Are we using too much trenbolone?

Did you administer the injections in both cases? Cause that I know for a fact means. No you didn't.

Bodybuilding professionals lie about their drug use because they are supplement salesmen and no one would buy their shit or their sponsors shit if they were honest about their drug usage, because people (falsely) think that it's the drugs that matter not the diet and training.
yes i did admister the injections.. haha jk but not milos talks about samsons use on a podcst and phil talks about his use on a podcast with haney they talk about how phil doesnt know shit about gear ha he just does what haney says and haney didnt give him tren until he was already dominate
I got many injuries. Tear hamstring 2 times,tear pec,fuck up knee.
I used tb and bpc and nowadays they feel much better.
I trained machine and did exercise that allowed me to train enough to stimulate the muscle to grow. But the weight I used was down for my real strength. But it worked.
Anyway the pec tear was the worst.
You don't realize on how many things pec is involved until is hurting. Even to wash your hands
yeah i can agree with the pec thing, just getting ito bed it would hurt abd getting out of bed and i didnt even tear it no bruising or anything but i did something to my pec a couple time and i kept reijuring it cuz when i get into bed i kind of like fall into bed and catch myself and i kept doing that without thihking and would fuck it up again i did it twice ha but you cant train delts or chest at all. how old are you man? I think someone who is that size has to push weight to the max so injuries are way more likley than someone like me who pump trains i train light as fuck cuz im weak as shit the most ive ever flat benchdd was 275 for 12 and i was 250 something lbs ripped idk why that is but i actually am strong er on dumbell i pressed the 120s for 12
yes i did admister the injections.. haha jk but not milos talks about samsons use on a podcst and phil talks about his use on a podcast with haney they talk about how phil doesnt know shit about gear ha he just does what haney says and haney didnt give him tren until he was already dominate
So a coach wouldn't lie about what his clients take in order to boost his training/diet coaching and protect his clients supplement contracts heh?

It's a win win for everyone involved except the poor schmuck that buys the supplements
So a coach wouldn't lie about what his clients take in order to boost his training/diet coaching and protect his clients supplement contracts heh?

It's a win win for everyone involved except the poor schmuck that buys the supplements
dude look at samson you an tell he doesnt take that much hes our next mr o the guy is an absolute freak bro besides hes with hostile and they talk about gear thats prolly why milos was open about it cuz fouad dont gice a shit. samsons contract is a 4 yr deal with hostile
yes i did admister the injections.. haha jk but not milos talks about samsons use on a podcst and phil talks about his use on a podcast with haney they talk about how phil doesnt know shit about gear ha he just does what haney says and haney didnt give him tren until he was already dominate
The story is about the same with Ronnie but how many Ronnie's they are in this world? From what I grasp he was clueless but the genetics on him was unique on this planet. There are the exceptions. Or he could just lie like almost everybody.

On the other hand I heard what Larry Wheels was claiming that he was taking and guy is pure eating shit. 500 mg test and 150 mg drol. And he tried tren but didn't like it. Go for a walk and stop eating shit.
So a coach wouldn't lie about what his clients take in order to boost his training/diet coaching and protect his clients supplement contracts heh?

It's a win win for everyone involved except the poor schmuck that buys the supplements
I'm with narta on this one.
At that level is a chemical warfare and who can handle the most.
If they lose a sponsorship because they say "yeah 20 weeks out I was blasting the shit out of everything" is a big deal for them.

There are few exceptions but there are very few. There are thousands of ifbb pro in the world. How many do you think they turned pro with minimal drugs?
The story is about the same with Ronnie but how many Ronnie's they are in this world? From what I grasp he was clueless but the genetics on him was unique on this planet. There are the exceptions. Or he could just lie like almost everybody.

On the other hand I heard what Larry Wheels was claiming that he was taking and guy is pure eating shit. 500 mg test and 150 mg drol. And he tried tren but didn't like it. Go for a walk and stop eating shit.
I thought larry was pretty open about his use? I remember him saying he does tren all the time? And yeah when he was trying to do strongman dude was eating fucking ice cream and cake and shit haha wtf larry
I'm with narta on this one.
At that level is a chemical warfare and who can handle the most.
If they lose a sponsorship because they say "yeah 20 weeks out I was blasting the shit out of everything" is a big deal for them.

There are few exceptions but there are very few. There are thousands of ifbb pro in the world. How many do you think they turned pro with minimal drugs?
no youre right those guys are ouliers and its def not the norm. say like a steve kuclo or a jay cutler probably really pushed gear i bet guys like this take waaay more than a ronnie or a samson, I mean dorian talked about his use and it was moderate. I do know ronnie was on 10 iu humatropin for the 03 o thats from chads mouth. what ive noticed is with these genetic outliers they seem to max out super earlt in their use like almost one or two cycles and they are close to being maxed out just shows how well they respond. if you look at phils progression he was damn near maxed out at the ironman in 08 and he turned pro in 05 or 06 i think and he just fine tuned from there.
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dude look at samson you an tell he doesnt take that much hes our next mr o the guy is an absolute freak bro besides hes with hostile and they talk about gear thats prolly why milos was open about it cuz fouad dont gice a shit. samsons contract is a 4 yr deal with hostile
When I was younger I was competing in shot put on the highest national.level. All the guys we were on the same shit as far as drugs were considered. From the top 3 down to the line placed last. The main things that were different was training frequency and teqnique.

On the highest level of competition the available drugs are the same to most, so other things come into play. Inbodybuilding it's mainly genetics. Even the most genetically gifted person will push the drugs in order to secure his win because his livehood depends on it.
I thought larry was pretty open about his use? I remember him saying he does tren all the time? And yeah when he was trying to do strongman dude was eating fucking ice cream and cake and shit haha wtf larry
Open because he admitted that he takes aas(what a surprise) but he put out some minimal dosage because he can't deny that he don't take at that level and he says a dosage that isn't too much just to look good out there.
He said that he tried tren and didn't like it. He prefer a high trt dosage. Guy is eating shit. I can't stand him
On Westside powerlifting documentary Louie Simmons said something on this line: they train and they took how many drugs that they can.
I will try to find out the part
Open because he admitted that he takes aas(what a surprise) but he put out some minimal dosage because he can't deny that he don't take at that level and he says a dosage that isn't too much just to look good out there.
He said that he tried tren and didn't like it. He prefer a high trt dosage. Guy is eating shit. I can't stand him
hes on trt now cuz he is afraid of the health consequences cuz hes been blasting too muc hgear. watch the interciew with hinm and pete rubish he talks about his gear use and its a lot
On Westside powerlifting documentary Louie Simmons said something on this line: they train and they took how many drugs that they can.
I will try to find out the part
yeah you know what this reminds me of? guys used to takr a whole bottle of anavar in one shot before the gym back in the era right afer arnold the tabs were 2.5 mg and the one dude said he would just take a whgole bottle before he trained god damn i cant remeber this name but you can google sesrch is derrick from more plates has a video on this guy the guy was interviewed and exposed a lot of the guys from arnols day they actuallt pusged gear more then we all think , he said mike mentzer did meth everyday and took tons of orals and smoked ciggaretts and drank
When I was younger I was competing in shot put on the highest national.level. All the guys we were on the same shit as far as drugs were considered. From the top 3 down to the line placed last. The main things that were different was training frequency and teqnique.

On the highest level of competition the available drugs are the same to most, so other things come into play. Inbodybuilding it's mainly genetics. Even the most genetically gifted person will push the drugs in order to secure his win because his livehood depends on it.
yes i would def take as much gear as i could if i was competing to be mr o and all tha prize money hell yes and hrey get huge bonuses if they win shows
hes on trt now cuz he is afraid of the health consequences cuz hes been blasting too muc hgear. watch the interciew with hinm and pete rubish he talks about his gear use and its a lot
I found this as I searched on Google because I can't stand to listen to the guy voice again. Is he kinda black but he is still talking shit.
Screenshot_20230827_060405_Samsung Internet.jpg
I found this as I searched on Google because I can't stand to listen to the guy voice again. Is he kinda black but he is still talking shit.
View attachment 264377
no it was 1 gram of tren was the max hes gone on tren he said and he said he really liked dianabol for strength his test dose was moderate if i remerber right he would stack tren with either anadrol tbol or dianabol and run them high. but this was a one on one with pete rubish who is open about his use pete has gone as high a 1200 npp for a meet with crazy high orals so they were being pretty straight up with eachtoerh. But to be fair bro larry probably doesnt share his use for the same rrason you dont because they dont want to put any ideas in someones head