Are GH peptides worth it?

I weight 180 and I was doing 200-300mcg mod grf 1-29 (Cjc no dac) and 400–500+mcg of ipamorelin and was getting very good deep sleep. I’ve seen people on other forums doing 1-2mg of ipamorelin with the mod grf for sleep hygiene. I’m unsure how long after hgh you need to wait after pinning hgh for ghrh/ghrp to work tho. Report back how it works for you!
Thanks, I read for my weight to use higher doses like 1mg of Cjc and got bad flushing and jacked my heart rate up and couldn’t fall asleep lol. So I’ve been doing 200mcg before bed and it definitely has helped but deep sleep is still only about 30 minutes so not great. I dropped my gh for a couple weeks due to high RHR and just stared back on only 2iu when I wake up and so far so good no increase of RHR
Actual HGH is way too expensive for me. I'm not a millionaire and I don't compete and don't have sponsors to give me whatever I want for free. Don't recommend HGH, I can't afford it for now.

I want to ask you what you think about GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 DAC. Can these peptides actually increase my GH level to a point that can't be sustained naturally? I think they can't elevate GH above natural range, but can they at least increase the GH concentration in the blood and make it stay elevated, even if elevation doesn't exceed natural range, for longer periods of time, which is not possible naturally?
Save your money until you can buy good hgh
I dropped my gh for a couple weeks due to high RHR
I am about to do the same if my rhr doesn’t even out here shortly.

1mg of Cjc
That’s a lot of Cjc, I can imaging the head rush was intense lol. I don’t think I ever went over 400mcg on that. I think 400mcg is the ceiling for mod grf/Cjc dose effectiveness according to the studies. The ipamorelin you can go wild with though as doses as high as 2mg have been shown with testing (very mild testing) to be impactful and increase efficacy. I don’t think I ever went over 600mcg myself though. I think the ipa helped my sleep more.
They are not comparable together. GHRH analogs can be used to improve deep sleep as a whole and to correct deficiencies of GHRH. To say that GHRH analogs arent worth it is silly considering how many benefit from them. It is especially these individuals who had low GHRH levels to begin with who might benefit more from them. Both secretagogues and HGH have their own benefits.

Is this bro science or what.. any clinical trials? (not looking or editorial reviews or blog posts)
I am about to do the same if my rhr doesn’t even out here shortly.

That’s a lot of Cjc, I can imaging the head rush was intense lol. I don’t think I ever went over 400mcg on that. I think 400mcg is the ceiling for mod grf/Cjc dose effectiveness according to the studies. The ipamorelin you can go wild with though as doses as high as 2mg have been shown with testing (very mild testing) to be impactful and increase efficacy. I don’t think I ever went over 600mcg myself though. I think the ipa helped my sleep more.


My rhr was out of control but it’s trending back in the right direction and ipamorelin sounds good I’ll pick some up. Appreciate the help
Is this bro science or what.. any clinical trials? (not looking or editorial reviews or blog posts)
Plenty of stuff if you do a bit of googling. GHRH analogs work like GHRH. Think how HCG mimics the actions of LH. I posted some studies about GHRH effect on slow wave sleep(delta wave sleep) on the previous page.
Actual HGH is way too expensive for me. I'm not a millionaire and I don't compete and don't have sponsors to give me whatever I want for free. Don't recommend HGH, I can't afford it for now.

I want to ask you what you think about GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 DAC. Can these peptides actually increase my GH level to a point that can't be sustained naturally? I think they can't elevate GH above natural range, but can they at least increase the GH concentration in the blood and make it stay elevated, even if elevation doesn't exceed natural range, for longer periods of time, which is not possible naturally?
If you can't afford cheap chinese GH then you can't afford GH peptides. They're not worth it. Buy some testosterone vials and do what everyone else did for 50+ years before china made GH cheap enough for the masses.

I may be crucified for saying this but GH is overrated and a luxury for those that can afford it. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to afford it right now. One day when you have the money and buy some GH, you'll see that you weren't missing out on much.
If you can't afford cheap chinese GH then you can't afford GH peptides. They're not worth it. Buy some testosterone vials and do what everyone else did for 50+ years before china made GH cheap enough for the masses.

I may be crucified for saying this but GH is overrated and a luxury for those that can afford it. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to afford it right now. One day when you have the money and buy some GH, you'll see that you weren't missing out on much.


Interpret this as you'd like: do as much GH as you can afford and tolerate.
I'd re-evaluate your cost analysis. You might find generic GH to be on par with or cheaper than GH peptides.

Dollars per week for respective doses of GH vs whichever GH peptide you're considering.
How come this conclusion?

Based on Qingdao-s EU domestic price list and on the assumption that 100mcg GHRP2 + 100mcg CJC no dac combined gives you 1 IU.

Basically 2.5 boxes of CJC (100mg total) costs 120 euros and 1 boxes of GHRP2 (100mg total) costs 90 eur. This amount gives you ~1000 IU of GH release for a total cost of 210 euros, which amounts to 0.21 euros /IU.

While on the same hand 100IU of GH costs 75 euros which means 0.75 EUR / IU of GH. Which means peptides cost less than 1/3 of HGH.

Even if my GH release estimates are just half of IU so need to double the dose, it means that peptides still just 0.42 euros for 1 IU GH release compared to that 0.75 eur for normal gh. But usually CJC dose stays 100mcg / injection and they up the GHRPs to 300mcg /inj, so it is like 0.35 euros which is still half the price. Or you up the frequency to 5x injections and keep original dose. You have to see how much these peptides need to suck in order to be on the same cost as rHGH

The drawback is 3x times injections, the fact that it probably doesnt work too well over 45, and there's a cap on what amount of GH your body can produce using these, probably somewhere like 3IU a day.

So for people who do 1-3IUs a day it is a worthy alternative for my understanding.

I think in older times steroid+ hgh sellers and 'legal' peptide sellers (ghrps, ghrhs) were more separeted. So it meant peptide sellers on their forums pushed that peptides are superior since it gives you the full amino acid sequence blabla, while steroid+hgh seller boards parroted that hgh is the real deal and peptides are worthless. Probably both ghrp+ghrh and hgh has its place.

Also nothing prohibits combining them together. Option of rotating them is still good, using HGH for 4 weeks and then 2 weeks of peptides. Even if one shot just gives you 0.5 IU you can still consider using it along with hgh and save a lot on the long run. There are studies showing ghrp's can effect cortisol so I think its safer to rotate them. Also some of the compounds have its own unique benefits such as GHRP6 inducing apetite etc.
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The drawback is 3x times injections, the fact that it probably doesnt work too well over 45, and there's a cap on what amount of GH your body can produce using these, probably somewhere like 3IU a day.

Other drawbacks include but aren’t limited to: little to no human studies; no long term health studies; ghrp2 destroying your cortisol and prolactin; unanswered questions about desensitization; potential for serious allergic reactions; seemingly quick tolerance build to ghrh; potential heart issues (why the FDA banned compounding); etc.

This is compared to: a medication that has decades of real world use with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of patients; robust clinical and medical studies; continuing medical exploration and development; and a shitload more positive anecdotal reports and testimonials than gh secretagogues for use in bodybuilding.

Comparing the two is honestly silly to me when you delve into the literature on the stuff. Any claims they are safer than gh are purely from people attempting to sell secretagogues to people.

Also nothing prohibits combining them together.

There is a negative feedback between the two. Using both together essentially dulls the response from both of them. You have to do kinda crazy protocols to make them work together.

This amount gives you ~1000 IU of GH release for a total cost of 210 euros

There’s a deal going on right now for good generics at 400+iu for $125 a pop. Just gotta look around. You will absolutely get far better bang for buck on gh than secretagogues,

I get it though, you’re going to do what lots of people including myself do, start with gh peps, realize the pinning schedule is miserable to be on, hear everyone talk about how much better gh is, give gh a try and never go back.

God speed on your journey into increasing igf1.
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1.Other drawbacks include but aren’t limited to: little to no human studies; no long term health studies; ghrp2 destroying your cortisol and prolactin; unanswered questions about desensitization; potential for serious allergic reactions; seemingly quick tolerance build to ghrh; potential heart issues (why the FDA banned compounding); etc.

This is compared to: a medication that has decades of real world use with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of patients; robust clinical and medical studies; continuing medical exploration and development; and a shitload more positive anecdotal reports and testimonials than gh secretagogues for use in bodybuilding.

Comparing the two is honestly silly to me when you delve into the literature on the stuff. Any claims they are safer than gh are purely from people attempting to sell secretagogues to people.

2.There is a negative feedback between the two. Using both together essentially dulls the response from both of them. You have to do kinda crazy protocols to make them work together.

3.There’s a deal going on right now for good generics at 400+iu for $125 a pop. Just gotta look around. You will absolutely get far better bang for buck on gh than secretagogues,

4.I get it though, you’re going to do what lots of people including myself do, start with gh peps, realize the pinning schedule is miserable to be on, hear everyone talk about how much better gh is, give gh a try and never go back.

God speed on your journey into increasing igf1.
1.I agree with you about the other drawbacks tho it shouldnt be too bad as these compounds are actively prescribed by doctors. Still, you are right Gh is probably safer. Saturation dose from GHRP2 and cjcno dac seems to be safe when it comes to cortisol and prolactin. Thats why I stop with 3x a day and 200 ghrp + 100mcg cjc a day.

2. Yes, but its possible. Waking up, injecting pept 1x, 3 hours later, you inject again, then you have another injection with tacky timing. Inject peptides, wait 30 mins and then inject hgh. Not for everyone as I mentioned.

3. yeah, but you compare my full price calculation for ghrp2+modgrf to a discounted price of hgh. As you can find better deals on the hgh compared to what I calculated with you can find way better deal with peptides. In order to compare I needed the same source without discounts for obvious reasons.

4. Thats not true, Ive been using HGH for 3 years+. Started with peptides before, now I am using them again. Having said that, its obviously nothing compared to some people's experience, but still its not true that I just start. What am I doing is something like 70% hgh, 30% ghsecrpeptides nowdays.
too bad as these compounds are actively prescribed by doctors

Not anymore they aren’t. FDA banned the compounding of them in the US at least. Don’t think GHRP2 has been allowed to be compounded for awhile, while ipa and mid grf just hit the banned list sometime in the last year,

Saturation dose from GHRP2 and cjcno dac seems to be safe when it comes to cortisol and prolactin

According to who or what? I’ve seen that shit destroy peoples cortisol and prolactin in blood testing.

Yes, but its possible. Waking up, injecting pept 1x, 3 hours later, you inject again, then you have another injection with tacky timing. Inject peptides, wait 30 mins and then inject hgh. Not for everyone as I mentioned.

This will not work and you will be making both the secretagogues and gh less impactful. There is a negative feedback between the two. You will have to wait 13-16 hours after your hgh injection in order for the ghrh/ghrp to really do much anyways because your pituitary is shut down after exogenous hgh. You can get some of the other impacts like help with sleep from the gh peps maybe.

you can find way better deal with peptides

I haven’t seen a much better cost than what you’ve reported. Gh is around the same cost as gh peptides in the end. If only for paying for less pins.

In order to compare I needed the same source without discounts for obvious reasons.

These deals are like every 3 months. Regardless, the price keeps coming down across the board seemingly monthly at this point.

Ive been using HGH for 3 years+.

I apologize for saying you’re just stating. You just sounded exactly like me and a bunch of other people when first starting out.

Ghrp2 feels dirty as hell to me and I personally wouldn’t do it again, but to each their own. I did like the sleep hygiene benefits of ipamorelin. They are all underwhelming compared to gh to me.
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