Are we using too much trenbolone?

dude i know it will b epic! wait whos from antartica? ha jk im in the hospital i cannot do anything elsr sorry guys i said this in one of my post if youd rrad all 10000 of them

edit: im being released sept 4.
and the fuckng internet here is somehow restrcited to only surf the web i cant watch youtubr or porn or anythnig so this forum is all i can if i had youtube i would be on that 24 hrs a day probably
Question is does more work better or makes you think it does cuz you get all the nasty side effects in your face?
I saw results on as little as 10mg / ED it my bloodwork was still garbage at the end of 6 weeks.
im going to run a whopping 20mg daily and pull bloods and see if they are fucked . what should i look for while on tren? fucked lipids? kidney stress? hct rbc? not really sure what tren fucks up on blood work. You know whats fucking weird tho is i respond very well to nandro and tren is created from nandro so wtf why the fuck do i get so aggresive on tren i get so angry from tren i am just annoyed by everyone and eveyrthing im miserable to be around on tren i bitch slapped a macdons employee on tren once not even lying cuz the son of a bitch asked my gf how our sex life was and i just snapped and reached over the counter and bitch slapped this dude. i didnt even think i just reacted as soon as i heard that dude say that its like you almost cant control the aggresion sometimes
im going to run a whopping 20mg daily and pull bloods and see if they are fucked . what should i look for while on tren? fucked lipids? kidney stress? hct rbc? not really sure what tren fucks up on blood work. You know whats fucking weird tho is i respond very well to nandro and tren is created from nandro so wtf why the fuck do i get so aggresive on tren i get so angry from tren i am just annoyed by everyone and eveyrthing im miserable to be around on tren i bitch slapped a macdons employee on tren once not even lying cuz the son of a bitch asked my gf how our sex life was and i just snapped and reached over the counter and bitch slapped this dude. i didnt even think i just reacted as soon as i heard that dude say that its like you almost cant control the aggresion sometimes
1. You probably expect to and that's part of why you end up feeling angry
2. Changing the chemical structure of a compound in even one location or bond changes the entire profile of the drug
Finally, we have human evidence, unfortunately with a high risk of bias, in the form of self-reports from professional bodybuilders who competed during the early 1980s to 1997 and used Negma's Parabolan. These professionals report using one or two 1.5 mL ampoules containing 76 mg of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (equivalent to 50 mg trenbolone base) weekly for phenomenal changes to physique.
Obviously Hex has a much longer half-life than Ace, but the compound remains the same. Referring to my previous post, would it be safe to make the blanket statement of 70mg Tren Ace per week (10mg p/d) being a "beginner" dose. Or would it be advisable to start even lower than that, say, 10mg EOD (~30-40mg p/w)?
on tren i bitch slapped a macdons employee on tren once not even lying cuz the son of a bitch asked my gf how our sex life was and i just snapped and reached over the counter and bitch slapped this dude. i didnt even think i just reacted as soon as i heard that dude say that its like you almost cant control the aggresion sometimes
In all fairness if some random dude, let alone a McDonald's employee, asked my wife how her sex life was with me...I'd probably do the exact same thing, regardless of if I was taking Tren or not lmao
In all fairness if some random dude, let alone a McDonald's employee, asked my wife how her sex life was with me...I'd probably do the exact same thing, regardless of if I was taking Tren or not lmao
this is true i would have bitch slapped him either way... never thought about that
In all fairness if some random dude, let alone a McDonald's employee, asked my wife how her sex life was with me...I'd probably do the exact same thing, regardless of if I was taking Tren or not lmao
ha you should have seen the look on his face cuz i was taking a piss (i have to piss a lot when im on idk if its from enlarged prostate or what) and i was walking back shes waiting for our food and i see him talking to her and hear him ask about her sex life and my gf just kind of laughed as shes looking at me and this scrawny as dude turns around and all he sees is my big ass go wtf you just say and bitch slapped him haha he ran to his manager so fast he was literallt shaking in fear it was soo funny my girl was laughing so hard hah i had to go to anger managment and therapy cuz of it the little prick called the cops. 6 weeks of therapy with a pshyciatrist ( i was diagnosed clinically insane and a psychopath) and anger managemtn class for 6 weeks only once a week tho and all i did the entire time was laugh anytimne they would ask me a question or try to get me to share id just laugh i never said any words just laughed

