Aromatase “deficiency” ? Can’t get my E2 above reference range. On cycle- Never taken an AI or DHT

That's because most people using aromasin never come off AAS.
If they do come off and feel like shit, they will blame the lack of AAS, not the lack of e2.

I played with aromasin way before I played with any AAS, that's how I could isolate the culprit.
I mean, I think there were more reports of arimidex damaging aromatase enzyme production.

I have heard of what you said with arimidex but not aromasin.

I am still new to the game(1 year,) so I am probably mistaken.
That’s interesting, maybe I lack the understanding, but off hand, I can’t see any way that makes sense to me personally. As in I can’t see how prolactin would serve to decrease the aromatization of testosterone.

It’s not that I don’t believe you. That’s just the first time I’ve heard of a prolactinoma causing low e2
It's not about prolactin and low E2.

It was the prolactinoma impairing aromatase enzyme production.