Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

The pharmaceutical companies are something else. Whether it's Purdue's aggressive marketing of Oxycontin or the price gouging from the pharmcos that provide substitution treatment drugs (see link provided by @ickyrica). Whether drug abuse remains criminalized or medicalized, the pharmaceutical companies role in all of this needs to be seriously addressed.

Patent law is what makes them so powerful. Take away their monopolies, and they would have to start finding cures again.
From what I gather from our discussion, you agree that the resources spent of the mass incarceration of drug users have been a waste of money.

However, you do NOT seem to agree that a medicalization/harm reduction approach, as I described, is a preferable solution.

I want to bring this full circle and ask you: what should be done with the billions of dollars used to incarcerate drug users?

If it is a waste of money, should we stop spending it? Or don't rock the boat?

Do you think the funds would be better spent on ANY TYPE of harm reduction / medicalization approach to drug abuse?

I really hoped you would have answered these questions with your opinions on the matter. I respect if you do not wish to and I won't ask again.

Once again I ask you to define ..........
1) Harm Reduction
2) Medicalization

......... in objective and reproducible terms.
LSU professor vows to 'drop' students on 'hate speech' list | Fox News

It's insane that the very place intended to induce debate and help the expansion of the mind will undercut opposing views. All the while riding a tenured spot with an inflated income I'm sure, squandering the hopes of students, with them being unaware.

I've never been one to be a 'yes' man. I don't surround myself with them and would probably end up feeling disgust if someone around me was like that all the time. I feel like growth occurs rapidly in this format if you let it.

Modern scholar's are a disaster. I know it's not all of them but sheesh, seems like a vast majority...
The prison industry is sexist. there’s way more males than females incarcerated. I’m calling for a protest to even out those numbers. this is bullshit. Us men are getting incarcerated far too much compared to women. The system is totally rigged against men. this needs to stop.

Cruz it's the bitches rollin and making witness statement coerced or not to keep them out the jail, keep the house,get the kids, get the cash and stash
Um, it did happen. Written right into the US Constitution. I'm sure you knew that, but I couldn't help myself. I had to comment.
Yeah, let's change the constitution, made bootleggers rich, started a whole underground market (sound familiar) sources overloaded, cut their hooch with turpentine brewed in a bathtub. The social elite did do what they want. And then they change their mind. Let's just tax the hell out of it and make money. Unlike the 10 commandments.. we are still fighting over the constitution which was written in common sense English. We are not the society we were 200 years ago,however those principles still stand mostly untouched.

we were talking about crime statistics so I asked him another question about a statistic that had to do with crime.

what is your problem with my question?
why are you so offended by it that you had to reply to my post?
Wanted to tag me use an@
Too why I replied, you tossed the card."statistically speaking" when it was not warranted.
Not withstanding the separate issue of interdiction and the number of recovering heroin addicts on this forum, do you really believe anyone benefits from the use of ilicit drugs?

IDK you'll have to ask them.

Not all "illicit" drugs are the same. Take for example marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, DMT, ibogaine, ketamine... all have had a resurgence in medicinal use.
Hydroxychloriquine was also considered an emerging therapy for COVID-19 until experimental trials tempered the publics fervor for "something".

And for the same reason exclusive of Ketamine, Ibogaine and perhaps THC the others are void of a clinical indication outside of experiential trials.
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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine
By Jim Hoft
Published June 14, 2020 at 9:55pm
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons ( filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Hydroxychloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors treating the coronavirus.
In the field and in independent testing hydroxychloroquine displayed amazing results in treating the COVID-19 virus.

But there was great pushback against hydroxychloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

It is not a stretch to say the Democrat establishment would rather see people die than see President Trump be proven right.

So the so-called experts went to great lengths to lie and smear the use of this drug as we have discussed previously.

EXCLUSIVE: The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine Was a COMPLETE FRAUD – The Authors are Linked to the Pharmaceutical Industry and People Died Because of Their Lies!
By Jim Hoft
Published June 5, 2020 at 4:26pm
The Lancet Medical Journal apologized this week and pulled the controversial hydroxychloroquine study.
The study released by Lancet titled — “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis” — was retracted after it was found to be a complete fraud.

Why is an effective & inexpensive drug treatment of #COVID19 being suppressed by FDA? There is one plausible answer: the successful treatment of COVID19 patients with hydroxychloroquine threatens the sale of billions of doses of a COVID19 vaccine to the World later on...

Why is an effective & inexpensive drug treatment of #COVID19 being suppressed by FDA?

The studies I have looked at have been decidedly mixed, and in many cases highly conflicted. In particular, it performed abysmally as a treatment for critically ill patients in multiple studies (they can't all be corrupt).

Treatments with hydroycloroquine combined with other drugs or with zinc had better reported results, but there aren't any completed studies to promote those treatments (no studies in progress with it combined with zinc that I've seen).

It's use has clearly been demonized in the media, though. Mention of it as a potential treatment is automatically rejected as one step above bloodletting rather than a drug with dozens of on-going studies, some with positive preliminary results.
Is there a thread on the recent BLM protests?
Everything CHAZ/CHOP is hillarious!

yeah they’re trying to make every white person pay $10 to non whites. this have to be the most racist people in the entire country doing things specifically out of the color of skin rather than the content of their character. topical liberal socialist
As mentioned earlier, ME reports can confound legal proceedings, and in this case I suspect the plaintiffs will argue the “stress” of such forcible restraint were proximately related to Mr Floyd’s demise.

And rest assured the FINAL report will be very closely scrutinized searching for ANY evidence of asphyxia.

Moreover the family may request or demand, generally at their expense. a second independent autopsy.


Jim, here is the final autopsy report. Would appreciate your opinions.

George Floyd Autopsy (Full Report)