Arrhythmia and resting HR 196

This might be a semi long read so bear with me. I was just in Hawaii on vacation and my protocol went out the window. No supplements and water intake went from 1.5 gallons daily to a few water bottles here and there, lots of coffee and some c4 energy drinks.

I was with my ex girlfriend and kids and the stress is always extremely high when she’s around. Constant petty name calling, saying I’m a bad dad for not wanting to be with her etc..

So here’s where the nightmare begins. I have been in 50mics of t3 for the last 6 weeks or so, I don’t take t4 with it and I was able to bring it on the plane as to not miss dosing. About 6 days ago was the day this happened, half a pot of coffee in the morning and 2-3 energy drinks spread out throughout the day. Barely drank any water and on the beach in the sun about 85 degrees. When I got back to my air bnb I had a delta 8 edible 100mg and took a few hits off a delta 8 vape and felt total fine.

The next morning my heart was out of rythm. A dangerous and uncommon thyroid related arrhythmia not atrial fibrillation I can’t remember the exact kind it was. I had no idea my resting rate was 180+ I couldn’t tell. I tried to tough it out for 2 days being stubborn thinking if I ate bananas and hydrated it would go back into rythm, it did not.

On the 3rd day I knew something was very wrong and my insurance is out of network there so I booked the first flight I could back. 11 hour flight landed Friday at midnight so essentially Saturday morning. Went straight into the er. After ecg and ekg and being hooked up to all this shit my resting heart rate was 196. They gave me a mega dose of amlopidine via IV drip and got it down to the 140s. I told them everything I was taking and what lead up to it and told them I discontinued the t3 roughly 4 days prior but my free t3 AND TSH were sky high and many times over the reference range. A team of cardiologist were trying to figure out how my TSH was so high and free t3 for the dose I was taking (only 50 mics)

Long story short after 2 days in the ICU they finally got my heart rate under 80, had to put me under to shock my heart back into rythm (cardiovert) I was released today around noon. I’m back in rythm and fine but my resting heart rate is slowly rising it’s about 120 now sitting down. I called the cardiologist and he said If it gets above 130 he will give me an energy script for propranolol but here’s what I’m getting at.

Thyroid meds are extremely dangerous and can quickly cause reformation of the heart. My lower chamber of my heart grew in 4 days, although not significantly just be very aware of what thyroid meds can do. Be careful with t3 without t4 as well. I’ll check back in later and let you guys know if I get back under 100. This post isn’t just a story but a warning, please reconsider t3 use it is not benign. I’ve used it many times in the past with no issues! But an event like this is a wake up call. Be careful I love you all ❤️❤️❤️
Dang I'm a caffeine freak too always have Now days I'm taking gear and getting older, most I'll take a day is 1 cup black coffee 1 scoop pre workout max. If I'm on a road trip or somthing I may have a bit more coffee or red bull aswell.

I wouldent be doing those runs with a pack untill u get that resting hr down. Thats asking for some type of cardiac episode.
Dang I'm a caffeine freak too always have Now days I'm taking gear and getting older, most I'll take a day is 1 cup black coffee 1 scoop pre workout max. If I'm on a road trip or somthing I may have a bit more coffee or red bull aswell.

I wouldent be doing those runs with a pack untill u get that resting hr down. Thats asking for some type of cardiac episode.
Aparantly it was considered “thyroid storm” that was exacerbated by dehydration and caffeine. Scary shit bro. I’m taking it easy for a bit
Aparantly it was considered “thyroid storm” that was exacerbated by dehydration and caffeine. Scary shit bro. I’m taking it easy for a bit
Oh crap, probably affected ur kidney's a bit temporarily most likley.

Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well an u bounce right back.
Thank god it didn't turned into a worse situation, hope you're good from now on and take notes from this scary experience. I'd shit my pants or probably die from anxiety if anything like that happened to me far from home.

I literally see no point of taking T3 if you're not short out of a contest prep when everything is on point and you paying attention to what is needed.
This might be a semi long read so bear with me. I was just in Hawaii on vacation and my protocol went out the window. No supplements and water intake went from 1.5 gallons daily to a few water bottles here and there, lots of coffee and some c4 energy drinks.

I was with my ex girlfriend and kids and the stress is always extremely high when she’s around. Constant petty name calling, saying I’m a bad dad for not wanting to be with her etc..

So here’s where the nightmare begins. I have been in 50mics of t3 for the last 6 weeks or so, I don’t take t4 with it and I was able to bring it on the plane as to not miss dosing. About 6 days ago was the day this happened, half a pot of coffee in the morning and 2-3 energy drinks spread out throughout the day. Barely drank any water and on the beach in the sun about 85 degrees. When I got back to my air bnb I had a delta 8 edible 100mg and took a few hits off a delta 8 vape and felt total fine.

The next morning my heart was out of rythm. A dangerous and uncommon thyroid related arrhythmia not atrial fibrillation I can’t remember the exact kind it was. I had no idea my resting rate was 180+ I couldn’t tell. I tried to tough it out for 2 days being stubborn thinking if I ate bananas and hydrated it would go back into rythm, it did not.

Trzeciego dnia wiedziałem, że coś jest bardzo nie tak, a moje ubezpieczenie jest tam poza siecią, więc zarezerwowałem pierwszy lot, jaki mogłem wrócić. 11-godzinny lot wylądował w piątek o północy, więc w zasadzie w sobotę rano. Poszedłem prosto na ostry dyżur. Po EKG, EKG i podłączeniu do tego całego gówna moje tętno spoczynkowe wynosiło 196. Dali mi mega dawkę amlopidyny przez kroplówkę dożylną i obniżyli ją do 140. Powiedziałem im wszystko, co brałem i co do tego doprowadziło i powiedziałem im, że odstawiłem t3 około 4 dni wcześniej, ale moje wolne t3 i TSH były niebotycznie wysokie i wiele razy powyżej zakresu referencyjnego. Zespół kardiologów próbował dowiedzieć się, w jaki sposób moje TSH było tak wysokie i wolne t3 dla dawki, którą przyjmowałem (tylko 50 mikronów)

Krótko mówiąc, po 2 dniach na OIOM-ie w końcu obniżyli moje tętno poniżej 80, musieli mnie podpisać, aby wstrząsnąć moim sercem z powrotem do rytmu (kardiowertyk) Zostałem wypisany dzisiaj około południa. Wróciłem do rytmu i dobrze, ale moje tętno spoczynkowe powoli rośnie, teraz jest około 120 w pozycji siedzącej. Zadzwoniłem do kardiologa, a on powiedział, że jeśli wzrośnie powyżej 130, da mi skrypt energetyczny dla propranololu, ale oto, do czego zmierzam.

Leki na tarczycę są niezwykle niebezpieczne i mogą szybko spowodować reformę serca. Moja dolna komora serca urosła w ciągu 4 dni, choć nie znacząco, po prostu jestem bardzo świadomy tego, co mogą zrobić leki na tarczycę. Uważaj również na t3 bez t4. Zamelduję się później i dam wam znać, jeśli wrócę poniżej 100. Ten post to nie tylko historia, ale ostrzeżenie, proszę ponownie rozważyć, czy użycie t3 nie jest łagodne. Używałem go wiele razy w przeszłości bez żadnych problemów! Ale takie wydarzenie jak to jest dzwonkiem alarmowym. Bądźcie ostrożni, kocham was wszystkich ❤️❤️❤️
Sorry for the late response guys. I’ve been super busy on another forum. Trying to be more active again on this one, it’s always been fun here.

Had an ekg done from behind my heart, they went In through my throat. No permanent damage, made a full recovery. The lower left chamber of my heart has returned to normal size, cardiologist said continue with life as normal. I was very open about anabolic use, although he said steroids aren’t recommended, the issue was caused by thyroid hormone abuse. I’ll never use it again, and I’m glad I got so lucky. Having a resting heart rate of 196 for 4 days can easily kill a person. On top of that getting on a plane for 11 hours I was told that he was shocked I didn’t form multiple blood clots.

On blood thinners another month, increased my nebivolol dose. At the end of the day I’m just glad to be alive, and hopefully this can help people see that maybe just diet harder and not fuck with the thyroid. Shit can go wrong. I’ll be back on my hrt log coming up soon.
What ever happened to the good old eca stack?

Even when I was incarcerated, preworkout i would drink down a aspirin with black coffee,minus the ephedra obviously and did noticed a difference.
What ever happened to the good old eca stack?

Even when I was incarcerated, preworkout i would drink down a aspirin with black coffee,minus the ephedra obviously and did noticed a difference.

The good old eca stack is definitely still around for people with access to ephedrine. I never cared much for the aspirin part.
I typically don’t go over 1500, didn’t know I had haters on here damn. How much do you think I run lol
You know you can always lie and say you run 150 test 100 primo right? However, someone will still call bs or tell you you’re just risking your health for nothing lol.