Astro Labs US Dom and Intl SRC

It only took you 3 hours to brew like 200 grams of product? Not to mention measure out and bottle? Must be some bad ass lab..
How long should it take?

The hard part is having three consecutive hours to brew when you have other shit going on. I'm busting my ass over here just to send replacments
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Your a bitch bro. Strait up. No respect. You bark on the net prob bark on the street too. But u never bite

I was compensated with $1500 of GH that has tested well half of which is pharma. Worry about yourself bitchmade no body making u buy astro gear

And let's get this strait. I asked for what was owed. That's it. He made right and I've said as much PERIOD
You make claims that he made you good... Have you tested the product? Especially after admitting to selling shit in a vial.How do you know he's not LE? Because you have had the package in your hands for 2 hours?

Stupid comments like yours are gonna get others fucked over. Pull your head out your ass.
The thing is it was Bioniches gear its not like I brewed it. Guys need to remember I didnt make Bioniche so if it was undersosed thats not my fault.

YOU sold it, you're at fault, PERIOD.

I find your little attempt to reestablish yourself at Meso to be both a joke and transparent. If you hadn't gotten banned from reddit, you wouldn't be here groveling right now. You would still be on reddit bashing Meso with comments like this:

AstroLabsSource: Verified by Bloodwork[S] 1 point 5 days ago

Go back to Meso with you gang of hate anyone who doesnt give you the reach around

It's time to face reality, Astro. You're done here. Your lies have finally caught up with you and your bag lickers are nowhere to be seen. There will be no happy ending for you on Meso. You will be pounded on relentlessly until you understand that fact and leave.

I remeber this Lab Naps Gear had some issues with shipping where thousands of people didnt get there gear. Guess where he is now because he fixed it?

I got news for you - you ain't Naps.
Not cool? He claims he forced his own mother to take her life. Then he chooses to dance on her grave. Either he is pure trash or he's full of more lies.

Are you fucking kidding me??? You best take that shit somewhere else. Believe me I know what astro has done. I probably know better then anyone, but you sir are out of fucking line with that shit. If he has bad gear address that but don't talk about his mother the way you are. NOT COOL
I don't agree with that poster said but Hotdog please watch it you are sounding like an endorsement be careful when this goes bad you might be looked at as one who helped. I like you and this is why I say this.

Your right. Dude just made me mad.

@hotdog23 all I am saying is he has made me right in the long is making it right acceptable?

He shouldn't have to 'make things right' at all....agreed. I like that he stands behind his name and product. I won't hide the fact that I think his recent actions belie some level of integrity(word choice?)... That said I haven't been on board through his slew of other issues..

Buy at your own risk. Just like any other UGL

At this time I can't say I will or won't use astro in the future. I have not expressly ruled that out. These are just my opinions not advice or encouragement to anyone but I WILL NEVER hide or change my opinions because it is contrary to the populace. So if you (not u volt) don't share my opinion. Fine.

That said I am out of this thread. Fair is fair. I have reported the facts of my replacements and that's all I really intended to do hear. Take that info in watever way you wish. Will catch ya'll elsewhere in Mesopotamia
id do the same for any bro here...I dont have a dog in this hunt but that kinda shit is off limits

No, it's not off limits. It's a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy.

Sources use those bullshit excuses all that time and I refuse to fall for it. Astro's been around long enough to have seen lowlife scamming sources throw out bullshit lies like having a sick child or a death in the family to excuse their scamming. He certainly knew no one would believe it except for a few sympathizers yet he did it anyway.

Any source that uses personal tragedy, illness, children, etc, as an excuse have no shame and they deserve what they get. Fuck them.
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I have about 6-7 replacr shipping tomorrow the rest should go over the weekend. I still have to brew Deca Test P and Tren A for replacements and make some orals.
CBS, I disagree completely...GLosood bad or indifferent about what a source does or does not do here, AND reguardless of what the reason is, our loved ones are OFF LIMITS
First off don't PM me. Second reread what I said over and over again until it sinks it. If you caused your mother to harm herself wouldn't you take the 7 figures you made off of dealing drugs and put it twoards a house, an education, maybe some philanthropy (maybe at least buy a banner on meso). Nope instead he uses it as an attempt at sympathy and continues his shitty ways with a grin on his face all while giving others infections with his piss in a vial. That is beyond sick. Wouldn't you at least mourn your loved ones death? Not this crook.

Just his attitude... "Naps fucked over many people and is now a millionaire. Why not me."
Not gonna argue the point anymore intensity, makes no difference if someone threw there mother off a bridge. Dont trample on a mothers grave dude....
I pmed your ass to maybe get you to stop the mom jokes. thats the ONLY reason...Dont know your ass dont want too
CBS, I disagree completely...GLosood bad or indifferent about what a source does or does not do here, AND reguardless of what the reason is, our loved ones are OFF LIMITS

Think about it, if your mother died, would you come on here and dishonor her memory just so you could continue selling illegal drugs? Of course you wouldn't. No decent person would. It's fucking pathetic and says volumes about Astro's character.


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