Are GH peptides worth it?

I weight 180 and I was doing 200-300mcg mod grf 1-29 (Cjc no dac) and 400–500+mcg of ipamorelin and was getting very good deep sleep. I’ve seen people on other forums doing 1-2mg of ipamorelin with the mod grf for sleep hygiene. I’m unsure how long after hgh you need to wait after pinning hgh for ghrh/ghrp to work tho. Report back how it works for you!
Thanks, I read for my weight to use higher doses like 1mg of Cjc and got bad flushing and jacked my heart rate up and couldn’t fall asleep lol. So I’ve been doing 200mcg before bed and it definitely has helped but deep sleep is still only about 30 minutes so not great. I dropped my gh for a couple weeks due to high RHR and just stared back on only 2iu when I wake up and so far so good no increase of RHR
Actual HGH is way too expensive for me. I'm not a millionaire and I don't compete and don't have sponsors to give me whatever I want for free. Don't recommend HGH, I can't afford it for now.

I want to ask you what you think about GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 DAC. Can these peptides actually increase my GH level to a point that can't be sustained naturally? I think they can't elevate GH above natural range, but can they at least increase the GH concentration in the blood and make it stay elevated, even if elevation doesn't exceed natural range, for longer periods of time, which is not possible naturally?
Save your money until you can buy good hgh
I dropped my gh for a couple weeks due to high RHR
I am about to do the same if my rhr doesn’t even out here shortly.

1mg of Cjc
That’s a lot of Cjc, I can imaging the head rush was intense lol. I don’t think I ever went over 400mcg on that. I think 400mcg is the ceiling for mod grf/Cjc dose effectiveness according to the studies. The ipamorelin you can go wild with though as doses as high as 2mg have been shown with testing (very mild testing) to be impactful and increase efficacy. I don’t think I ever went over 600mcg myself though. I think the ipa helped my sleep more.
They are not comparable together. GHRH analogs can be used to improve deep sleep as a whole and to correct deficiencies of GHRH. To say that GHRH analogs arent worth it is silly considering how many benefit from them. It is especially these individuals who had low GHRH levels to begin with who might benefit more from them. Both secretagogues and HGH have their own benefits.

Is this bro science or what.. any clinical trials? (not looking or editorial reviews or blog posts)
I am about to do the same if my rhr doesn’t even out here shortly.

That’s a lot of Cjc, I can imaging the head rush was intense lol. I don’t think I ever went over 400mcg on that. I think 400mcg is the ceiling for mod grf/Cjc dose effectiveness according to the studies. The ipamorelin you can go wild with though as doses as high as 2mg have been shown with testing (very mild testing) to be impactful and increase efficacy. I don’t think I ever went over 600mcg myself though. I think the ipa helped my sleep more.


My rhr was out of control but it’s trending back in the right direction and ipamorelin sounds good I’ll pick some up. Appreciate the help
Is this bro science or what.. any clinical trials? (not looking or editorial reviews or blog posts)
Plenty of stuff if you do a bit of googling. GHRH analogs work like GHRH. Think how HCG mimics the actions of LH. I posted some studies about GHRH effect on slow wave sleep(delta wave sleep) on the previous page.
Actual HGH is way too expensive for me. I'm not a millionaire and I don't compete and don't have sponsors to give me whatever I want for free. Don't recommend HGH, I can't afford it for now.

I want to ask you what you think about GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 DAC. Can these peptides actually increase my GH level to a point that can't be sustained naturally? I think they can't elevate GH above natural range, but can they at least increase the GH concentration in the blood and make it stay elevated, even if elevation doesn't exceed natural range, for longer periods of time, which is not possible naturally?
If you can't afford cheap chinese GH then you can't afford GH peptides. They're not worth it. Buy some testosterone vials and do what everyone else did for 50+ years before china made GH cheap enough for the masses.

I may be crucified for saying this but GH is overrated and a luxury for those that can afford it. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to afford it right now. One day when you have the money and buy some GH, you'll see that you weren't missing out on much.
If you can't afford cheap chinese GH then you can't afford GH peptides. They're not worth it. Buy some testosterone vials and do what everyone else did for 50+ years before china made GH cheap enough for the masses.

I may be crucified for saying this but GH is overrated and a luxury for those that can afford it. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to afford it right now. One day when you have the money and buy some GH, you'll see that you weren't missing out on much.


Interpret this as you'd like: do as much GH as you can afford and tolerate.