Are luer lock syringes worth it?


New Member
I need to buy 1ml syringes for IM injections. BD Plastipak syringes cost 15 euro for 120 pieces. BD Plastipak luer lock 1ml costs 50 euro. Is the almost 4x price worth it? Another alternative would be the luer lock 3ml version, but I will only inject max. 0,5ml so it would be not ideal with a 3ml syringe.
This is pretty weird, i wonder it too many times, haven't tried it yet. I find 200 pieces of 3ml BD luer lock for 25 euro and 100 pieces of 1ml BD luer lock cost 37 euro, it's outrageous. IMO there's no need to buy the 1ml as insulin pins are way cheaper and almost zero waste of oil in the needle.

I thought buying some just to swap needles and draw faster but fakk it, i prefer doing couple seconds more. Soon i'll need more than 1ml so the 3ml ones will be good and priced ok.
I need to buy 1ml syringes for IM injections. BD Plastipak syringes cost 15 euro for 120 pieces. BD Plastipak luer lock 1ml costs 50 euro. Is the almost 4x price worth it? Another alternative would be the luer lock 3ml version, but I will only inject max. 0,5ml so it would be not ideal with a 3ml syringe.
The only time I would say a luer lock is a necessity is when using 3cc syringes due to the amount of pressure you need to apply when pushing oil throughs opening like a 27g or smaller (warming the oil is essential prior to injection to help mitigate this somewhat) I’ve only even had one slip fit come apart while injecting out of the thousand plus injections I’ve done which I blame on not twisting the needle into place and injecting into heavy scar tissue.
Well, that depends. I like using 1ml Exel luer lock syringes with Nipro 27g 1-1/4" needles. When I exceed 1ml, I'd rather use two of them than a single 3ml syringe.

Some people are picky about such things.

What's the difference between 1ml and 3ml syringes? So far i've only used 1ml. Most ppl say need a little more push with the 3ml, also you can be more accurate with there anything else?
I personally like the Luer lock better than the Luer slip because I’ve had the needle push off the slip style. Now was I pushing to hard? Too thick of oil? Yes possibly. I don’t think there is much difference in price between lock vs slip.
It's correct you need a lot of pressure to push the plunge on 3 ml syringes. I've had the regular ones explode in my ass before lol

100% recommend luer lock syringes unless you are using 1 ml syringes.
bro you are overthinking,
just get some 25 guage 1.5 inch, if you need a shorter needle then just dont stick it in as far.
luer slip or lock doesnt matter
if you want a smaller needle for the injection get 27 gauge,
get 2ml syringes then.
The 2ml syringes have actually become hard to find by themselves. I found a couple places selling the needle and syringe combo but they’ve got some no name brand needles on them. I was gonna buy them and toss the needles but that’s just a pity to be throwing away the extra money I paid to get them though.