Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Well since this thread was bumped today, I'll say I now see all of the old original social distancing commercials are back on TV. Ugh, from the apparent spike in cases. And of course, all the facebook warriors are blaming everyone not wearing a mask.
Well since this thread was bumped today, I'll say I now see all of the old original social distancing commercials are back on TV. Ugh, from the apparent spike in cases. And of course, all the facebook warriors are blaming everyone not wearing a mask.
Clearly the spike in cases is from the Trump rally, and not from the protests and riots
Clearly the spike in cases is from the Trump rally, and not from the protests and riots
I'm not sure on the exact cause. I know our state down south with minimal protests have increased, I've heard a few others spiked as well. We're nowhere near where the Trump rally was.
This is a shit show. The entire thing is a joke (at this point).

To me it seems perfectly clear: most Americans want to roll the dice with the virus. Loosing human life in this manner is an acceptable thing to most of the people I talk to, including the older generations.
This is a shit show. The entire thing is a joke (at this point).

To me it seems perfectly clear: most Americans want to roll the dice with the virus. Loosing human life in this manner is an acceptable thing to most of the people I talk to, including the older generations.
Death is as much a part of life as sickness. When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go and government control is what this is all about. Bottom line: too many things don’t add up for people to take this seriously.
Here’s some complete bullshit for you guys - I just played around on google and sure enough, it did exactly as said. I even did a 4 digit search and sure enough, it worked.
google 111

I ran a script with 20 random 3 digit numbers and never got a COVID top hit.
I had a buddy on FB say the same and when I took his numbers, I got a hit every time. Not sure what the deal is and what makes it work for some and not others, but I’m guessing it has something to do with algorithms.
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I had a buddy on FB day the same and when I took his numbers, I got a hit every time. Not sure what the deal is and what makes it work for some and not others, but I’m guessing it has something to do with algorithms.

Probably. I don't use Google much, and likely never used it to look for any covid related material, so it defaulted to something else.

It's difficult to see a purposeful misdirection here. Covid is likely at the top of the list for subject mater searches, so any ambiguous searches could easily default to that topic. It's how I would write it, anyway.
Probably. I don't use Google much, and likely never used it to look for any covid related material, so it defaulted to something else.

It's difficult to see a purposeful misdirection here. Covid is likely at the top of the list for subject mater searches, so any ambiguous searches could easily default to that topic. It's how I would write it, anyway.
Idk, it’s very suspect to me. EVERY number I punched in came up with some sort of “news” article. I don’t feel like editing pics right now or I’d post them up to show.
Was spot on. Quite the concentration of the uneducated here.

I guess engineers, software designers, programmers. Just to name a few of the guys here are the uneducated? Maybe over analytical and tend to go a bit far down the rabbit hole before pulling out again. Unfortunately your statement just shows you how immediately assume that people who do not share you beliefs are stupid...... Hmmm.
I know that people that post this drivel have serious problems. Your really think these impossibly ignorant, hateful, selfish, and paranoid thoughts are the result of higher education? You’re a stand up comic
I know that people that post this drivel have serious problems. Your really think these impossibly thoughts are the result of higher education? You’re a stand up comic

I personally see nothing " ignorant, hateful, selfish, and paranoid" about questioning media that has lied through their teeth on both sides. Also I guess no one has ever skewed data to fit a narrative?