Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Heard something on the radio about a pig virus that's going around China now.

Something about there's fears of that hitting pandemic proportions too.

i didn't get to hear the whole thing, so i'm not sure how serious the DJ was being, but fuck, could you imagine something like that happening right now?

Edit: This thingy.

Not sure why it posted a video and not the webpage that the video is on?

Edit again: Let's try this. *Removed* The link from Google did the same thing. Fuck it. Google the fucking thing. i quit.

That has been floating around, but not sure if it’s Chinese propaganda or another kung flu going to be spread worldwide. If it’s legit, then we need to cut off EVERYTHING from China.
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.” -Abraham Lincoln
I am not now nor have I ever been in favor of equality of the races---abraham Lincoln 1858 Lincoln Douglas debates for congressman from illinois
The real snowflakes have and always have been are the conservatives
Wouldn't personally say they're the only ones, shit loads of snowflakes on the US Left (although I don't personally consider most of them particularly "left-wing", but then again I'm British & British & Westrn European ideas about what constitutes left-wing politics & ideology is pretty different to Americans). But fuck yes, the amount of cry baby slack-jawed-faggotry of "oh i'm so offended by Happy Holidays" etc whinging from the Right is pathetic.

As for the other issues being argued about - not my country, not my problem & i can't relate to a lot of US political & social issues tbh. More interested in doing a little reading than debating.
And yet it’s actually the left is is the pathetic whiners being offended by literally everything.
Don't deny that mate, i'm saying the right are just as bad.

Just from watching a bit of Fox News, the religous right oh & of course Trump's whining.

The religous right in the US have been whining cunts for decades, but at least to me as an outsider, the mainstream US Republican movement wasn't always like this. Seems to be a more recent thing. Trump certainly didn't start it, but i do think he & his followers / advisors have escalated it on the right.

That said, think a lot of it stems from the rise of social media. Whingers, crackpots etc, the kind whose only outlet 20 year sgo was whining & boring the fuck out of their family, friends, collegues & random people in shops, pubs & at bus stops etc, & whom everyone rolled their eyes at & thought "oh for fuck's sake....." whilst politely smiling & nodding - thesee people now have a platform & a meeting place at which they can egg each other on & validate each other's opinions.

Half the fucking planet now lives in a bubble & an echo chamber, all thanks to social media.

My point is the right are no more immune from that than the left & visa versa.

Just look at how popular outlandish conspiracy theories have bevine prominent over the last few years. Eg flat-earthers have existed for decades, yet hardly anyone had heard of them just a few years ago.
Oh & it doesn't help matters that US tv news is so partisan that it's practically naked political propaganda. In the UK our newspapers are mostly quite partisan, but the TV news isn't. Presenters can & do land in the shit with their employers if they start voicing their personal political opinions, let alone actively endorsing a political party or candidate. That would almost certsinly lead to a very swift disciplinary & dismissal.

Again, in the US, it's from both sides, not just the frothing at the mouth Fox gang.
This still floors me; the results, as well as the fact they were used as part of the justification for the lockdowns.

The Nursing-Home Catastrophe

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s fateful decision to return Covid-19 patients to care facilities ought to haunt him—and us.

Chris von Csefalvay
July 7, 2020
New York

... it is now reported that 6,300 Covid patients were sent to nursing homes throughout the state [NY].
By then [May 10], New York had lost 6 percent of its residents in nursing homes to the virus. Michigan would lose 5 percent, and New Jersey a harrowing 12 percent. Florida, which never implemented such a treat-and-return policy, suffered a mere 1.6 percent mortality among nursing-home residents...

full article
Are there some hospitals at capacity in some areas, or is that all completely fabricated nonsense?
Are there some hospitals at capacity in some areas, or is that all completely fabricated nonsense?
Not sure how we would really know since visitors aren’t or weren’t allowed. That being said, knowing some nurses who work in the hospitals locally (very large hospital systems), they have said their hospitals have been very low in numbers. I believe some hospitals have been filled, but not to overflowing like we were led to believe.
Several hospitals (Texas) are reportedly at capacity with Covid patients.

I’m just wondering if these hospital claims are thought to be true.
Are there some hospitals at capacity in some areas, or is that all completely fabricated nonsense?
There has been a spike in cases in Texas. My daughter is a nurse practitioner at a hospital in a small town here. They went from zero patients to 11 in ten days but aren't at capacity. One of the hospitals from the city nearby came and picked up the hospital beds they had. It's hard to say really.
There has been a spike in cases in Texas. My daughter is a nurse practitioner at a hospital in a small town here. They went from zero patients to 11 in ten days but aren't at capacity. One of the hospitals from the city nearby came and picked up the hospital beds they had. It's hard to say really.
Yet the deaths have plummeted. Something isn’t adding up. If cases are up but deaths have dropped, then people are recovering and apparently this isn’t the catastrophe it was made out to be and keeps getting pushed as.
I’m only asking about some (large metro) hospitals being at capacity and shipping patients elsewhere. That’s what being reported. Either the hospital administrators and staff are reporting wrong information, or it’s true
I’m only asking about some (large metro) hospitals being at capacity and shipping patients elsewhere. That’s what being reported. Either the hospital administrators and staff are reporting wrong information, or it’s true
Yeah I don't think anyone can answer that.
I’m only asking about some (large metro) hospitals being at capacity and shipping patients elsewhere. That’s what being reported. Either the hospital administrators and staff are reporting wrong information, or it’s true
I find it interesting that FL isn’t releasing their hospitalization numbers and they won’t say why.

WA state hospitalizations on the rise but nowhere near peak.

A Stanford “expert” said 80-85% of hospitalizations have zero to do with Covid.
So I guess some here would say it’s possible the hospitals are lying. It’s either true or false, so if “we don’t know” then we’re leaving open the possibility of outright lying and fraud on the part of an awful lot of staff
So I guess some here would say it’s possible the hospitals are lying. It’s either true or false, so if “we don’t know” then we’re leaving open the possibility of outright lying and fraud on the part of an awful lot of staff
Yep, or a mass silencing under threat of job loss.
So I guess some here would say it’s possible the hospitals are lying. It’s either true or false, so if “we don’t know” then we’re leaving open the possibility of outright lying and fraud on the part of an awful lot of staff
By the way - what I stated above were from news articles of mainstream media released within the last 24 hours, so you don’t think I’m blowing smoke your way.
So some would say it’s possible that a huge group (all) of hospital staff and admins have been threatened to lie and say they’re full of Covid when they are not at all