to support the newer conspiracy

It’s a house of cards that has no real support, yet some minority among us will go there anyway and insist it’s true
Oh, and people can’t keep secrets. Large scale conspiracies would have people leaking it. Small scale events where there are limited people-plausible. Large scale events - not plausible.

this was never about being able to hide from the virus until it’s miraculously gone ( to quote our not-great president). It was about not flooding the emergency health care system.

I don’t really believe this virus was a mass conspiracy either but that doesn’t mean i think the response wasn’t pre-planned. These government organizations have contingency plans for any number of scenarios and disasters. When one comes along they already have the playbook ready. This one looked like a pandemic when it first came out and they unleashed their plan on us. Do you ever wonder how they can have 1000’s of pages of documents in a bill ready to sign within just a couple of hours? They negotiate a few of the pork barrel handouts to the various special interest groups and that’s it, it all ready to go.
If this was an isolated USA event, then I could better entertain some larger, nefarious plot. But all nations are affected and all nations are reporting and tracking. I’m not believing all nations are acting in unison to cover up