Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Well it is a new virus so things are happening “on the fly”.
Cases around me have been next to nothing until a week or so ago. Now it’s spreading like wildfire. People around me for the most part have been laughing it off like you have. I pray you are right but I think you are dead wrong about it.

There is definitely a problem in many US/Mexico border counties like Hidalgo that is feeding hospitals and medical centers as it spills northward. Cross border travel importing Mexico's case curve along with Mex nationals, dual citizens, illegals etc... coming over symptomatic seeking treatment. Then CBP spreading it. Certainly a bias towards more severe cases, hospitalizations and deaths. It's hard to delineate the pieces parts of the data at this point but it is a trouble area. Hide your elderly. And border really needs to be clamped down.
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There is definitely a problem in many US/Mexico border counties like Hidalgo that is feeding hospitals and medical centers as it spills northward. Cross border travel importing Mexico's case curve along with Mex nationals, dual citizens, illegals etc... coming over symptomatic seeking treatment. Then CBP spreading it. Certainly a bias towards more severe cases, hospitalizations and deaths. It's hard to delineate the pieces parts of the data at this point but it is a trouble area. Hide your elderly. And border really needs to be clamped down.
You REALLY close the Mexico border and America STOPS. SAD BUT TRUE!
But you are right in my opinion. Mexico was late to the party like Texas. Read 10,000 new cases per day now in Texas.
Then CBP spreading it.
The majority of my friends here are CBP. Almost all vets and good guys. Most are steroid users. The MAJORITY of bodies they catch and process are from Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. They catch literally hundreds per day only to have to process them and either drive them back to an entry point To turn them loose or to another facility due to this virus. Some of those fuckers are kidnapping 5-10 year old kids from Mexico during their journey so if they get caught they claim parenthood to try to stay here. They actually want to get caught when doing this shit.

Sorry for getting off topic. Lol.
If I’m destined to die, I’m destined to die, as we all are. No mask will save me from a beer truck barreling into me on the freeway. The method doesn’t matter, just the outcome.
COVID virus and a beer truck? LMFAO!
You’re comparing apples and oranges now.
we were told early on that this virus can’t survive in the heat. Here it’s been super hot and humid and yet they’re saying the number of cases are up. If they could actually keep their stories straight, people may be more apt to believe what they’re trying to feed us.

Lol, they did say that.

Well, it's the media. They have a very low opinion of their followers, justifiably so IMO. They aren't expected to remember facts, only fear.

February 11, 2020

February 13, 2020
Will the New Coronavirus 'Go Away' in April?

President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet clear if the new virus will follow the same pattern — and experts caution against banking on the weather to resolve the outbreak.
You said in the other thread that you live like today is your last - we all should because tomorrow is promised to no one, no matter how much we want to change that.

You CAN change it though. Just wear a fucking mask. Lol.
That's why no one wears condoms. They want to live each day like it is their last and tomorrow is promised to no one. #facecondoms
February 11, 2020

February 13, 2020
Will the New Coronavirus 'Go Away' in April?

President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet clear if the new virus will follow the same pattern — and experts caution against banking on the weather to resolve the outbreak.

Unfortunately, sites like factcheck have other motives than educating the public. The fact is, early in the year there was much speculation the virus would slow or even die out in the summer months. Factcheck says that Trump said the virus would "go away" in April. Which is not true. He said in theory it would go away, simply going with the prevailing speculation. IOW, factcheck needs its own fact checker.

CDC hopes the coronavirus outbreak is seasonal like the flu and subsides in the summer

Personally, I believe the virus isn't going away for political reasons. It was never a threat to society until politicians got involved.

100,000 plus people and their family members might disagree. :oops:

They might indeed, even though the majority of that 100K were already dying of something. Not getting the virus would have made little difference, even if the politicians had decided to protect them rather than quarantine everyone else.

All those people who lost their lively hoods during the lockdowns might also blame the virus, but they would be wrong.
They might indeed, even though the majority of that 100K were already dying of something. Not getting the virus would have made little difference, even if the politicians had decided to protect them rather than quarantine everyone else.

All those people who lost their lively hoods during the lockdowns might also blame the virus, but they would be wrong.
They might have been sick or dying but they weren’t dead until they caught COVID. Not arguing with you. Just how I view it.
They might have been sick or dying but they weren’t dead until they caught COVID. Not arguing with you. Just how I view it.

I agree with you, but a lot of people lost businesses and savings they spent their lives building. A lot of people are still dying due to the lockdowns. THAT is a threat to society. I don't feel conflicted mourning the people who died from the virus as well as the people harmed by the absurd and useless measures politicians imposed against it's spread.
The fact is, early in the year there was much speculation the virus would slow or even die out in the summer months. Factcheck says that Trump said the virus would "go away" in April. Which is not true. He said in theory it would go away, simply going with the prevailing speculation. IOW, factcheck needs its own fact checker.

CDC hopes the coronavirus outbreak is seasonal like the flu and subsides in the summer
I don't remember much discussion at all about warm weather ending the pandemic prior to Trump's comments on February 11th. The link you posted was two weeks after the fact (although it validates factcheck's caution regarding warm weather hopes for covid-19). Do you have any references prior to February 11th?
I agree with you, but a lot of people lost businesses and savings they spent their lives building. A lot of people are still dying due to the lockdowns. THAT is a threat to society. I don't feel conflicted mourning the people who died from the virus as well as the people harmed by the absurd and useless measures politicians imposed against it's spread.
Oh the economic impact of this virus and the way it was handled will be felt for years I’m afraid.
COVID virus and a beer truck? LMFAO!
You’re comparing apples and oranges now.
Point being, we all die. I could be the safest driver on the road and take every precaution possible and still die. I could get shot or have something fall on me. My main point is simply that you can take all the precautions in the world and still die. When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go.
I don't remember much discussion at all about warm weather ending the pandemic prior to Trump's comments on February 11th. The link you posted was two weeks after the fact (although it validates factcheck's caution regarding warm weather hope's for covid-19). Do you have any references prior to February 11th?

Trump, as well as his Chinese counterpart, made similar statements as early as the middle of January. I doubt I will find a reference predating those statements. What Trump didn't do is say the virus would disappear without qualifying it with "in theory" which factcheck didn't include.

I'm not sure what the disagreement is here. When I said the media doesn't expect its followers to remember facts, only fear, I was talking about now. When I quoted your post I was referring to the fact that factcheck was attributing to Trump something that Trump got directly from the CDC or somewhere similar. My claim is that factcheck did so intentionally with other motives than educating the public.
Point being, we all die. I could be the safest driver on the road and take every precaution possible and still die. I could get shot or have something fall on me. My main point is simply that you can take all the precautions in the world and still die. When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go.
So you are good with potentially killing people because you are butthurt that someone is telling you to wear a mask? You are healthy and illness free but fuck anyone else that’s prone to die if infected by COVID because you think this is fake and they were going to die anyway? Fuck man if that’s the case let’s just put a bullet in every single person that gets sick or injured and goes to the doctor/hospital. They were going to die sooner or later right?

People like you and the people that are using this shit to make money and gain power and control are the same. It’s called selfishness.
So you are good with potentially killing people because you are butthurt that someone is telling you to wear a mask? You are healthy and illness free but fuck anyone else that’s prone to die if infected by COVID because you think this is fake and they were going to die anyway? Fuck man if that’s the case let’s just put a bullet in every single person that gets sick or injured and goes to the doctor/hospital. They were going to die sooner or later right?

People like you and the people that are using this shit to make money and gain power and control are the same. It’s called selfishness.
If the bullshit we’ve been fed actually lined up and proved this to be true, I might be inclined to believe it. If you really believe that a bandana or a paper mask is going to reduce the spread of something of this supposed caliber, by all means - wear that mask. To me this “mask of any type” bullshit would be like saying “here’s some gear I filtered with a napkin.” These little non N95 masks don’t do shit. How is it that me and my buddy (you know who I’m referring to) and our families flew to Thailand together and were amongst many Chinese, both masked and unmasked on a plane, of all places, back in February when this was really getting heated up and when we came back, not a single person in our offices got sick nor his elderly parents and mine? Not a single person we came in contact with got sick. Save your shaming for someone who buys into it. The narrative changes daily. First asymptomatic people can spread it, then they can’t. So even if I’m carrying it but not in full blown Covid mode, I’m not going to pass it along to anyone, mask or not. So where does your mask fit in? If I have symptoms, I’ll surely quarantine or wear a mask if I absolutely must go out in public.
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So you are good with potentially killing people because you are butthurt that someone is telling you to wear a mask? You are healthy and illness free but fuck anyone else that’s prone to die if infected by COVID because you think this is fake and they were going to die anyway? Fuck man if that’s the case let’s just put a bullet in every single person that gets sick or injured and goes to the doctor/hospital. They were going to die sooner or later right?

People like you and the people that are using this shit to make money and gain power and control are the same. It’s called selfishness.

What if, instead of selfishness, some of us have figured out that masks are not just ineffective, but potentially hazardous to others? If you were convinced of this, would you still wear one? Many still do, because they would rather be a hazard to others than go against the established norm.

If you read the link I posted on the fake second wave, you will know all about herd immunity, and heard immunity threshold (HIT). There are people at high risk who need to take extreme measures to protect themselves, and they need to do this until HIT is achieved in their area. Even with extreme measures they are at risk, and as long as HIT isn't achieved they remain at risk.

So masks may or may not work. There is considerable disagreement on this due to the types of masks and materials, the duration they are used, the habits of the wearers, etc. But let's pretend they work, and work well.

In that case, wearing one would reduce the chances a person will be exposed to the virus. If CV19 has an HIT of 15%-20% as suggested, and that person has a 15%-20% chance of being one of those who can carry and possibly transmit the virus.

By wearing a mask that person remains a safe haven for the virus when the mask rule is lifted. In effect, the mask wearers are creating a reserve for the virus to reside once HIT is otherwise achieved. Those at extreme risk will remain at risk even after they are told the virus has run its course and have reduced their level of caution.

Or... it could just be selfishness.