Are we using too much trenbolone?

Let's just say I'm over 50.
youre over 50? damn youre ripped for a 50 somethig year old shit, im 30 and i dont have abs like that (not anymore anyway ha) soon tho. Im going to take photos every week and show people how crazy good muscle memory is . If they have a member photos thread on here i havent looked
animals must have more androgen receptors , more muscle cells, respond better to androgens thats probably why, if you read my other post negma recommended 76mg shot once every 10 days and the 90s bbers claim 2-3 amps a week max of parabolan
As bodybuilders/gym rats we don't take what is recommended by pharma companies. We take what we found that it will work for our purposes.
The 90s bb took 2-3 amps a week because it was hard to find and expensive in those days.
If they would compete nowadays when you can have 50 vials of tren delivered in 3 days at your address for a decent price they wouldn't took 150-200 mg of tren a week. Time has changed. Nowadays no pro take 150 mg of tren.
As bodybuilders/gym rats we don't take what is recommended by pharma companies. We take what we found that it will work for our purposes.
The 90s bb took 2-3 amps a week because it was hard to find and expensive in those days.
If they would compete nowadays when you can have 50 vials of tren delivered in 3 days at your address for a decent price they wouldn't took 150-200 mg of tren a week. Time has changed. Nowadays no pro take 150 mg of tren.
no bro this defietly is not true i knwo for a fact samson douda started tren for the arnold at 150mg a week and that was his first time ever using tren. straight fron milos mouth. Dont be one of those guys dude. And i know for a fact the great phil heath didnt touch tren until he did the ironman in 08. And phil didnt use it again until 2014 olympia i think or 15 maybe. some pros dont even use tren. Pro bbers use waaay less gear then people think its when idots that have shit genetis cant figure out why they dont look like that so they go oh well they must use more gear. which is true for some (dallas mccarvers blood tests from his autopsy) but he died so yeah id take that as most dont do what he was doing.. I still cant understand this why the fuck do guys automatically assume pros take all this gear? why? Were talking about the top 1% genetis in the god damn world pro bbers arent human
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whats the most gear youve been able to handle? I pushed up to almost 3 grams before haah
I still didn't find the limit and I don't have any more places to pin the oil to increase the dosage to find what is the limit.
I'm the same even when I trt or now when I take a lot. No difference in anything. Blood tests look almost the same.
no bro this defietly is not true i knwo for a fact samson douda started tren for the arnold at 150mg a week and that was his first time ever using tren. straight fron milos mouth. Dont be one of those guys dude
There are exceptions. Don't put the very top guys on the list.
Some turned pro with a minimal aas amount. Talk about average
youre over 50? damn youre ripped for a 50 somethig year old shit, im 30 and i dont have abs like that (not anymore anyway ha) soon tho. Im going to take photos every week and show people how crazy good muscle memory is . If they have a member photos thread on here i havent looked
Thanks bud. My abs are pretty deep so it's easier to hide bf . Muscle memory is awesome. If you put in all that work to get there the first time, then it's only right that it's easier the second time around. Post them pics! Everyone on this forum are scared little shits or something. Rarely does anyone post pics.
I still didn't find the limit and I don't have any more places to pin the oil to increase the dosage to find what is the limit.
I'm the same even when I trt or now when I take a lot. No difference in anything. Blood tests look almost the same.
You must be a pretty massive dude.
I still didn't find the limit and I don't have any more places to pin the oil to increase the dosage to find what is the limit.
I'm the same even when I trt or now when I take a lot. No difference in anything. Blood tests look almost the same.
give me an idea i told you my max i pushed to almost 3 grams
give me an idea i told you my max i pushed to almost 3 grams
I prefer not to say as I don't want to give anyone the idea to do what I do as someday in the future what I do will bite my ass for sure.
Mine is more than 3g. Even my test is more than 3g...
It's not that I hide what I take but is not smart to promote what I do. Is my personal choice.
I prefer not to say as I don't want to give anyone the idea to do what I do as someday in the future what I do will bite my ass for sure.
Mine is more than 3g. Even my test is more than 3g...
It's not that I hide what I take but is not smart to promote what I do. Is my personal choice.
damn youre lucky i wish i could handle that much gear. the most test i used was 5 of those organon amps per week and i started getting nose bleeds and prostate enlargement( i was getting up to piss at least 4 times a night) and that was enough for me to drop it back down to 3 which is my sweet spot but i was a fucking bull on 5 i loved that hour in the gym everyday.

edit dude you were 300lbs? how tall are you
damn youre lucky i wish i could handle that much gear. the most test i used was 5 of those organon amps per week and i started getting nose bleeds and prostate enlargement( i was getting up to piss at least 4 times a night) and that was enough for me to drop it back down to 3 which is my sweet spot but i was a fucking bull on 5 i loved that hour in the gym everyday.

edit dude you were 300lbs? how tall are you
It's a double edge sword that I can handle all the gear in the world. I will not get old that's for sure.

I'm 178 cm that's 5,85ft I believe. I'm still 300 lbs. I was 133kg Thursday and that was after 2 days with not so great diet(low food) and no insulin in this period
It's a double edge sword that I can handle all the gear in the world. I will not get old that's for sure.

I'm 178 cm that's 5,85ft I believe
god damn thats massive at that height. what would you say helped you the most the gear, food, or training if you had to say whats the min amount of gear to be that size im curious
god damn thats massive at that height. what would you say helped you the most the gear, food, or training if you had to say whats the min amount of gear to be that size im curious
Drugs for sure. Training wise I trained between injuries in the last 2 years and in that period I did the most progress but my gear was sky high.
Diet was the same all the time. At least 1,2-1,5 g/kg protein and I adjust the calories if I got too fat.
I say for a average white guy genetics you need 2,5-3g of gear and many years of doing the same shit
you must be really unconfortable all the time? Shit i was 258 at my heabiest and im almost 511 and i was unconfortable all the time
Drugs for sure. Training wise I trained between injuries in the last 2 years and in that period I did the most progress but my gear was sky high.
Diet was the same all the time. At least 1,2-1,5 g/kg protein and I adjust the calories if I got too fat.
I say for a average white guy genetics you need 2,5-3g of gear and many years of doing the same shit
you trained bewteen injuries? what do you mean? Its funny cuz ive heard probaably 3 or 4 white dudes who are 300 lbs all say drugs are most important so i think for a white dude especially when youre at that level it is probably somewhat true
knwo for a fact samson douda started tren for the arnold at 150mg a week and that was his first time ever using tren. straight fron milos mouth. Dont be one of those guys dude. And i know for a fact the great phil heath didnt touch tren until he did the ironman in 08.
Did you administer the injections in both cases? Cause that I know for a fact means. No you didn't.

Bodybuilding professionals lie about their drug use because they are supplement salesmen and no one would buy their shit or their sponsors shit if they were honest about their drug usage, because people (falsely) think that it's the drugs that matter not the diet and training.
you trained bewteen injuries? what do you mean? Its funny cuz ive heard probaably 3 or 4 white dudes who are 300 lbs all say drugs are most important so i think for a white dude especially when youre at that level it is probably somewhat true
I got many injuries. Tear hamstring 2 times,tear pec,fuck up knee.
I used tb and bpc and nowadays they feel much better.
I trained machine and did exercise that allowed me to train enough to stimulate the muscle to grow. But the weight I used was down for my real strength. But it worked.
Anyway the pec tear was the worst.
You don't realize on how many things pec is involved until is hurting. Even to wash your hands