Are we using too much trenbolone?

Fuck knows. I don't like the guy
I dont like him either there is a recordig of him beating the shit out of his ex wife bro the guy is a peice of shit thats why he lives in india cuz hes probaly wanted for beating his ex wife here he grew up without a dad
Tren for Anemia? I've been looking for a reason to run it again.
Been dealing with Anemia recently.

Can Any other Aas be used for Anemia? Low dose? Maybe EQ?
I dont like him either there is a recordig of him beating the shit out of his ex wife bro the guy is a peice of shit thats why he lives in india cuz hes probaly wanted for beating his ex wife here he grew up without a dad
I didn't knew that story about him
yeah bro and she posetd a video talking about how abusive he was and how he cheated on her with guys and girls.. take it with a grain of salt shes his ex and exs make shit up but there is no denying that recording of him screaming at her as loud as he could and throwing her around like a rag doll i mean bro yourea monster pick on somenoe your own size
haha whopper you crack me up youve been looking for a reason to run tren ahaha anemia fuck it run it if youre anemic
yeah bro and she posetd a video talking about how abusive he was and how he cheated on her with guys and girls.. take it with a grain of salt shes his ex and exs make shit up but there is no denying that recording of him screaming at her as loud as he could and throwing her around like a rag doll i mean bro yourea monster pick on somenoe your own size
Probably she isn't lie. I just got a feeling from the first time I saw that guy.
Same story with Leo and his longevity and he didn't past 35. I didn't like him either from the first time I saw him
I really don't do well with 19-nors, so I'm assuming Tren wouldn't agree with me. However, at some point in time, I'm pretty sure I'll run it just to say I've run it :p

I think I'll probably do 10mg Tren A p/d and see how it goes. Even if it does go well, I doubt I'd ever run it more than once, just do to how toxic it seems to be.
All the real monsters/pros in bodybuilding took as much aas as they could handle to get to size. Then it was just a dosing game to figure out what it took to maintain. Some would drop a little in the off-season but they knew exactly what it took to get back and ready for competition.
Every single one of them lies about real dosage. If they were 100% honest then the game begins where everyone says their genetics came from a bottle/vial and not hard work or real genetics. This would make them unmarketable. It's all about money and being on top with the elite few. Even in retirement they can't be completely honest. They still live off the money even then. Tom Platz makes me laugh with his dosage claims. Lee Priest is another one. All full of shit. If they're on YouTube or doing some interview it's all about staying in the limelight and making money.
Just look at all those bodybuilders trying to make a comeback. Flex Wheeler and Kevin Levrone for example. Even the muscle memory couldn't bring them back 100% because their body's just couldn't handle the same amount of gear as they use to. In there older years their bodies just couldn't process the amount of food needed or the intense training they used to be able to do.
Lou Ferrigno was an exception when he came back in the 90s. He looked the best he ever did. His aas dosages drawfed his use in earier years. Plus hgh and a slue of drugs that weren't available to him in earlier years. But, his body was done with the crazy amount of drugs needed to keep competing so he didn't.
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The ones who kept pushing their body's pass its limits are the ones who died. Jay Cutler now says he doesn't even need testosterone. Says he feels the same without it. So Jay is 50 and trying to do masters with a much less aas filled body. Something like trt or some bullshit.
no bro this defietly is not true i knwo for a fact samson douda started tren for the arnold at 150mg a week and that was his first time ever using tren. straight fron milos mouth. Dont be one of those guys dude. And i know for a fact the great phil heath didnt touch tren until he did the ironman in 08. And phil didnt use it again until 2014 olympia i think or 15 maybe. some pros dont even use tren. Pro bbers use waaay less gear then people think its when idots that have shit genetis cant figure out why they dont look like that so they go oh well they must use more gear. which is true for some (dallas mccarvers blood tests from his autopsy) but he died so yeah id take that as most dont do what he was doing.. I still cant understand this why the fuck do guys automatically assume pros take all this gear? why? Were talking about the top 1% genetis in the god damn world pro bbers arent human
I didn't know you are friends with those guys, common man just say you believe them but exaggeration won't make what they claim as the truth or fact like you say.

Maybe they used low dose tren maybe they don't only they know even their trainers don't know 100 percent. Whatever happens inside their private abode is only beknownst to the individual involved.
I didn't know you are friends with those guys, common man just say you believe them but exaggeration won't make what they claim as the truth or fact like you say.

Maybe they used low dose tren maybe they don't only they know even their trainers don't know 100 percent. Whatever happens inside their private abode is only beknownst to the individual involved.
I will say most high level bodybuilders of the old school variety typically didn't know shit about AAS, they just took whatever their coach told them.
Biggest daftest was 5cc a day, maybe ran for two weeks before lethargy was unbearable. Hair started to shed badly.

If I remember righlty
2cc Test E
1cc Tren A
1cc NPP
1cc Mast E

Most Tren was 1400mg weekly, iv ran Tren for 10 years straight almost. Maybe 3 3 week breaks in total never below 300mg weekly of Tren. Reached my top 237lbs now after multiple injuries im trying to do it again with less or no Tren at all of possible haha.

After 10 years abuse I have a large gallstone and a bunch of hemangeomas on my liver, not bragging by any means it was total abuse and not needed, I'm just glad I came out the other end relatively healthy.

Trenbolone has his place in competitions but if I was to even use now it would be maybe 350mg weekly tops and no more than 8 weeks. Other than that kids stay away
I will never use trenbolone again. I even tried a 80mg a week of Tren E (40mg e3.5d) and even on that I went mad at around the 6 week mark. Trenbolone is not for me. I look utterly wonderful on it but I respond very strongly to all of its effects.

It’s a single man’s drug. Nandrolone for life.
I’ve used a shit ton of trenbolone but not very high dosages never gone more than 700mg per week.
This was my main mass builder it build most of my size. But after some cycles it started to bring me very bad acid reflux and heartburn to the point I’d wake up 5-9 times a night with hot puke in my mouth and throat. That’s when I said no more trenbolone.

Nowadays I’ll use up to 400mg max I’ve also switched from ace to hex an it feels more stable.

Low dosage goes so long ! I’m very happy if I add 250mg tren to my blast.
Usually I run it 150-300 ew nowadays.

It stacks perfectly with all compounds and cycles.
I will never use trenbolone again. I even tried a 80mg a week of Tren E (40mg e3.5d) and even on that I went mad at around the 6 week mark. Trenbolone is not for me. I look utterly wonderful on it but I respond very strongly to all of its effects.

It’s a single man’s drug. Nandrolone for life.
Have a friend just like you , very sensitive to trenbolone can’t use it at all. In a matter of couple days you recognise that’s he isn’t good. Always red angry fighting his wife with head full of veins.
Nandrolone and injectable winstrol it’s he’s bread n butter
Have a friend just like you , very sensitive to trenbolone can’t use it at all. In a matter of couple days you recognise that’s he isn’t good. Always red angry fighting his wife with head full of veins.
Nandrolone and injectable winstrol it’s he’s bread n butter
My life always falls to shit on the Tren. That’s why I kept trying lower and lower dosages (175-125-80) and it’s always the same. Week six I turn into a fucking lunatic.

I’m my own worst enemy really as I knew I shouldn’t have even tried it a second time, let alone the third time. The damage I caused this time is almost certainly irreparable.