Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

My reality is based on my religious views, so yes sir.
So you would believe a book that says a man in the clouds can know exactly when each bird dies and how many hairs every person has on their head but you DONT believe in a virus that is practically in your face? Lol. Come on man. I know you can’t trust the fucking government but Jesus Christ!!! :D
So you would believe a book that says a man in the clouds can know exactly when each bird dies and how many hairs every person has on their head but you DONT believe in a virus that is practically in your face? Lol. Come on man. I know you can’t trust the fucking government but Jesus Christ!!! :D

Never said you depended on the government.
You sucked on too many bat heads when you went on that trip with your alt handle. LMFAO. All the best to you. You will need it. Open those eyes a little more:rolleyes:
Should’ve clarified - it’s not that I don’t believe there’s no virus, as I never said that, though my “yes” was a blanket statement. I don’t believe the hype and the conflicting stories nor the dangers of the virus. There are far deadlier viruses and diseases out there which are easily passed on via human contact, yet there is no hype surrounding them.

BTW, why didn’t Ozzy ever get the Rona?
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I don't have any thoughts on Thailand's hot climate other than it'd be a nice place for a vacation.

A lot has been written recently about Vietnam (also on the Indochinese peninsula and also bordering China) and the few cases and fewer deaths. For example:

How Did Vietnam Become Biggest Nation Without Coronavirus Deaths?

For a deeper dive, here is a lengthy explanation that you are free to discount if you think Bill-Gates-is-the-boogeyman:

Emerging COVID-19 success story: Vietnam’s commitment to containment

June 30, 2020

Although Vietnam reported its first case of COVID-19 on January 23, 2020, it reported only a little more than 300 cases and zero deaths over the following four months.1,2 This early success has been attributed to several key factors, including a well-developed public health system, a strong central government, and a proactive containment strategy based on comprehensive testing, tracing, and quarantining. Lessons from Vietnam’s successful early detection and containment strategy are worth examining in detail so other countries may apply them to their own responses.

Detection: Vietnam has taken a targeted approach to testing, scaled up testing in areas with community transmission, and conducted three degrees of contact tracing for each positive case.

Containment: As a result of its detection process, hundreds of thousands of people, including international travelers and those who had close contact with people who tested positive, were placed in quarantine centers run by the government, which greatly reduced transmission at both the household and community levels. Hot spots with demonstrated community transmission were locked down immediately, and the government communicated frequently with citizens to keep them informed and involved in the public health response.

One of the reasons Vietnam was able to act so quickly is that the country experienced SARS in 2003 and human cases of avian influenza between 2004 and 2010. Therefore, Vietnam had both the experience and infrastructure to take appropriate action. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold and Vietnam relaxes many of its restrictions, monitoring how the case levels change, and studying the reasons for those changes, will be particularly important.

Source: Emerging COVID-19 success story: Vietnam’s commitment to containment
Vietnam would seem to be the perfect example on how to fight COVID, until you take a look at both Cambodia and Laos. Bordering counties, similar diets, similar genetics, but they did not impose the same facemask requirements. Guess what, almost exactly the same outcomes, little to no deaths and very small infection rate, plus very little testing just like Vietnam.
I’m all for NFL season being flushed. Fuck them.
Agreed, I'm not going to watch them again. Overpaid entitled fucks. Plus the teams and the league that pander to all of this nonsense.

What happened to the tough football players that kept their mouth shut and punched the other team in the mouth.

Now these guys are doing dance routines after making a play. What in the fuck????
Agreed, I'm not going to watch them again. Overpaid entitled fucks. Plus the teams and the league that pander to all of this nonsense.

What happened to the tough football players that kept their mouth shut and punched the other team in the mouth.

Now these guys are doing dance routines after making a play. What in the fuck????
I would seriously love nothing more than to see people boycott their sponsors and all those clowns have to go out there and get jobs like everyone else.
I would seriously love nothing more than to see people boycott their sponsors and all those clowns have to go out there and get jobs like everyone else.
I miss the old days in regards to football. Back when college athletes could use gear and were just insanely hungry for a shot to play one play on special teams as a pro. I hung around a few that actually made it from Texas A&M and the atmosphere was incredible.
I miss the old days in regards to football. Back when college athletes could use gear and were just insanely hungry for a shot to play one play on special teams as a pro. I hung around a few that actually made it from Texas A&M and the atmosphere was incredible.
I didn’t mind it back when they didn’t try to be SJW’s and use their status as soapboxes and weren’t being paid millions. Somewhere along the way they started thinking they were really more important than they actually are. Do your job and shut up. Don’t try to use your job to grandstand.
I miss the old days in regards to football. Back when college athletes could use gear and were just insanely hungry for a shot to play one play on special teams as a pro. I hung around a few that actually made it from Texas A&M and the atmosphere was incredible.
Same here. I played college ball at a small NAIA division school in South Texas. As an incoming freshman I was one of the smallest guys on the team but that didn't deter me one bit. Made the switch from the LB position I played in high school to CB. the senior I backed up was even smaller than me and I was determined to beat him out but sadly I never did. He got drafted in the 12th round in the NFL that next year and ended up a starter, perennial pro bowler and was inducted to the hall of fame. You might have heard of Darrell Green.:)
Afterwards I attended several games at Texas Tech, UT and of course Texss A&M. There's nothing that comes close though to the atmosphere of an Aggie football game.

“In 4 months, the U.S. transformed into an obedient socialist country. Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And you bought it without a fight.

Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard". Small businesses were forced to close but crowds to support the corporate money machine at WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are OK.

Come on. It's "just a mask" & "safety precautions".

How about a little hush money. Here's $2,400 that we stole out of your pay check in the first place. Enjoy. Buy something with it. From a big corporation.

Cash is dirty. We can't give change. There's a coin shortage. Use your card. In 4 months, they convinced you to use a traceable card for everything.

In less than 4 months, government closed public schools then "restructured" education under the guise of "public safety". In less than 4 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" that have NO scientific premise whatsoever when you are fearful.

In less than 4 months, our government successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America that allows them to control every aspect of your life. Including what you eat, where you go, who you see and your toilet paper.

And the most dangerous and terrifying part? People are not afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They're afraid of their neighbors, family and friends.

And they hate those who won't comply.

It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don't question "authority". They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just... gave up without thinking. Without a fight.

Do you know what's coming next?
"It's just a vaccine. Come on. It's for the greater good".

Wait until you're told that you can't enter any store or business without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you can't go to public events or get on a plane without proof of receiving the vaccine.

To everyone that doesn't believe this is possible - DO YOU UNDERSTAND that government successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated in less than 4 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly because they were told to do so.

You're kidding yourself if you think this behavior won't be repeated with a vaccine. Or whatever the next step is.

"I don't follow politics."
"Who cares about that stuff?"
"I don't like to think about it."

They got you. Without a thought. Without a fight. Just like France. Just like Russia. Just like China. Welcome, comrade.”
ERRORS FOUND: Florida's positivity rate is skewed. #FOX35 went through #COVID19 test reports & found many clinics reporting 100% positivity. @orlandohealth
admits their number is wrong, saying it shows 98% positive, but it's actually 9.4%. @fox35orlando

No conspiracy to see here folks. Keep drinking the Kool Aid. It’s so amazing how many new cases there are and the death rates have plummeted :rolleyes:
“Don’t worry about Grandma, dying alone in the nursing home. She has dementia and is scared, but she surely understands. It’s for the greater good.”
“Don’t worry about losing your business, the dream business that you opened with a second mortgage on your house... oh, and don’t worry about losing your house. It’s for the greater good.”
“Don’t worry about your child’s depression because she can’t figure out how to navigate the online classes and she misses her best friend. It’s all for the greater good.”
“Don’t worry about your Aunt who can’t get treatment for her cancer. Her sacrifice is saving lives...just not hers. It’s for the greater good.”
“Make sure you call CPS on your neighbor for letting her kids go outside to play! Don’t worry when the stranger takes her kids while they cry out for their momma. It’s all for the greater good.”
“Don’t worry about the looters and people burning down your town. They’re peaceful. It’s all for the greater good.”



[emoji3502]social distance
[emoji3502]mask up
[emoji3502]have no funerals
[emoji3502]forcibly homeschool while still taxing us for public education
[emoji3502]stay in our homes
[emoji3502]stop going to church
[emoji3502]forfeit incomes and personal businesses
[emoji3502]turn on our friends and neighbors with a phone number
[emoji3502]hug our grandparents through plastic
[emoji3502]thoroughly have us on the verge of civil war with each other.


[emoji3502]kill even more people
[emoji3502]loot businesses (many already on the brink of bankruptcy)
[emoji3502]deface national monuments
[emoji3502]destroy our cities
[emoji3502]defund & disband our police
[emoji3502]set everything on fire

...and all the while, we're allegedly at tremendous risk of an oh-so-deadly virus that can be diagnosed without official testing, or with so-called testing being counted & reported dishonestly, and reported on death certificates even if we die by falling off a cliff...

...and even though it's super "dangerous", the things that actually keep us healthy, like:

[emoji3502]health food stores
[emoji3502]farmers markets
[emoji3502]garden nurseries/seeds
[emoji3502]health facilities
[emoji3502]chiropractic centers
[emoji3502]naturopathic health centers
[emoji3502]outdoor activities and parks

are taken away. But:

[emoji3502]fast food joints

were deemed Essential??
